Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2150: You Don't Know. (2 More)

Xu Qiwang curled his lips and spat out a mass of bones and hair stained with flesh and blood.


The knight commander looked at the fur of the orc leader, and the corners of his eyes couldn't help twitching. He felt his scalp numb and his whole body trembling.

"The orc leader of the monkey clan just died..." The elf queen gasped, feeling fear for the first time.

The orc leader of the monkey tribe is not much weaker than the knight commander. Such a strong man can't resist the attack of the Xu Qiwang.

"Next, it's your turn." Xu Qiwang looked at the knight commander, stretched out his long tongue and licked his sharp teeth.

He wants to put the elf queen at the end to eat. After all, the better the food, the last to enjoy it, and the unpalatable ones should be dealt with first.

"What the hell are you?" the knight commander shouted in horror.

"I am the Seventh King Xu, your god." The Seventh King Xu grinned loudly, his body turned into black mist and shrouded the knight commander.

The knight commander's complexion changed drastically, his body was ejected, and he quickly fled into the forest.

He has no plans to fight the Xu Seven Kings, and he knows in his heart that he has no chance of winning, and the only option is to escape.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

"It's useless." Xu Qiwang said and opened his mouth, dark red energy gathered, and then condensed into a breath.


The breath bombarded precisely on the way forward of the knight commander, and the thick trees embraced by the three of them turned into fly ash in an instant.

The Elf Queen's face was horrified, she turned around and wanted to escape, but found that she had already been locked by the Void Seven Kings, no matter where she flew, she couldn't get rid of this locked feeling.

"Jie Jie Jie, don't even think about running away." Xu Qi Wang grinned, revealing his sharp teeth, with part of the flesh and blood of the leader of the wolf tribe hanging on them.

"Cough cough cough~~~"

The knight commander staggered to his feet, and quickly fled in another direction, but what greeted him was the second breath of Xu Qiwang, which directly hit his body this time.


The knight commander screamed terribly, and his body flew out again, the armor on his body was broken, and his legs were directly blown off by the breath.

He fell on the ground full of fly ash, his mouth kept spitting out blood, his angry eyes were full of bloodshot eyes, and his pupils also showed signs of laxity.

"Jie Jie Jie, I told you not to run away, the humble blood eater should be enlightened." Xu Qi Wang landed beside the knight commander and reached out to pick up his body.

The Elf Queen's body trembled as she watched the Xu Qi King stuff the unable-to-struggle Knight Commander into her mouth.


Xu Qiwang's throat moved, the knight commander was swallowed in one gulp, and finally spit out a piece of scrapped armor.

"Well, this tastes pretty good." The Seventh King Xu licked his mouth and looked up at the Elf Queen in the air.

His eyes were shining red, and his voice was hoarse: "Only you are left."

The other orcs and knights around had already been engulfed by the black mist emitted by the Void Seven Kings, leaving only a pile of useless armor and bone sticks.

"Where did you come from?" The elf queen took a deep breath, suppressing the fear in her heart.

She could feel that the secret realm was on the verge of collapsing, and worried that the elves hadn't evacuated, and they had to delay for a while, so they couldn't just die like this.

If she dies now, the secret realm will collapse immediately, and the elves who haven't evacuated will be buried in it forever.

Too bad~~~"


"Where do I come from, of course it's another continent." The Seventh King Xu said with a grin.

"Another continent!" The elf queen's expression shook.

She knew of the existence of another continent, and it was on the other side of the Misty Sea, which was recorded in the history books of the elves.

The Seventh King Xu stretched out his long tongue and stretched out his hand towards the Elf Queen: "Now let me have a taste of you."

"You monster, I won't let you succeed." The elf queen said angrily, she must not die now, otherwise what would her people do.

She quickly cast life magic, her body turned into green light and spread out, flying away in all directions.

"Jie Jie Jie, I can't escape." Xu Qiwang's eyes showed a fierce light, and his body also dispersed into a black mist, covering all the dispersed green light.

The green light spots re-condensed into the body of the Elf Queen, her face was extremely pale, "as if she had lost all the blood in her body.

Xu Qiwang said viciously: "I've said it all, you can't escape."

The elf queen was extremely weak, and she was not far from death after casting the escape magic.

At this time, she is not afraid of death, only afraid that because of her own death, the secret realm will collapse and the clansmen will die.

The elf queen said weakly, "Why did you do this..."

"Jie Jie Jie, because eating you can make me stronger and evolve." Xu Qi Wang said coldly.

The Elf Queen's body trembled, and she let out a miserable laugh: "So it's like this..."

Xu Qiwang said hoarsely: "It is your honor to make this king stronger."

The Elf Queen sneered and said: "~Heh, if I can, I will bury you in the Forest of You, to add nutrients to this forest.

"You have no chance." Xu Qiwan smiled indifferently.

"What about me?" An indifferent voice sounded from behind the two, and at the same time the surrounding space froze.

Xu Qiwang's pupils contracted, and he turned his head and said: "Who?"

The elf queen tried her best to open her eyes wide, looked at Mu Liang who suddenly appeared, and found that it was someone she didn't know, her heart sank involuntarily.

She said weakly: "Run away..."

After Mu Liang left the Beastman Kingdom, he came straight to the Fuqi Kingdom. On the way to the king's city, he felt the aura left by the ghost king and followed him all the way.

Jie Jie Jie~~~"

King Xu Qi smiled, but didn't recognize Mu, only thinking that he was a ration delivered to his door.

Mu Liang glanced at the elf queen, even if he was about to die, he was willing to remind strangers to run for their lives instead of dragging someone back, which is worthy of praise.

"The blood food delivered to the door is very good." Xu Qiwang said and stretched out his hand to grab Mu (Li's) Liang.

"Noisy." Mu Liang looked coldly, and countless shadow-like silk threads appeared out of thin air, binding Xu Qiwang's body, making him unable to move.

Xu Qiwang uttered in horror: "What's going on?"

"You make it easy for me to find." Mu Liang said indifferently.

"You know me?" Xu Qiwang asked in amazement.

Mu Liang glanced at him, raised his hand and moved his fingers, Xu Qiwang immediately let go of the Elf Queen's hand, like a puppet being manipulated by others.

With a thought of Mu Liang, the Elf Queen floated out of thin air, her body covered with scarlet lines.

He looked at the Xu Qi King and asked calmly: "Where are the other Xu Ghost Kings?"

Xu Qiwang's pupils contracted, and he asked in a startled voice, "Who the hell are you?"

Mu Liang smiled slightly: "Mu Liang, the king of Xuanwu Kingdom, you must know him well.

ps: [2 more]: Please customize. .

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