Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2139: Did You Deliberately Provoke Trouble? (2 More)

Sicily tightened his robe and whispered: "Why are there so many people, don't squeeze my wings out.

"Keep your voice down, don't mention the characteristics of elves outside." Fei Yi said with a serious face.

"Oh, I see." Sicily replied in a low voice.

The two pushed through the crowd and walked in, and saw what was in the center of the crowd.

Those are two perfume shops, opened together, anyone with a discerning eye can see that they are competing with each other.

Sicily said in surprise: "Hey, isn't there only one perfume shop? When will another one open?"

Fei Yi looked at the name of the new perfume shop, and said softly: "Xuanwu Perfume Shop, the name is a little familiar..."

"This new perfume shop is opened by people from the Xuanwu Kingdom." The spectators beside him explained enthusiastically.

Sicily's beautiful eyes lit up when she heard the words, and she asked gossipingly, "Hey, why did the Xuanwu Kingdom come here to open a perfume shop? Is it specifically for another perfume shop?"

The woman embraced her body with both hands, and said the news she knew: "This can't be said to be aimed at, it is the perfume of the Xuanwu Kingdom imitated, and dare to name it even better than the perfume of the Xuanwu Kingdom..."

Fei Yi curled her lips and said, "Then this Fuqi perfume shop is disgusting."

"So it's like this. Their perfume is indeed not expensive, but the smell is too fragrant." Sicily said suddenly.

She tilted her head and continued: "As for whether it is better than Xuanwu Kingdom's perfume, I don't know."

The woman strongly recommended: "Then you have to go in and have a look. Xuanwu Kingdom's perfume is really good, the smell is not pungent, and it smells more noble."

"Hearing what you said, I'm a little interested." Sicily's beautiful eyes lit up.

Fei Yi thought of something, her expression became thoughtful, and she raised her eyes to look at the Xuanwu Perfume Store. The decoration of the facade is made of glazed splicing, and the gilded store name is particularly eye-catching.

Not only the store name, but the whole perfume store looks more advanced and attractive than the perfume store next to it.

At this time, at the entrance of Fuqi perfume shop, the owner was with his hands on his hips, glaring at the staff of Xuanwu perfume shop.

Two days ago, the Xuanwu Perfume store started to be renovated, and the store name signboard had not yet been hung at that time.

She thought it was a shop selling clothes, but she didn't expect it to open today, and only then did she know that it was a 'peer' who sold perfume, and she was a 'peer' from the Xuanwu Kingdom.

"Why are you staring at me like this?" Pei'er asked innocently.

She used to be a staff member of the Treasure Building, but because she was good at dealing with difficult customers, she was sent by the fox fairy to help in Fuqi King City.

The manager of Fuqi's perfume shop sternly said: "You opened the perfume shop here to provoke trouble on purpose."

Pei'er rolled her eyes and said, "How can it be said that it's a deliberate provocation. The shop is mine. I can open any shop I want. What does it have to do with you?"

The manager of Fuqi's perfume shop said angrily: "You can open any store, but you can't open a perfume store. This is deliberately grabbing business."

Pei'er tilted her head and thought about it, then said innocently: "You can open any kind of shop? Then I'll change it now and open a manure water treatment shop, how about it?"

"How dare you!" The owner of Fuqi's perfume shop turned pale.

"What are you afraid of?" Pei'er put her arms around her body.

She glanced at the woman, and wrote lightly: "You are afraid that our Xuanwu Kingdom's perfume is better than yours, which really steals your business, right?

"Impossible, our perfume is better than your Xuanwu Kingdom's." The woman in the perfume shop shouted with a dark face.

"Yes, then why don't you let me open a perfume shop?" Pei'er rolled her eyes again.

"You sell perfume as long as you sell perfume, and you have to involve our Xuanwu Kingdom, and dare to say that it is better than our Xuanwu Kingdom's perfume.

She exposed it mercilessly: "Even the perfume bottles are the same, don't think us adults don't know what you want to do."

A trace of panic flashed across the face of the woman in the perfume shop, but she hurriedly calmed down and argued, "It's just a coincidence."

"I don't care if it's a coincidence. In short, everyone depends on their strengths. Whose perfume is better, everyone will give you the answer." Per rolled his eyes, turned and returned to the store.

The woman in the perfume shop turned red with anger, and there were a lot of people watching, so she could only be angry, and she couldn't really do anything, at least not on the surface.

She turned around angrily and went back to the store, and after a while put up a discount notice, obviously wanting to compare prices with Xuanwu Perfume Store.

It's just that she did it and pissed off the customers who bought their perfume.

"The price has been reduced so quickly, I just bought it yesterday, and I haven't used it even once." The noble woman said angrily.

Another aristocratic woman scolded angrily: "I also bought it yesterday, and I also bought ten bottles. I can't reduce the price today."

"Yes, return"

The nobles made a fuss, which made the owner of Foch's perfume shop panic. He quickly brought someone out to appease him, and refunded the difference in pain, so that these angry nobles could calm down.

She didn't dare to offend these noble women, they were all powerful, and if they were not careful, their perfume shop would close down.

The ladies enthusiastically said: "Forget it, I won't be going to this perfume shop in the future, go to Xuanwu Perfume Shop to have a look.

"That's right, it's disgusting to lower the price as soon as you buy it." Other nobles echoed.

"I heard that the perfume of the Xuanwu Kingdom is the best. It lasts longer and smells better."

"Let's go, let's go in and have a look."

Under the instigation of people with good intentions, most of the nobles present entered the Xuanwu Water Replacement Shop.

Sicily 087 and Fei Yi also entered the Xuanwu Perfume Shop, seeing the exquisite perfumes on the counter, they couldn't take their eyes off immediately.

"It smells so good." Sicily said in surprise.

"Well, there is a fragrance of the forest." Fei Yi nodded in agreement.

Sicily blinked her beautiful eyes and looked at Shimai longingly: "Shall we buy a bottle too?"

"Whatever, we'll leave after shopping." Fei Yi nodded.

She didn't have the heart to visit the perfume shop here, and she was thinking about the Youzhi Forest.

"Okay." Sicily's beautiful eyes sparkled, and she began to choose her favorite perfume.

The aristocrats stopped in front of the counter, tried various fragrances, and found that they liked every fragrance, and even wanted to smell it every day.

The aristocratic woman said in surprise: "This smell is too good. It is fragrant but not greasy. It smells much better than the perfume shop next door."

"I like this taste, and I also like this taste, what should I do, it's so hard to choose~~~"

"Forget it, buy a bottle of each flavor and go home, and spray one kind a day."

With a wave of his hand, the rich aristocrat asked the staff to pack all kinds of perfumes.

Meanwhile, Sicily and Fay have quietly left, this time unnoticed.


ps: [2 more]: Please customize. .

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