Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2146: An Elf Queen In Prison. (1 More)

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

Sicily and Feiyi followed Xining to the depths of the secret realm, where there was a 50-meter tall tree, which was as thick as the two trees at the entrance of the secret realm.

The leaves of the big tree are prismatic, and there is a tree hole in the tree, which is the place where the elf queen lives.

Elves love nature and greenery, and so do the places they live.

Xining stopped, turned his head and said: "You guys wait outside, I'll ask for instructions.

"Okay." Sicily and Fei Yi agreed.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

Xining stepped on the stairs made of intertwined tree vines, came to the hole in the tree, and gently pushed aside the falling vines to enter the tree hole.

"My Lady Queen?" she called softly.

"Well, what's the matter?" A gentle female voice came from the depths of the tree hole.

Xining respectfully said: "My Lady Queen, Fei Yi and Sicily are back."

"Come back for what?" The Elven Queen's voice sounded again.

Xining lowered his head slightly and said: "My Lady Queen, let them speak for themselves.

"Hmm." The Elf Queen said calmly.

Fluorescence slowly lit up in the depths of the tree hole, as if thousands of fireflies were glowing, allowing people to see the environment inside clearly.

Deep in the tree hole is a raised wooden platform covered with soft dry grass, on which the Elf Queen is lying on her side.

The elf queen looked to be only twenty years old, with a graceful figure and a slender waist.

Xining lowered her eyes, the elf queen's appearance has never changed, it was the same as it was twenty years ago, as if she would never grow old.

She responded, turned around and left the tree hole, and called Sicily and Fei Yi in.


Sicily and Feiyi walked into the tree hole and saluted: Your Lady Queen.

"Well, thank you for your hard work." The elf queen was still lying on her side.

She raised her hand and waved it gracefully, raised her eyelids to reveal beautiful emerald eyes, and asked, "Why did you come back?"

Fei Yi looked at the Elf Queen, and said with a serious face: "My lord, human beings are going to attack the Youzhi Forest and destroy our elf family."

"What?" Xining cried out in surprise.

"Did you hear some news?" The elf queen's tone became colder.

"My lord queen, this is an order personally issued by King Fuqi. The Knights have already left the city of Fuqi." Fei Yi recounted everything that happened in the main hall back then.

Xining said angrily: "Damn it, it's obvious (cefi) was done by the monkey clan orcs, so what does it have to do with us elves?"

It is well known among the elves that monkey clan orcs go to places where humans live to steal.

Fei Yi said with a cold look in her eyes: "Yes, but this has also become an excuse for humans to attack the Nether Forest, to deal with the monkey clan orcs and us elves at the same time."

Xining reached out and clenched his fist and waved it vigorously: "Yes, this is just an excuse. The monkey orcs are so ugly, if they steal them, they will definitely be recognized. How can we blame us elves for the mistake."

Sicily said angrily: "We live in the forest of the secluded, and we haven't attacked humans. Why do we have to deal with us elves like this?"

Xining said solemnly: "No, Youzhi Forest must be protected, otherwise the secret realm will collapse."

"Why?" Sicily froze for a moment.

Xining explained: "Our elf secret realm is bound to the entire Youzhi Forest. If the Youzhi Forest is destroyed, the secret realm will also collapse."

"Hey, so it's like this?" Sicily widened her beautiful eyes.

Fei Yi glanced at the girl: "It's always been like this, don't you know?"

"I don't know." Sicily pouted.

Xining said with a serious face, "Okay, let's get back to business."

Fei Yi looked at the Elf Queen and asked aloud, "My Lady Queen?"

The elf queen was silent for a while, then said slowly: "This matter needs to be discussed with humans."

Fei Yi respectfully said: "My lord queen, humans won't talk to us, but how can we talk about it if they can impose what the orcs did on us elves?"

Xining said loudly: "Yes, Your Lady Queen, let's fight humans, we must protect the Youzhi Forest."

"No, fighting will only destroy the forest of seclusion." The elf queen shook her head.

She sat up, her leaf-made clothes fell down, and said slowly: "What's more, the secret realm is already unstable.

"The secret realm is unstable?" The three of Xining were puzzled.

"Well, the secret realm has become unstable in the past two years, and it may collapse." The Elf Queen sighed.

Xining seemed to understand something, and widened her eyes and said, "That's why Her Majesty the Queen stays in the tree hole every day, just to maintain the stability of the secret realm?"

The Elf Queen nodded and said, "Well, I can't leave, otherwise the secret realm will collapse within three days, which is irreversible."

When the elf queen was selected, she was already tied to the secret realm.

If the secret realm collapses, the elf queen will also be severely injured, or even die.

"How could this be..." Sicily and Fei Yi cried out in horror.

Xining asked: "My Lady Queen, as long as you are fine, can the secret realm continue to exist?"

The Elf Queen shook her head and said, "No, even if the Nether Forest is safe, I can only stay in the secret realm for a year."

"One year, what will we do after that year?" Sicily asked in surprise.

The Elf Queen said coldly: "After a year, we have to leave the secret realm and find a new residence.

"Where are you going?" Sicily looked pale, wondering how the elves would live in the unimaginable future.

"I don't know, you need to find it." The Elf Queen sighed.

She can't leave the elf secret realm, otherwise the secret realm will collapse soon, putting the elf family in danger.

Sicily bit her lower lip and murmured: "A safe place, far away from humans..."

Xining sighed: "It's a bit difficult to be far away from human beings."

Fei Yi opened her mouth to remind: "Now find a way to stop the human knights, otherwise the Nether Forest will be in danger.

"How to stop?" Xining pursed her lips and looked at the Elf Queen.

She couldn't help but said: "My Lady Queen won't let us resist, nor let us fight with them."

"Fighting and killing won't solve the problem." The Elf Queen shook her head.

The corner of Fei Yi's eyes twitched, and she said, "But fighting and killing can destroy our elves."

Xining nodded in agreement, the elf queen was too gentle, which made the elves very passive.

The elf queen asked: "I can't leave the secret realm, can you stop those knights alone?"

"It's hard..." Fei Yi's eyes flickered, the knight commander is a supreme powerhouse, even though he is just entering the supreme rank, he can still walk through the secluded forest.

"Then leave here." The elf queen said suddenly.

"Eh?" Sicily and the others looked at the Elf Queen in astonishment.

"You will have to leave sooner or later, and it doesn't make any difference if you leave now." The elf woman Wang Ping said in harmony.

ps: [1 update]: The second update of the positive code. .

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