In the elf secret realm, the elf queen, Xining, Sicily and others are discussing the fate of the elves.

Fei Yi asked seriously: "My Lady Queen, if we want to move out of the Forest of Seclusion, where should we go?"

"Yeah, we have nowhere to go." Sicily grimaced.

They have been discussing this issue for a day, and the discussion has not yet reached a result.

Fei Yi sighed, "If this drags on, people from the Knights will come."

Sicily said frantically, "I can't fight, and I don't know where to go. It's so annoying."

Xining said seriously: "The main problem is that Her Lady Queen's body will not be able to bear it after leaving the secret realm.

Sicily exclaimed in surprise: "That's right, Her Lady Queen and the secret realm are bound together."

"Don't think about me, the ethnic group is more important, I won't die." The Elf Queen said in a deep voice, "SE"

Xining's expression became serious: "My Lady Queen, your safety is also very important, the elves need your leadership."

"Leave the secret realm first, the Knights are here." The Elf Queen said suddenly.

She closed her beautiful eyes, and felt someone appearing outside the secluded forest, it was a strange atmosphere.

"What, so fast?" Pei Yi's expression became serious.

"They lit the fire." The elf queen looked ugly.

Sicily was angry: "Damn, such a despicable method."

"Go and gather the clansmen, pack up your things and evacuate quickly." The elf queen's face was as cold as frost, she stood up and gave the order.

She stepped out, her whole body exuded an emerald green halo, and silk threads like spider silk spread out, connecting the entire secret realm.

"My Lady Queen, what are you going to do?" Fei Yi asked hastily.

The Elf Queen said coldly: "We can't let them burn the Forest of Serenity. This is our root. Even if we want to evacuate, it cannot be destroyed."

"My Lady Queen, it's too dangerous, don't go." Xining and others said in a startled voice.

"Don't worry, I have a sense of proportion, you go and gather the tribe." The elf queen said in a tone that could not be refused.

Xining opened his mouth, met the elf's eyes, and couldn't help swallowing the rest of his words.

"Yes." She nodded with red eyes.

The Elf Queen turned and left the secret realm, and Sicily and the others also moved into action, shouting loudly.

Sicily shouted loudly: "Everyone go pack up, we are leaving the secret place.

"Hey, why do you want to leave the secret realm all of a sudden?" the elves said in astonishment.

Xining said with a serious face: "Humans are here, they are going to set fire to the Youzhi Forest, we can't stay here any longer, it's too dangerous."

"Set fire to the secluded forest!" the elves exclaimed, and they all became terrified.

Fei Yi roared loudly: "Quiet, obey the command, go back and pack up your things, only take what is valuable, let's leave lightly.

"Yes, everyone, take action." The elves quickly calmed down and ran back to the tree house where they lived to pack their things.

Xining looked towards the entrance of the secret realm, and murmured: "My Lady Queen, there is nothing wrong..."

Outside the Elf Secret, the Elf Queen stepped out, looking in the direction of the thick smoke, her face became colder.

She soared into the sky and flew towards the edge of the Youzhi Forest.

Outside the Youzhi Forest, the members of the Knights are lighting the bushes, and the ground of the Youzhi Forest is full of dead leaves, so a fire can be easily ignited.

"I didn't bring a fire magician, or the fire would be easier." The deputy knight commander curled his lips.

"Don't worry, burn slowly." The knight commander said indifferently.

The members of the Knights held torches and set fire to the Forest of Serenity from different places. With the blessing of the wind, the fire became more and more intense.


Big trees were set ablaze, and the fire was getting bigger and bigger.

The knight commander looked at the rising smoke, grinned at the corner of his mouth, showing a smug smile.

"I don't believe you guys won't come out." He waited patiently.


The wind was getting stronger and stronger, and sparks flew to the depths of the Youzhi Forest, igniting more trees.

As time passed, the big tree that was first ignited collapsed, and the smoke grew bigger.

The knights coughed: "Ahem, the fever is really strong.

In the distance, green light rose up, and the elf queen flew into the air, spreading green fluorescent light while flapping her wings, covering those unlit green plants.


The big trees began to grow crazily, and the vines also grew up, like long whips, and began to beat the burning trees vigorously, trying to put out the fire.

The trees radiate green light to resist the burning of the fire.

"Damn you." The elf queen looked down at the knights, her face was covered with frost...

The knight commander grinned and said: "It finally appeared, I thought it would not appear until night.

The Elf Queen asked angrily: "The Forest of You is innocent, why did you do this?"

"It's a forest and there are many in the Kingdom of Foch. If it is burned, it will be burned." The knight commander said indifferently.

The elf queen said angrily: "The thing about stealing food was done by the monkey orcs, and has nothing to do with our elves."

"I know, so what?" The knight commander smiled arrogantly, raising his spear at the elf queen.

"So you are deliberately targeting our elves?" The elf queen asked sharply.

The knight commander grinned: "It's obvious."

"Damn it." The elf queen widened her eyes angrily, and raised her hand to condense a green vortex, hitting the knight commander and the others.

She couldn't bear it anymore, the destruction of the Nether Forest was equivalent to destroying the elves, and it cost her half her life.

"I'm angry." The knight commander smiled wildly, easily avoiding the attack of the elf queen.

He catapulted his body into the air, counterattacked the Elf Queen, aimed his spear at her wings and smashed down hard.

"Hmph." The elf queen's beautiful eyes radiated a cold light, and she raised her palm covered in green light to block the spear.


A large number of red plants grew on the ground covered by the flames, and the surrounding flames were suppressed.

This is fire vine, a vine plant that needs to grow by flames. It was spawned by the elf queen's 2.1 life magic and grew up in a short time.

The elf queen fought with the knight commander, and the other knights on the ground were fighting with the attacking fire vines.


"What's that?" The deputy knight avoided the fire vine's attack, and out of the corner of his eyes, Rong Guang noticed the gray mist appearing in the sky.

Before he could see clearly, Huovine's attack landed again.

"Damn it." The deputy knight commander was no longer distracted, and approached the root of the fire vine with a knife, trying to chop it down.


The fire vines fell one by one, throwing up a piece of ashes, and when the evening wind blew, the fire flared up again, igniting more trees.


"It tastes so delicious." In the gray mist of the sky, the voice of the Seventh King Xu sounded.

ps: [3 more]: Please customize. .

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