"Fei Yi, we are about to reach the Forest of Seclusion."

In the air, Sicily looked at the mountains in the distance, and the secluded forest was behind the mountains.

"Are you tired, do you need a rest?" Fei Yi asked with her head turned sideways.

Sicily shook his head and said, "No need, we're going to the Forest of You, and we'll rest when we get there.

"Well, then hold on a little longer." Fei Yi nodded, and couldn't help speeding up.

Sicily said quickly: "Fei Yi, be careful, what if the knights arrive first?"

Fei Yi said coldly: "Impossible, we flew here, we haven't rested much on the way, at least we arrived one day earlier than the Knights.

Sicily muttered: "That's what I said, what if the members of the Knights have a special way to travel?"

"No." Fei Yi said firmly.

She has lived in Forge King City for two years, and has mastered all the information about the Knights, including the family background of each knight, and knows the true strength of the Knights.

"Okay." Sicily pouted.

"Keep going." Fei Yi glanced at the girl, and flew forward quickly with wings flapping.

"Understood, old woman." Sicily muttered, and quickly chased after her.

Fei Yi's forward movement paused, then she turned her head and squinted her beautiful eyes to look at the girl, and asked in a bad tone: "What did you call me just now?"

Sicily shook his spirits, and said angrily, "I didn't say anything."

"I'm not a few years older than you, and you call me an old woman, do you want to die?" Fei Yi gritted her silver teeth and stared at the girl with an unkind expression.

"I was wrong." Sicily subconsciously stretched out his hands to cover his head.

Fei Yi took a deep breath, and said in a flat tone: "When I get back, I will talk to your mother about it."

"Ah, don't, she will smash my ass." Sicily exclaimed, with a look of horror on his face.

She has always been afraid of her mother, especially her mother who wants her to be polite and respectful to the elders.

"It's not negotiable." Fei Yi snorted coldly, ignored the girl's pleading, and flew towards the distant mountains.

Sicily chased after him, saying good things over and over again.

The two flew over the mountains noisily, and saw an endless jungle, which was the Youzhi Forest.

The Youzhi Forest is huge, and there is mist between the trees, so looking down from the air, you can't see the details of the forest.

"Go down~"." Fei Yi dropped a sentence, flapping her wings and falling towards the forest of seclusion.

"Don't tell my mother~~~" Sicily hurried to catch up.

Fei Yi ignored her, and plunged into the mist together, avoiding the intricate branches, and landed on the ground full of dead leaves and weeds.

She stepped forward on the dead leaves, and the girl behind her also fell down, trotting a few steps to follow beside Fei Yi.

The two walked along the gap between the trees, and soon came to two big trees.

Those are two big trees with a height of 100 meters. The trunks of the trees cannot be hugged by ten people. The two trees look very similar, like twins.

"Here we are." Fei Yi heaved a sigh of relief, looked behind her, and made sure that there was no one following her.

"No one." Sicily said crisply.

"Well, let's go in." Yi said out loud.

The two looked at each other, put their hands in special poses, and chanted spells in their mouths.

The two big trees lit up with green light, and a green energy light curtain was formed between the two big trees, which vented down from a high place like water.

The two looked at each other again, stepped into the light curtain, and disappeared.


After a few breaths, the light curtain also restrained itself into the tree body.

Sicily felt a blur in front of her eyes, and Fei Yi's voice sounded in her ears.

"We're back." Fei Yi had already opened her eyes, and there were still big trees in front of her. There were wooden houses built on the trees, where the elves lived.

The elves of the Nether Forest live in a secret realm, and the two big trees are the entrance to the secret realm. It is rumored that the first generation of elf queens built the secret realm to protect the elves from being bullied by other races.

The secret realm involves space magic and life magic, and specific spells and magic gestures are required to enter and exit, otherwise it is impossible to enter and exit.

Many elves have been out of the secret realm all their lives. They were born to be told that the outside world is dangerous, and only in the secret realm is the safest.

Except for the elves, almost no outsiders know the existence of the elves' secret realm.

Sicily grinned: "I haven't been back for a long time, and I feel a little strange."

"Fei, Sicily is back." The elves came out of the wooden house.

The elf guards on duty also surrounded them. They wore clothes made of leaves and bark, held spears in their hands, and all had iconic elf ears and wings.

"Why did you come back suddenly?" Some elves asked suspiciously.

"Did something happen?"

"Welcome back~~~"

The elves around are very noisy, you talk to each other.

"Okay, be quiet." A majestic female voice sounded, and a strong woman pushed through the crowd and came in front of the two.

Sicily swallowed her saliva, looked at the woman in front of her and said, "~Mom, I'm back."

Xining looked at his daughter, raised his eyebrows and said, "It looks like you're doing well, your face is fat."

Sicily whispered: "Mother, how can I be fat..."

Fei Yi said respectfully: Your Excellency. "

"Well, come back suddenly, what happened?" Xining asked kindly.

Sicily puffed up her mouth and muttered softly: "You are so fierce to me, but you are so gentle to Fei Yi.

"You have to talk to the Queen about this matter." Fei Yi's expression became serious.

Xining became serious when he heard the words, nodded and said: "Come with me, I will take you to see the Queen." 11

"Okay." Sicily and Fei Yi agreed, and followed Xining to the depths of the secret realm.

The elf secret realm is not big, only the size of a small human city, and there are more than 5,000 elves living here.

The Elven Queen lives deep in the secret realm, and she rarely leaves the secret realm.

"Is the outside world fun?" Xining asked sideways.

"It's fun." Sicily said delicately.

Xining glanced at the woman (赵)er: "I didn't ask you, you will find it funny wherever you are.

"Hmph, no way. Sicily blushed slightly and retorted in a low voice.

Fei Yi shook her head and said: "It's not fun, and the food is not delicious.

Xining sighed: "It's really hard for you, you have survived for two years in the human world."

Fei Yi said softly: "It's not hard work, it's all for the ethnic group."

"Very good, having this awareness is much better than my daughter." Xining said seriously.

Sicily yelled in dissatisfaction: "What, it's about me again, obviously I'm also very hard-working."

"Well, Sicily is also working hard." Fei Yi nodded in agreement.

Sicily widened her beautiful eyes, but she didn't expect Fei Yi to speak for her.

"Okay, I know you have worked hard, don't shout loudly, it will disturb the queen's purity." Xining said in a bad mood.

"Oh. Sicily pursed her lips.

ps: [3 more]: Please customize. .

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