Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2147: Set Fire To The Forest. (2 More)

The orc kingdom, within the king's city.

The branches of the huge tree of life glowed green, attracting the attention of the mysterious bird.

"What's the matter?" Xuanniao's expression became serious, staring at the branches of the tree of life intently.

A green light flashed, and the life elemental spirit pulled Mu Liang out of the tree.

"Father, we're here." Ling'er said delicately.

"Well, thank you for your hard work." Mu Liang stretched out his hand to condense a mass of life elements, and sent it to Ling'er.

Ling'er's beautiful eyes sparkled, holding the life element and sucking it up.

Mu Liang said softly: "Go back, I'll call you when I need it.

"Okay." Ling'er's voice was soft and sweet, and she flashed back to the branch of the tree of life.

Xuanniao shouted loudly: "His Majesty Xuanwu."

Mu Liang lowered his eyes to see that Xuan Niao was waiting not far away, he landed in front of her from the sky.

"Why did Your Majesty come here suddenly?" Xuanniao saluted respectfully.

"I'm passing by on something." Mu Liang said indifferently.

Xuanniao asked respectfully: "Your Majesty, is there anything I can do for you?"

"No, you just need to protect the orc kingdom." Mu Liang said calmly.

"Yes." Xuanniao nodded respectfully.

Mu Liangping asked in a harmonious voice: "How did you do what I told you to do?"

Xuanniao said in a serious tone: "His Majesty Xuanwu, don't worry, he has already asked the commanders to summon the orcs, and they will be settled in the royal city."

Xu Gui crossed the sea of ​​mist, and with the threat of the Xu Ghost King, the orc kingdom wanted to survive this catastrophe. Without the holy rank powerhouse, it could only rely on the branches of the tree of life.

With the branches of the tree of life, Mu Liangmu's avatar can quickly come to support, and the life elemental spirit can even come directly. Ling'er's strength is not inferior to that of the wood avatar.

The strength of the life elemental elves depends on the tree of life, and the tree of life has reached level 12, which is equivalent to the existence of the holy rank.

Mu Liang asked indifferently: "Well, have you found any traces of virtual ghosts recently?"

"Return to Your Majesty, not yet." Xuanniao shook his head.

"Well, it's all right." Mu Liang closed his eyes after finishing speaking.

The branches of the huge tree of life trembled slightly, emitting a piece of green light from between the branches and leaves, spreading out like ripples, quickly covering the surrounding space.

Xuanniao raised his head, watching the ripples spread to the horizon and disappear further away.

"I didn't feel the ghost's aura." Mu Liang opened his eyes.

He just used the ability of the branches of the tree of life to investigate the surrounding situation.

Mu Liang thought for a while, turned his head to look towards the direction of the sea, and disappeared in place with his steps.

Xuanniao waited on the spot for a while, making sure that Mu Liang would not come back suddenly, then turned and returned to the palace.

She was waiting for the orc leaders to come back, and then mobilized the orc knights to guard the royal city, waiting for the ghost to appear.

On the other side, Mu Liang used his ability to hurry, his body disappeared and reappeared, and in the blink of an eye, he was already far away from the Beast King City.

He is rushing to the beach, and with his speed, he will be able to reach the beach tomorrow afternoon without stopping.

The virtual ghost crosses the misty sea to enter the land, and the junction of the sea and the land is the only way to go. The place where the virtual ghost and the virtual ghost king are most likely to meet must be the coastal kingdom.

Mu Liang's idea is to visit the kingdoms along the way and talk to their kings.

He recalled the map of the New World and murmured softly: "Flying further, it seems to be the Kingdom of Forge..."

"For the matter of the Duke of Boli, let's talk to King Fuqi by the way." Mu Liang's eyes flickered, and his body disappeared in place again, rushing to the Kingdom of Fuqi.

In the kingdom of Fuqi, black air currents like dark clouds flew through the sky.

"Jie jie jie, there are so many food in this continent." The voice of the ghost king came out of the black air current.

The Xu Qiwang has devoured the human beings in a small city, and is preparing to go to the next city to continue devouring blood and food, and complete the energy accumulation before evolution.

Wherever it passed, the green plants on the ground withered and died, and were covered with a layer of ink-like black, exuding an unpleasant smell.

On the ground, there are caravans on their way, and they are preparing to trade goods in cities outside the forest.

"What's that?" Someone in the caravan noticed the black airflow in the sky.

The guard in the caravan murmured: "It must be a dark cloud, but it seems to be moving too fast."

"It doesn't look like it, there seems to be something inside." The magician in the caravan cast magic, and vaguely saw something in the black airflow.

"Too, to, to ~~~~

"Although it's small, it can't be wasted. Xu Qiwang also found the caravan, and with a strange smile, he turned around and rushed towards the caravan.

"Something is coming towards us." The people in the caravan panicked.

"Everyone be careful." The guards of the caravan became vigilant and raised their weapons one after another.

... ask for flowers) ...

"Jie Jie Jie, I hope your taste will be more fragrant." Xu Qiwang gave a strange laugh, and the black air flow covered the caravan.

The people in the caravan shouted in horror: "Ah, what is this thing?"

The black air flow corroded their bodies, and in less than a few breaths, there were only dry bones left on the ground, not even a drop of blood left.

"The taste is still so unpalatable." Xu Qiwang curled his lips.

The black air flow returned to the sky and continued to fly deep into the continent.

Half an hour later, Xu Qiwang grinned and said: "Jie Jie Jie, I feel a stronger breath of life.

He continued to fly forward, and a mountain range appeared at the end of his sight, and a strong breath of life came from behind the mountain range.

The Seven Kings of Xu flew over the mountains, and what they saw was a dense forest covered with mist.

"It's strange, it obviously has a strong breath of life, are they all trees?" He controlled the black air current to float in the air, looking at the dense secluded forest in doubt.

He bent down and flew over the forest, and the green plants slowly withered where he passed.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

At the same time, outside the Youzhi Forest, members of the Genji Knights were on their way.

"Chief Knight, the Forest of Darkness is ahead, do you want to stop and rest?" the knight asked respectfully.

The knight commander sat on the horned beast, tugged at the reins and said, "Then stop and rest for a while."

The deputy knight commander smiled and asked, "Knight commander, do you want to send someone in to find the elves?"

"This secluded forest is so big, how do you find it?" the knight commander said angrily.

The Deputy Knight Commander nodded and said, "That's true. The Nether Forest is the territory of the elves. If you fight elves in it, you will suffer if you are not careful."

"Then what should we do?" the other knights asked suspiciously.

Looking at the Youzhi Forest covered in mist, the knight commander couldn't help grinning, thinking about it.

He raised his chin and showed a bad smile: "No need, just set the fire here.

"Burn the Nether Forest?" the Deputy Knight Commander exclaimed in astonishment.

The knight commander said indifferently: "You don't need to burn them all, just light a part of the area, the elves will come out to put out the fire, and it will be much easier to catch them when the time comes."

"I understand." The deputy knight commander also smiled, and turned around to arrange for people to light the forest of darkness.

ps: [2 more]: Please customize nine. .

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