Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2141: The True Background Of The Major Kingdoms. (1 More)

Haiting Kingdom, inside the palace of Salon City.

King Haiting was talking to Bai Shuang, he shook his head slowly with helplessness on his face.

Bai Shuang bit her lower lip and asked puzzledly: "Father, why don't you let me go to Xuanwu Kingdom?"

She wants to go to the Xuanwu Kingdom, and wants to ask about the Xu Clan. There are many details that she didn't ask clearly last time, so she wants to ask in person this time.

King Haiting said in a deep voice: "You can't marry Mu Liang, and keep running to him, it will lose your status as a princess."

"Father, what are you talking about?" Bai Shuang widened her beautiful eyes and grabbed King Haiting's beard.

"Hey, it hurts." King Haiting yelled loudly.

Bai Shuang said unhappily: "Father, I didn't go to the Xuanwu Kingdom to talk about love."

King Haiting wanted to say something, but the knight's respectful silence sounded outside the main hall.

"His Royal Highness." The knight gave a knightly salute.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

Meite walked into the main hall quickly, looked at his father who was sitting on the main seat, and said in a deep voice: "Father, the resonance insect placed here by the Xuanwu Kingdom has sounded."

Bai Shuang let go of her father's beard, her purple-gold eyes lit up, and she hurriedly said, "Get on the phone quickly." 167

Mette looked at her father with a questioning look in her eyes.

"Go ahead." King Haiting waved his hand.

After hearing the words, Mette reached out to touch the resonator in his arms, making its wings vibrate, and the frequency gradually stabilized.

A cold female voice sounded: "This is the highland palace of the Xuanwu Kingdom, and I am Qinlan."

"Miss Qinlan!" Bai Shuang quickly responded.

The coldness in Yue Qinlan's words became less, and she asked aloud, "Bai Shuang, is your father there?"

Bai Shuang looked sideways at her father and said, "Father, talk."

"Your Excellency, just talk about it." King Haiting said in a deep voice.

Ever since he knew that his ancestors were sinners from another continent, he became much more silent.

Yue Qinlan said coldly: "King Haiting, I have something to tell you."

"I'm listening." Hai Tinguo Wang Ping spoke in harmony.

Yue Qinlan said in a calm tone: "Two days ago, our Majesty discovered that there was a change in the salt water area, and went to check. "It was found that the Void Ghost King has opened up the underground of Mi Xun Sea..."

"What do you mean?" Bai Shuang and Mette were taken aback at the same time.

Yue Qinlan said bluntly: "The subterranean area of ​​the Misty Sea has been penetrated by the Ghost King, and people from the Xu Clan have already crossed the Misty Sea. Mu Liang guessed that they are going to the land."

"What!" Bai Shuang and Mate exclaimed at the same time.

"The people of the Xu clan went to the New World with only one purpose, which is to be holy and devour human beings." Yue Qinlan continued.

"This is terrible." Bai Shuang said in horror.

"Why so suddenly?" King Haiting's pupils constricted, and he couldn't sit still.

"The virtual ghost kings are all twelfth-level strengths, which are equivalent to the holy-level powerhouses on your side."

Yue Qinlan said coldly: "There are a total of twelve Void Ghost Kings, Mu Liang has already dealt with five of them, and seven of them have crossed the misty sea. You should be very clear about what this means.

King Haiting's voice trembled, his pupils contracted and he said: "Seven ghost kings with the strength of the holy rank are enough to crush many kingdoms.

"Besides, there are quite a few high-level virtual ghosts. There are quite a few ninth-level, king-level, and supreme-level ghosts."

Yue Qinlan said in a cold tone: "I told you this to make you prepare for the battle.

"How do you fight this?" Mette's tone trembled, making people hear the fear in his heart.

Bai Shuang's face turned pale, and she murmured: "It's over, it's really over now."

Mette said in a hoarse voice: "The predecessors sinned, and the future suffers..."

Yue Qinlan was silent for a while, then continued: "We have a plan, unite the kingdoms of the New World, and stop the people of the Xu Clan in the coastal area."

"Can uniting the kingdoms resist the Xu Clan's attack?" Ri Shuang asked.

Yueqin's blue eyes flickered, and he said: "It depends on whether you have a strong man with holy rank, if not, Haiting Kingdom may be in danger.

"A strong man with holy rank...?" King Haiting's eyes flickered, as if he had thought of something.

"Yes?" Yue Qinlan asked again.

King Haiting fell silent, and finally did not answer Xinlan's question.

Yue Qinlan didn't ask, but said coldly: "I've already told you, it's up to you to decide whether or not to join forces to deal with the Xu Clan.

"I will think about it." King Haiting said in a deep voice.

"Okay." Yue Qinlan replied, and then interrupted the call neatly.

The main hall became quiet.

Bai Shuang and Mette's faces were pale, and they looked at their father in the main seat at the same time.

Mette said solemnly: "Father, if the major kingdoms unite, the odds of winning against the Xu clan will be even greater.

"I know." King Haiting said hoarsely.

Bai Shuang asked in confusion: "Then why didn't father agree to Sister Qinlan just now?"

"There are too many interests involved, and we need to think about it carefully." King Haiting said in a deep voice.

"What benefits does this have?" Bai Shuang was even more puzzled.

King Haiting looked at his daughter and sighed, "You are just too simple."

Bai Shuang asked: "Father, tell me what interests are there?"

King Haiting patiently explained: "Bai Shuang, the holy rank powerhouse is the foundation of a kingdom, if we use the holy rank powerhouse, but other kingdoms do not, then after this matter is over, Haiting Kingdom It's going to be weak."

Bai Shuang was dissatisfied and said: "Father, the Xu people have crossed the misty sea, and they will soon attack the major kingdoms. If they can't survive, does it matter whether they are weak or strong?"

The girl's words made King Haiting ponder, and he had to admit that what his daughter said was also reasonable.

Meite asked in astonishment: "Father [we Haijiang Yuguo have holy rank powerhouses?"

"Yes." King Haiting nodded.

"Who is it?" Mate hurriedly asked excitedly.

"It's your grandfather." King Haiting said calmly.

Bai Shuang's beautiful eyes widened, and she asked, "Hey, grandpa is still alive?"

"Grandfather is a powerful man of the holy rank. Fifty years ago, his lifespan was about to end. In order to leave a heritage for Haiting Kingdom, he took a special potion and fell into a deep sleep.

King Haiting sighed: "The price is that you can only wake up once in the future, and you can only live for five days after waking up, and then you will die completely."

"I can only live for five days..." Mette and Bai Shuang both exclaimed.

Bai Shuang stretched out her hand to cover her mouth, she didn't expect that Haiting Kingdom would really have a holy rank powerhouse, let alone such a short-lived one.

"That's why I hesitated." King Haiting said and rubbed his temples.

Bai Shuang looked resolute and said: "Father, survival is the most important thing."

"I understand." King Haiting's eyes flashed, and he had a choice in his heart.

ps: [1 update]: The second update of the positive code. .

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