Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2149: The Monkey Clan Joins The War. (1 More)

"Jie Jie Jie~~~"

The Xu Qiwang appeared in the air, looking down at the battle below, the corners of his ugly mouth raised high.

He grinned: "What a strong breath of life, it must be delicious."

"What is that?" The knights shouted in surprise.

"I can't see clearly, it looks like a cloud."


Before the knights could figure out what was going on in the sky, there was another loud noise in the jungle.

"Damn humans, dare to set fire to the Youzhi Forest." An angry roar came from the forest.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

Hundreds of figures danced among the branches and leaves, and the monkey clan orcs appeared holding bone sticks.

They are all three to four meters tall, covered with tawny hair, and their strong tails are as thick as the arms of adults.

"Hmph, the trouble you caused is only coming out now to solve it." The elf queen said angrily.

The leader of the monkey tribe orcs roared: "Whatever caused us to cause trouble, it is all the fault of human beings.

"Kill them all." The knight commander shouted coldly.

"Yes." The knights responded in unison, and began to attack the monkey orcs.

The leader of the monkey tribe orcs had a fierce look in his eyes, he waved the bone stick in his hand, and shouted: "Tear them apart, crush their heads.

"Yes, listen to the commander." The monkey orcs showed a fierce look, and waved their bone sticks towards the knights.

Although the monkey clan orcs and the elves didn't deal with them, as long as the safety of the Nether Forest is involved, they can still let go of their prejudices and agree with each other.

The attacks of the monkey clan orcs are very primitive. The bone sticks in their hands are made of the bones of monsters, and some of them are as hard as some elementary and intermediate magic tools.


As soon as some knights fought, they were directly smashed into the air by the orcs, and their armor and chest were dented together.

The orcs of the monkey tribe are very powerful, and they live in the jungle all year round, so they are more flexible in all aspects of action than knights.

The knights fell into a disadvantage in the hands of the monkey orcs for a while, and the knight commander was pinned down by the elf queen, unable to help his subordinates relieve the pressure.

"With this level of strength, how dare you come to the Nether Forest to make trouble?" The leader of the monkey clan orcs grinned, and stomped the knight's head off.

"Everyone must die." The knight commander said angrily, exuding a coercive aura around him, forcing the elf queen to retreat.

He turned around and attacked the leader of the monkey tribe orcs, and threw out the knight spear in his hand.


The leader of the monkey clan orcs raised his hand to block, his body was thrown flying more than ten meters away, smashing a boulder not far away.

"Damn it." The leader of the monkey clan orcs was enraged. He stood up from the pile of rubble, his muscles bulging, and the veins on his face bulging, looking full of strength.

He ejected and started, leaving an afterimage on the spot, and the sound of breaking through the air resounded.

The knight commander looked grim, the spear in his hand twirled, and then he patted the position beside him casually.


The leader of the monkey tribe orcs reappeared, grabbed the end of the spear with his hand, pulled the knight commander to him, and punched him on the head again.

The knight commander's face remained unchanged, and while his body was being pulled over, he raised his knee and pressed it against the jaw of the leader of the monkey clan.


The two fought quickly, so that the other knights and monkey orcs could not see clearly.

"Kill them." The other monkey orcs roared excitedly, and continued to fight with the knights.

The Elf Queen watched from the air, and corpses kept falling down. The smell of blood mixed with the smell of burning gunpowder smoke was disgusting.

She looked back at the location of the secret realm, and murmured softly: "Hurry up and evacuate, time is running out..."

The elf queen gasped for a few times, and attacked the knight commander again, trying to take down the knight commander together with the leader of the monkey clan.

"Despicable." The knight commander said angrily.

"You have no right to call us mean." The Elf Queen sneered.

The knights set fire to the secluded forest to force the elves to appear, which is more than despicable.

The three fought together, the leader of the monkey tribe and the knight punched to the head, and the elf queen cast magic to attack the leader of the knight.


Xu Qiwang looked at it for a while, and decided not to waste time here.

He grinned: "Swallow them, and go to the next city."

The Seven Kings of Xu swooped down from a high place, and rushed towards the knight commander and others who were fighting. The evil breath made the elf queen tremble.

The three of them ceased fighting at the same time, and looked at the black mist swooping in from the sky in surprise.

"What is that?" The leader of the monkey clan opened his blood-colored eyes, and the hair on his body was stained red with blood, which was the injury he suffered while fighting with the knight commander.

"What an evil breath." The elf queen's pupils shrank.

The knight commander showed a startled expression, clenched the blood-stained spear tightly in his hand, and watched the black mist vigilantly.

"Jie Jie Jie, you are all my blood food." Xu Qiwang appeared from the mist, and his ugly and huge body came into everyone's eyes.

The knight commander's complexion changed drastically, and he picked up a piece of wood with a spear in his hand and smashed it at Xu Qiwang, but the wood turned into flying ash before it touched Xu Qiwang.

The elf queen said solemnly: "The most evil and evil breath does not belong to the life of the Youzhi Forest."


Mi Mi Mi

Xu Qiwang grinned, spread his wings and rushed towards the three of them, the black air flow covered them, and all the unburned green plants around them withered and withered.

"Die." He stretched out his hand and grabbed the leader of the monkey clan orcs.

The leader of the monkey tribe orcs changed his expression greatly, and wanted to avoid it, but found that his limbs were entangled with thin black threads, which made his movements slow down.

"Damn it, what's going on?" the orc leader said in horror.

The Elf Queen and Knight Commander did not hesitate, they turned sideways and hid in the distance.

"Help me." The orc leader shouted in horror, looking at the elf queen for help.

The elf queen gritted her teeth, and finally raised her hand to control the surrounding fire vines to wrap around the orc leader, trying to rescue him.


Xu Qiwang smiled strangely, raised his hand and flicked his fingers, all the fire vines withered and died, and the body of the orc leader fell down again, covered with thin black threads.

"Help me." The orc commander widened his eyes in horror and trembled all over.

The elf queen's face was ugly, and she cast life magic again, and the green light condensed into a net and enveloped the Void Ghost King.

"The most evil and evil breath should be able to be restrained with life magic." She gritted her teeth, and controlled the magic to fall on the Xu Qiwang.

Xu Qiwang waved his hand casually: "Jie Jie Jie, don't do it."

The black air flow blocked the life magic, and instantly dissolved the magic, melting away like snowflakes meeting magma.


The leader of the orcs screamed terribly, unable to move his body, and was swallowed by the Xu Qiwang.

Xu Qiwang curled his lips and said dissatisfied: "This taste is really disgusting.

"What the hell is this?" The knight captain's pupils trembled, fear growing in his heart.

ps: [1 update]: The second update of the positive code. .

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