Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2158: The True Elf Queen. (2 More)

The door of the glazed cabin opened slowly, and the elf queen walked out of the cabin first, stepping on the steps to the ground.

Sicily and the others followed behind, looking around curiously.

An elf muttered: "This is the Xuanwu Kingdom. I haven't seen any green plants. Is it really suitable for our life..."

"Yeah, I didn't see any green plants, but I can feel a very strong breath of life."

The elves looked around, nervous and expectant.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

"You must be the elf queen." A cold voice sounded, and Li Yue came in front of the elf queen.

"It's me, hello." The elf queen looked at the silver-haired girl, her eyes lingering on her colored hair for a while.

"Sister Qinlan is busy, I will pick you up for her." Li Yue said calmly.

"Okay, sorry to trouble you." The elf girl "Eight Twenty" nodded.

She had heard Yueqinlan's name from Mu Liang, and after arriving in the Xuanwu Kingdom, she arranged a place to live.

Xi Beiqi said crisply: "Cooperate with the registration of identity information first."

"Well, it's easy to arrange a place to live." Li Yue nodded.

"Okay." The Elf Queen nodded without changing her expression.

The staff stepped forward and began to register their identities.

The elves didn't know the rules of the human world, so they cooperated and registered all the information honestly.

"Okay, please follow me, we will take the transport ship to the main city." Li Yue said crisply.

"We can also fly there." Sicily said delicately.

Xi Beiqi reminded: "In the Xuanwu Kingdom, you cannot fly without permission, otherwise you will be shot down directly by the spirit weapon if you fly to the forbidden area.

"Oh, so it is like this." Sicily said in amazement.

Xining pointed at the Fire Feather Eagle, and couldn't help asking: "Then why don't you take it to the main city?"

Liyue explained: "Xiaoyu needs to rest, it's too big, it will make people panic if it appears in the main city."

"Oh. Xining nodded in understanding.

"Come with me." Li Yue turned around and motioned.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

The elves kept up with Liyue and the vampire girl, boarded the prepared transport spaceship, and flew towards the main city.

Liyue stood beside the glazed barrier, and introduced: "This is the Shanhai Commercial City, a good place for leisure and entertainment, there are Xuanwu coins and Warcraft crystals, and you can buy a lot of things here.

The elves looked down, overlooking the entire Shanhai Commercial City, and houses came into view.

Xi Beiqi showed off: "We still have an underwater town here, you can stay here in the future, and you can go and see it when you have time."

"Sea town, sounds amazing~~~"

The elves talked.

The transport spaceship began to speed up and flew towards the main city.

The transport spacecraft left Shanhai Commercial City, and a large area of ​​green came into the eyes of the elves.

"Wow, so many green plants." The beautiful eyes of the elves suddenly lit up.

Liyue embraced her body with her hands, and closed her beautiful eyes against the glazed barrier. She opened her beautiful eyes only after the transport spaceship approached the main city.

"Here we are, the main city is ahead." Xibeqi reminded.

The elves looked towards the main city, and the huge tree of life came into their eyes, and the visual impact made them exclaim aloud.

"What a big tree." Sicily lay on the glass barrier, her beautiful eyes widening.

Fei Yi opened her mouth: "Is this the holy tree..."

"What a strong breath of life." The elf queen closed her beautiful eyes, felt the life elements in the air, and felt extremely comfortable physically and mentally.


Sicily let out a low moan, and the pores all over his body opened, absorbing the breath of life in the air.

She closed her beautiful eyes, the talent of the elves allowed her to quickly absorb the breath of life in the air.

The other elves also closed their beautiful eyes and began to absorb the breath of life.

Li Yue glanced at them, until the transport spaceship landed, the elves still had their eyes closed.

Shibeki asked in a low voice, "Do you want to wake them up?"

"Forget it, wait a while." Liqie shook his head.

"Okay." Xi Beiqi leaned against the cabin door, yawned and waited patiently.

After more than ten minutes, the elf queen opened her eyes, and there was a flash of light in the bottom of her eyes.

"It's so comfortable, and its strength has improved a lot." She marveled in a low voice.

The other elves woke up one after another, and they seemed to be in an unprecedented state of mind, and their skin was glowing.


A green light flashed, and the life elemental elves appeared in the air, watching the elves.

The elf queen looked at it with a feeling, 1 being controlled gives birth to a sense of surrender, which is racial oppression. …

She stared at the life elemental spirit with an expression of disbelief on her face.

"Ling'er." Li Yue called out.

"Sister Liyue." Ling'er responded in a crisp voice, flapping her wings and coming to the silver-haired girl.

Li Yue asked softly: "Why did you come out suddenly?"

Ling'er explained: "I noticed a different breath of life, so I came out to have a look."

"By the way, you are an elf, and they are also elves." Li Yue suddenly looked at the elf queen.

Ling'er heard the words and came to the Elf Queen, looking at her curiously.

The elf queen opened her mouth and lowered her head uncontrollably.

"There are life elements in your body, it was given to you by your father." Ling'er said crisply.

The elf queen asked respectfully, "Father? Your Excellency Mu Liang?"

"Yeah, yes." Ling'er said delicately.

"It was given by Your Excellency Mu Liang." The Elf Queen nodded respectfully.

"Okay, then help you absorb the life element." Ling'er said, reaching out and touching the elf queen's forehead.

The life elements in the Elf Queen's body dissipated, penetrated into her limbs, and were completely absorbed by her body.

The Elf Queen's body trembled, resisting the urge to moan, feeling like her whole body was on fire.

"Okay." Ling'er put away her hands and stopped looking at the Elf Queen.

"Master Ling'er!" The elf queen couldn't help shouting.

Ling'er looked back at her, and said crisply: "What's the matter?"

"You are the real elf queen, lead us." The elf queen said and bowed 2.9 to salute.

"No, I'm not interested, I want to guard my father." Ling'er waved her hand and refused without hesitation.

She only has Mu Liang and the Xuanwu Kingdom in her heart, and she is not interested in other things, unless it is something her father asks for.

"Eh, eh?" Xi Beiqi widened her beautiful eyes, what is this unfolding?

Ling'er dropped a sentence, and her body turned into green light and disappeared.

"My lord!" The elf queen shouted, a trace of disappointment flashed in her eyes.

"My Lady Queen?" Sicily and the others exclaimed in astonishment.

The elf queen said with a serious face: "She is very suitable to be an elf queen and can lead us to the future.

"But she..." Xining wanted to say that Ling'er was not an elf, but when she thought of the elf wings on her back, she couldn't say that.

ps: [2 more]: Please customize. .

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