Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2143: That's Stupid Behavior. (1 More)

"It's really hard enough." Mu Liang sighed, opened the door and left the studio.

He originally wanted to make a magic tool that could find virtual ghosts, but after working all day, he found that making such a magic tool was far more difficult than he imagined.

"Your Majesty, are you done with your work?" Buff walked into the palace with the star fruit he had just picked, and saluted quickly when he saw Mu Liang coming out of the studio.

"Let's not be busy now."

Mu Liang shook his head, and asked in a gentle voice, "What are you doing?"

Buff explained: "Miss Mino said to make preserved fruit, so let me pick some fresh star fruit.

"Using star fruit to make preserved fruit, I have never tried it before." Mu Liang frowned slightly.

Buffy said naively: "Yeah, that's why Miss Mino wanted to try it. If it can be made into candied fruit, it should be sold at a high price."

"Well, let her try it." I nodded calmly.

"180" "Your Majesty has been busy all day, do you want something to eat?" Buff asked in a crisp voice, tilting his head.

"Don't eat." Mu Liang shook his head, and was about to go back to the study.

Buff thought of something, and reminded: "Your Majesty, the movie is released."

Mu Liang paused, and said softly, "I'll take a look later."

Buff thoughtfully said: "Then I will prepare some pastries and tea, Your Majesty will watch while eating."

"Alright." Mu Liang raised his lips, raised his hand to rub the little maid's head, turned around and walked back to the study.

Buff blushed slightly, touched her head with one hand, and whispered: "You don't need to wash your hair tonight."

Mu Liang went back to the study, turned on the TV casually, and I went to watch the movie the little maid said from the beginning.

When Liyue came to the study, Mu Liang was watching the movie engrossed.

"Sit down and watch the meeting together." Mu Liang patted the seat beside him.

"Okay." Li Yue sat down sideways, staring at the TV with her beautiful silver eyes.

The movie is going to a wonderful place, Xu Huang leads all the ghost kings to destroy the mainland, and the ghosts appear overwhelmingly, destroying the city and nature.

All the trees and green plants withered and died, the mountains and rivers collapsed and the rivers stopped flowing, the sky was covered by endless dark clouds, and the sun no longer fell on the land.


Acid rain began to fall in the sky, and lightning flashed across the sky, as if the end was coming.

In fact, for human beings, this is indeed the end of the world.

In the movie, human beings flee in a hurry, but what awaits them is fear and despair, which is also the main theme of this movie.

"It's so good, I can feel the despair." Li Yue said in a low tone.

Mu Liang nodded slowly, agreeing: "Yes, Qin Yi is very suitable for making this kind of movie."

Yue Qinyi has been investigating the reasons for the changes in the Old Continent for so many years, and has her own opinions on the filming of this movie. In addition, the script written by Mu Liang makes the effect of this movie so good.

Li Yue said softly: "I don't know how those people in the New World will feel after watching it."

"Probably think this is fake." Mu Liang shrugged.

"That's a very stupid behavior." Li Yue pouted.

"Who says it's not?" Mu Liang's eyes flickered.

He looked at the TV, and the movie had come to an end.

In the TV screen, there are surviving human beings boarding a big boat to go deep into the salt water area. They crossed the foggy sea to the New World, where they settled down.

At the end of the movie, there is a real picture of the blood-deficiency ghost tide, and the scene of a group of ghosts attacking Xuanwu City adds a sense of reality to the movie.

"The Xu Clan has already crossed the sea of ​​mist. Humans living in the New World, please be prepared for all battles. All of this happened for real."

The voice of the narration sounded, and the movie ended completely.

Mu Liang turned off the TV, and he acted as a "bell ringer" once, sounding the alarm for the humans in the New World.

He looked at the silver-haired girl, and asked softly: "Is there any news about the Xu clan?"

"Not yet, those virtual ghosts seem to have disappeared." Li Yue shook her head.

After Xu Gui crossed the sea of ​​mist, he disappeared into the vast sea. Four days have passed, and no news of Xu Gui's appearance has been received yet.

Mu Liang said in a deep voice, "I didn't find the shadow clone I sent out either."

It was precisely because he couldn't find the ghost king that he wanted to make a magic tool that could find the ghost, but there was no progress.

Li Yue sighed: "The enemy in the dark is the most troublesome."

Mu Liang nodded approvingly, as the saying goes, it is easy to hide an open spear but hard to defend against a hidden arrow.

His eyes flickered, and he said softly: "The old continent is not peaceful, and the number of virtual ghosts is increasing.

In the past few days, the virtual ghosts in the Old Continent have been very active, almost catching up with the scale of the last wave of virtual ghosts, and the pressure on several major transit bases is a bit high...

A cold light flashed across Li Yue's beautiful eyes, and she said coldly: "There are too many virtual ghosts, they can't be killed like this."

Mu Liang's eyes flickered slightly, and he said in a deep voice: "The best way is to get rid of Roy and the remaining virtual ghost kings, let the virtual ghost group lose their king, and then wipe out the remaining virtual ghosts.

"It would be great if we could find the place where Roy is sleeping, and deal with him before he wakes up." Li Yue nodded.

"The idea is very good." Mu Liang smiled wryly.

Li Yue pursed her lips, unable to be as optimistic as Mu Liang, her dislike of ghosts was from beginning to end.

Hurrying footsteps came from outside the study, Mu Liang frowned and looked towards the door.

"Knock knock knock~~~"

There was a knock on the study door, and a voice rang out: "Mu Liang.

"Come in." Mu Liang responded.

Alina quickly pushed the door open and entered, and said anxiously: "Mu Liang, ghosts have appeared in the New World."

Mu Liang's deep eyes lit up: "Where is it?"

Elena took a deep breath, and said word by word: "Haijiang Kingdom."

Liyue asked: "Haiting Kingdom, Salon City?"

Elena shook her head and said, "No, it's another small coastal town called Wushan City, where our people are stationed."

"Wushan City has a permanent population of around 60,000." Li Yue frowned.

Elena said solemnly: "Mmm, the virtual ghosts attacking Wushan City are of the eighth rank, and there are twelve around the 2.0 of the Tian rank.

"Is there an eighth-level powerhouse in Wushan City?" Mu Liang asked in a deep voice.

Alina gritted her teeth and said, "No, the casualties were heavy, almost massacring the city."

"The battle is over?" Li Yue widened her beautiful silver eyes.

Alina sighed: "Well, Wushan City is too remote, no one can go there to rescue.

"What are the cities around Wushan City?" Mu Liang asked suddenly.

After thinking for a while, Elina replied: "Yuruan City, Xiaoting City, and Dading City all have a permanent population of around 150,000.

Mu Liang ordered in a deep voice: "Notify these three cities and prepare for evacuation."

"Okay, I'll make arrangements." Alina responded, turned around and left the study quickly.

"Where's Qinlan?" Mu Liang asked out loud.


ps: [1 update]: The second update of the positive code. .

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