Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2138: Monkeys And Elves. (1 More)

In the royal city of the Fuqi Kingdom, in the royal palace.

The king sat on the main seat in the palace, lowering his eyes, listening to hundreds of officials below report on the affairs of various regions in the kingdom.

An earl said, "Your Majesty, the elves in the Forest of Secluded are restless, and the food in the surrounding villages has been stolen many times, which affects the stability of the kingdom."

The Forest of Serenity, located in the eastern region of the Foch Kingdom, is the place where elves live, so it is also called the forest of elves.

An official said: "Your Majesty, I think it's time to clean up those elves. They will only cause trouble and will not bring any benefits to the kingdom."

"Your Majesty, the elves are all aliens..."

The officials rushed to speak first, and their opinions were surprisingly unified. They all wanted to clean up the elves and flatten the secluded forest.

The king thought for a while with downcast eyes, and said indifferently: "Well, then the knight commander will lead the knight group "Nine Seven Three" to flatten the secluded forest."

"Yes." A cold light flashed in the knight commander's eyes, and he saluted the knight.

In the corner, stood a woman in a white robe. She had emerald green wavy long hair hanging down, and her green eyes were staring at the king on the throne, with a murderous intent flashing in her eyes.

The earl standing beside the woman asked concernedly: "Master Feiyi, you don't seem very pretty."

"It's just that I didn't sleep well last night, nothing happened." Fei Yi squeezed out an ugly smile.

"Archmage Fei Yi should pay attention to rest, the body is the most important thing." Earl said with concern.

Fei Yi lowered her eyes and nodded slightly: "Okay."

Resisting the urge to yawn, the king raised his eyes and asked, "Is there anything else?"

A count suddenly said: "Your Majesty, the Duke of Boli has not appeared for a long time."

"What has he been doing lately?" the king asked in a deep voice.

The earl said with a serious face: "Your Majesty, I have visited the home of the Duke of Boli. The Duchess said that he has been missing for nearly ten days and has not left a letter."

"Your Majesty, will something happen to the Duke of Boli?" the Marquis guessed.

The king looked at him coldly, and said indifferently: "Maybe he went out to play."

Another official said: "Your Majesty, to avoid accidents, let's send someone to investigate."

The king said casually: "Then it's up to you to investigate, and give me the specific results within three days."

......Yes. "The talking official seemed to have swallowed a fishbone, asking for trouble.

"Okay, let's leave if there is nothing to do." The king stood up, swung his sleeves and turned to leave.

"Yes." The officials and nobles responded, and the king of Taiwan turned around and dispersed one after another after leaving.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

With a cold face, Fei Yi walked out with the robe tightly wrapped around her body, ignoring the gazes of the people around her, and quickly left the palace, and got on the animal cart back to her residence.

Sitting in the beast cart was another girl, only 1.5 meters tall, with the same emerald green hair hanging down her calves, she looked very sleepy.


Fei Yi entered the carriage, closed the carriage door, and reached out to shake the half-asleep and half-awake girl.

"Sicily, wake up, something is wrong." Fei Yi lowered her voice.

"Ah, what's the matter?" Sicily yawned and looked at the woman sleepily.

Fei Yi said with a serious face: "Humans are going to attack the Youzhi Forest, we must go back immediately and pass the news back to the clan.

"Ah, why are you attacking us all of a sudden?" Sicily's beautiful eyes widened, and her whole body suddenly became energetic.

Fei Yi said coldly: "Today they were discussing matters and mentioned this matter, saying that the village chiefs outside the Youzhi Forest lost their food..."

Sicily shouted coldly: "Fart, we didn't steal those foods, they were made by monkey people.

The Monkey Clan is a branch of the Beastman Clan. They also live in the Forest of Seclusion and are not friendly with the Elf Clan.

The people of the monkey tribe are born lazy and live by robbing and stealing food. It is precisely because of this that the monkey tribe is also disliked by other orc tribes.

Fei Yi said with a cold face: "It's useless for us to know, those humans have already determined that we elves did this."

"We can explain it." Sicily said hastily.

Fei Yitou Road: "How to explain, tell them that it was made by the monkey clan?"

Sicily said innocently: "Yes, you still have status in front of human beings, and they will believe what you say."

A killing intent flashed in Fei Yi's eyes and said: "Sicily, don't be naive, this incident is just an excuse, an excuse to flatten the secluded forest, they are so disgusting."

She took off the white robe on her body, revealing what was inside.

There is a pair of transparent wings on the back of the girl, which are being fixed on the body by ropes, and covered by a white robe, so that humans cannot discover her identity as an elf...

In order to be able to get the human's movements at the first time, the elves chose Fei Yi to cover up her identity and enter the human land to live. After two years of strategizing, she successfully sat on the position of the archmage of the Forge Kingdom.

"Damn human, it's really disgusting." Sicily said angrily.

She is also an elf, who can cast escaping magic, and was sent by the elf queen to assist Fei Yi.

Fei Yi said coldly: "Go back and clean up, and immediately follow me back to the Forest of You, and report this matter to the queen.

"Okay." Sicily nodded vigorously.

Suddenly, the speed of the animal carriage slowed down, and there were noisy sounds from outside the carriage.

"What's wrong?" Sicily asked in confusion.

Fei Yi put on her white robe vigilantly before opening the window to look out.

The coachman said helplessly: "Lord Fei Yi, there are many people surrounding the front, and the beast cart can't get through."

"In front, I remember it's a perfume shop." Sicily leaned out of the car window.

Fei Yi frowned, and covered Sicily's head so that the elf ears hidden in her hair would not come out of the bed.

Sicily shook his head and explained: "It's okay, I wrapped my hair around my ears a few times, so it couldn't show."

"That's good." Fei Yi heaved a sigh of relief.

She thought about it, and now that she hastily went back, it might attract the attention of some caring people, after all, the relationship between herself and the Duke of Boli was not good.

Now that the Duke of Boli is missing on 1.8, some people will think of him, so why not stay outside for a while to divert the attention of those who are interested, and then take the opportunity to leave secretly.

Thinking of this, Fei Yi decided: "Let's go down and have a look."

"Hey, don't you want to go back soon?" Sicily was stunned.

"Don't ask so many questions." Fei Yi said coldly.

"Oh." Sicily pouted, got up and straightened her hair, and followed Yi out of Zeng's car.

Fei Yi turned her head to the coachman and said, "Go back first, don't wait for us."

"Yes, Lord Fei Yi." The coachman responded, turned the direction of the beast cart, and left by another street.

"Let's go, go and see what happened." Fei Yi tightened her robe and walked towards the crowded crowd.

ps: [1 update]: The second update of the positive code. .

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