Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2151: It's Not In Vain That I Killed So Many Of You. (3 More)

Xu Qiwang said in a startled voice: "So you are Mu Liang!"

Mu Liang smiled slightly, and said calmly: "Well, it seems that he really knows me, and it's not in vain that I killed so many of you."

"Mu Liang..." The elf queen's throat twitched, it was a very strange name.

"Damn you." Xu Qiwang said angrily.

Mu Liang's eyes turned cold, and he said coldly, "Answer my question, where are the other virtual ghost kings?"

"Jie Jie Jie, you won't know." Xu Qi Wang said with a grin.

"Have you also been banned?" Mu Liang raised his brows lightly.

"How do you know?" Xu Qiwang asked in amazement.

Mu Liang shrugged his shoulders, and said indifferently: "The Eleventh King Xu told me that he exploded and died after he finished speaking, it's a pity.

The Seventh King Xu was shocked and angry: "Sure enough, you killed the Eleventh King and the Twelveth King Xu."

"Well, now I want to add you." Mu Liang stretched out his hand as he spoke, and touched Xu Qi Wang's forehead.

He injected blood poison into the body of Xu Qiwang, causing direct damage to the soul.


Xu Qiwan screamed miserably, his face was distorted and deformed, the severe pain made him want to die.

"Enjoy it slowly, I hope that when I see you next time, you are still alive." Mu Liang stretched out his hand, and the sealing weapon appeared in the air, directly sealing the Seven Kings of Xu into it.

Banned 460 weapons were put away, and the disgusting aura disappeared.

Mu Liang looked at the elf queen, and could feel the vitality in her body dissipating.

"Are you an elf?" He came to the elf queen.

"Yes..." The elf queen responded weakly, she was full of shock at this moment, and Mei Sleep stared at Mu Liang without blinking. "

Mu Liang said indifferently: "It doesn't look like an ordinary elf."

The elf queen said hoarsely: "I am the elf queen..."

turn out to be. Mu Liang raised his eyebrows lightly, stretched out his hand to condense a mass of life elements, and patted it into the body of the elf queen.

The life element was quickly absorbed by the elf queen, and the life force flowing in her body stopped immediately, and began to recover at a certain speed.

At the same time, the Elf Queen's injury healed at a speed visible to the naked eye, and it only took a few breaths of work, and it was no longer obvious from the appearance that she had been injured.

Mu Liang said softly, "It should be fine."

The elf queen's eyes were full of shock, she fluttered her wings to maintain a suspended state, and her body was filled with strong vitality.

She carefully checked the situation in her body, and any injuries had healed, even if the secret realm completely collapsed, it would not cause any harm to her again.

"What a strong breath of life, what is that?" The elf queen looked at Mu Liang with shock in her eyes.

"Life element." Mu Liang smiled.

"Elements of life?" The elf queen's throat moved, worried that this was Mu Liang's privacy, so she didn't dare to ask further.

She asked another doubt in her heart: "What is the virtual ghost king you mentioned just now?"

"They are from the Xu clan, they come from another continent." Mu Liang explained indifferently.

"You also know another continent?" The Elf Queen asked in amazement.

Mu Liang smiled slightly: "Of course, I am also from another continent after all.

The elf queen's pupils contracted, she opened her mouth and asked, "Can people from another continent come here at will?"

"With the Xuanwu Kingdom, it's actually not difficult." Mu Liang said indifferently.

He added: "But the fact that the Xu Clan can come over has nothing to do with the Xuanwu Kingdom.

The Elf Queen said shyly, "I don't quite understand, what exactly is the Zhou Clan? What are they coming here for?"

"It's a little hard to explain clearly, you can understand it yourself." Mu Liang stretched out his hand as he spoke, and pointed his index finger on the elf queen's forehead.

Mu Liang instilled things about the Xu Clan and Xu Gui into the mind of the Elf Queen, which used the ability of consciousness communication.

The elf queen's pupils dilated, digesting the memories and various pictures that suddenly appeared.

Half an hour later, the elf queen completely digested the new memory, and looked at Mu Liang in shock.

"So the matter of the Xu clan really has nothing to do with me." Mu Liang spread his hands.

The Elf Queen nodded slowly, digesting the newly acquired memories. As for whether she can accept the matter of the Xu Clan, it will take time.

(cefj) "Forgot, Elf Secret Realm." The Elf Queen thought of something, her beautiful eyes suddenly rounded.

"What?" Mu Liang asked in surprise.

The elf queen suppressed the worries in her heart, looked into Mu Liang's eyes, and said solemnly: "Thank you, Your Excellency Mu Liang, for saving me, and I will definitely repay you in the future."

She left a word, flapped her wings and flew to the depths of the secluded forest.

Her speed was very fast, and she turned into a green streamer and went straight to the secret realm.

Mu Liang thought for a while, and disappeared in place in a flash.


Ten minutes later, the Elf Queen returned to the location of the secret realm, and the two big trees had already fallen.

The elf queen stared at the collapsed tree, her face paled.

The elf queen said in a shy voice: "The secret realm has collapsed..."

"My Lady Queen!" A pleasantly surprised voice sounded.

The elf queen was shocked, and looked behind her. Xining, Sicily and others were not far away, as well as other elves.

"Why are you still here?" asked the Elf Queen.

"We want to help." Xining said seriously.

Fei Yi said crisply: "Yes, Her Lady Queen cannot be left behind."

"My Lady Queen, are you alright?" Sicily asked hastily.

The elves gathered around and stared at the elf queen anxiously.

"I'm fine." The Elf Queen heaved a sigh of relief.

Sicily said with red eyes: "My lord, the secret realm has collapsed."

Xining breathed a sigh of relief: "As soon as we left, the secret realm collapsed, but luckily everyone in the clan evacuated safely."

"That's good." The Elf Queen heaved a sigh of relief.

"My lord queen, where are the human knights?" Fei Yi asked curiously.

"Dead, killed by people from the Xu Clan." The Elf Queen said in a deep voice.

"Xu Clan, what race is that?" the elves asked doubtfully.

The elf queen said coldly: "A most evil race, from another continent.

"Hey, another continent?" The elves exclaimed and began to discuss.

The Elf Queen's eyes flickered, and she continued: "The people of the Monkey Clan are all dead.

"It was also killed by people from the Xu clan?"

"It's horrific with so much going on."

The elves talked a lot.

A clear voice sounded: "This is the first time I have seen so many elves."

"Who?" Xining looked warily at the figure that suddenly appeared in the sky

Sicily looked around one after another, reflexively blocking the Elf Queen behind her.

"Your Excellency Mu Liang." The elf queen said.

Xining exclaimed in astonishment: "My Lady Queen knows him?"

"Muliang...a very familiar name. Sicily murmured.

Fei Yi frowned and nodded slowly: "It's kind of familiar."

ps: [3 more]: Please customize. .

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