Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2142: The Bullying Has Reached The Doorstep. (2 More)

Outside the royal city of the Fuqi Kingdom, in the mountains full of green plants, a weedy land suddenly raised a bump.


The soil bag was broken open, and two figures wrapped in green light broke through the ground.

"Finally came out, exhausted." Sicily waved away the green light, revealing Fei Yi and her body.

Sicily knows earth magic, and took Feiyi from the underground to the King City of Fuqi without being discovered.

"Take a break and continue on your way." Fei Yi found a rock and sat down.

"Yeah. Sicily sat beside Fai, grinning and yawning.


The next moment, the girl's stomach growled a few times.

"I'm hungry." Sicily said bitterly with a wrinkled face.

Fei Yi heard the words and looked around, her beautiful eyes suddenly lit up, she got up and walked like a big tree.

"Ah, eating fruit again." Sicily frowned.

Fei Yi glanced back at the girl, and said crisply: "It's good to have something to eat, otherwise, what else do you want to eat?"

Sicily puffed up her mouth: "Okay."

Fei Yi turned her head, put her hand on the tree, and then slowly closed her beautiful eyes.

The girl whispered in her mouth, a green light appeared from the palm of her hand, quickly covering the whole big tree.

After a few minutes, the green light converged to the branches, and after half an hour, flowers and red fruits bloomed.

This is life magic, and it is also the magic that most elves know. There are still few special cases like Sicily.

Fei Yi jumped up, picked a few fruits from the tree, and took a bite to taste the taste.

"It's a little sour, just eat it." She frowned slightly, and handed the rest of the fruit to Sicily.

She casts life magic to let the fruit tree bear fruit in advance, and at the same time feed back part of the magic power to the fruit tree. This is a process of exchange.

Sicily was not polite, took the fruit and bit it, sweat dripping from the corner of his mouth.

She ate and said disgustedly: "It's too sour."

"Then don't eat it." Fei Yi glanced at her.

"That won't work, I'm hungry." Sicily shook her head quickly.

Fei Yi lowered her eyes, eating fruit to fill her hungry stomach.

The two rested for half an hour, rested and prepared to continue on their way.

"Fei Yi, are you flying back?" Sicily asked.

"Well, hurry up." Fei Yi nodded.

She took off the robe on her body, untied the rope that fixed the wings, and let the wings stretch out again.

"It's been a long time since I flew." Fei Yi moved her shoulders, and the wings on her back vibrated.

She flapped her wings quickly, and her body jumped into the sky.

Sicily fluttered her wings to keep up. All the elves living in the secluded forest have wings, even the awakened earth elves also have wings.

The two of them flew at low altitude and headed towards Lin Fei, the Forest of You.

Sicily asked curiously: "Fei Yi, will you go back to be a great magician?"

"Not yet decided, wait for the Queen to make a decision." Fei Yi said coldly.

"Oh," Sicily nodded.

"Speed ​​up and go back before the knights reach the forest of seclusion." Fei Yi said seriously.

Sicilian clenched his fist and waved: "We don't have to be afraid of the Knights, the Forest of Darkness is our territory, and they are courting death when they enter the forest."

A cold light flashed across Fei Yi's beautiful eyes, and she said coldly: "You underestimated the kingdom of Fuqi, they have the ability to deal with the powerhouses of the holy rank, otherwise such a kingdom would have perished long ago.

"Hey, the queen is not their opponent either!" Sicily widened her beautiful eyes.

The elf queen of the Nether Forest is a supreme powerhouse, and she is only one step away from breaking through the holy rank.

Fei Yi thought of something, and said: "The only one that can deal with the Fuqi royal family is the Xuanwu Kingdom.

"Xuanwu Kingdom, the kingdom built in the misty sea." Sicily said crisply.

Fei Yi nodded and said, "Well, it's a very mysterious kingdom."

Sicily's eyes showed yearning: "I heard that all races can live in peace there."

Fei Yi's eyes flickered: "Maybe it's true."

Sicily suddenly said: "It would be great if the Forest of You was in the Xuanwu Kingdom, and there wouldn't be so many troubles."

"Where there are humans, there will be troubles. The so-called peaceful coexistence may be just an appearance." Fei Yi said with downcast eyes.

"No way, orcs can live in the Xuanwu Kingdom." Sicily tilted his head and said.

"You know?" Fei Yi glanced at the girl.

Sicily Jiaohan said: "Of course I know, Noni told me that her big brother lives in the Xuanwu Kingdom, and she will go to the Xuanwu Kingdom next month."

...... ask for flowers)......

Nori, a businessman living in the city of Fuqi, is a half-orc with rabbit ears. She usually wears a hat when she goes out to hide her identity as a half-orc.

When Sicily lived in Fuqi Wangcheng, she would go to Noli to play when she was bored, and the two were close friends.

"So that's how it is..." Fei Yi's eyes flickered, and she had some thoughts in her heart.

Sicily continued: "Nori also said that in the Xuanwu Kingdom, you can't fight, otherwise you will be arrested and fined."

"Sounds like a very good rule." Fei Yi thought about it.

"I just don't know if there are elves in Xuanwu Kingdom." Sicily yawned.

Fei Yi turned her head and asked, "Do you want to go to Xuanwu Kingdom?"

"I want to go and see. It's in the Misty Sea. I heard that there are many delicious and interesting things." Sicily's eyes showed longing.


She looked at Fei Yi and asked, "Don't you want to go?"

"If there is a chance, I would like to take a look." Fei Yi said indifferently.

"Then when this matter is resolved, let's go together, we can still have company, but if you go back to Wangcheng to work, then just pretend I didn't say anything. Sicily was talking.

A smile flashed in Fei Yi's eyes: "I go back to work, you can't run away, you have to follow."

"That's right, the queen asked me to assist you, but I can't escape." Sicily pouted.

Fei Yi sighed helplessly: "Why are you talking about this? Let's get through this difficulty first. If the Knights really attack the Forest of You, with the Queen's character, they may not be able to fight."

"That's right, the Queen doesn't like war, and she avoids it whenever she can. Although I don't like war either, human beings are being bullied to the door." Sicily pouted.

The elf queen of the forest is peace-loving, neither war nor killing.

Fei Yi said lightly: "The queen is a spirit of life, all deaths will make her sad, there is no way.

The elf queen is very special, she possesses life magic and can empathize with all life forms.

"Yes." Sicily sighed.

"Okay, speed up, stop chatting." Fei Yi looked forward and flapped her wings vigorously again.


Sicily followed quickly, turning his head to look behind him from time to time, to beware of someone following him.

ps: [2 more]: Xi Ba. .

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