Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2159: Go To The Source Of Eternal Life! (1 More)

Li Yue looked at the disappointed Elf Queen, her beautiful silver eyes narrowed slightly.

She said coldly: "Your Excellency Nanxi, Ling'er is not the queen of your elf clan."

Nan Xi is the name of the elf queen, and no one in the elves has ever called her that.

"Sorry, I lost my temper a little bit." Nan Xi apologized.

Xibeiqi tilted her head and asked in confusion: "You are the elf queen yourself, why don't you let Ling'er be your queen?"

Nan Xi said with a serious look: "Elf Queen is just a status. If Master Linger is willing, I am willing to give up this position."

"My Lady Queen!" Xining exclaimed.

Nan Xi's beautiful eyes revealed fascination, and she said in a serious tone: "Master Ling'er is the source of life, and she can lead our elves to eternity."

Li Yue's pupils contracted. She knew that Ling'er was born from the tree of life. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is the source of life, but she never thought that the elf queen could see through this point.

"The source of life!" the elves exclaimed.

Xi Beiqi was full of question marks, what is the origin of life?

"Your Excellency Nanxi 24, please come with me." Li Yue changed the subject and walked out with a cold face.

Nan Xi came back to her senses, looked at the huge tree of life with regret, and followed Li Yue forward.

The elves followed, their faces were full of excitement and excitement, and the rich life elements in the main city made them feel physically and mentally happy.

Sicily exclaimed: "This is really a good place, even better than the forest of seclusion."

"Well, it's stronger than the breath of life in the secret realm. Fei Yi nodded in agreement.

Xining looked serious, and said in shock: "Living here for one year should be worth five years of cultivation in the secret realm.

"Are we really going to live here in the future?" Some elves still feel a little unreal. Can people live in such a place full of life?

Xibeiqi said coquettishly: "As long as you don't do anything wrong to the Xuanwu Kingdom, you can naturally live forever."

The elves hurriedly said: "No, it is very good for you to take us in, and we will not do anything wrong to the Xuanwu Kingdom."

"Preferably." Shibeki pouted.

Liyue stopped in front of the house outside the highland, and signaled: "You are temporarily staying here, and when Sister Qinlan finishes her work, she will personally arrange a place for you to live.

"Okay." Nanxi looked at the five-storey buildings in front of her, and was not dissatisfied with it.

"What about our work?" Fei Yi asked.

Sicily nodded and said: "Yes, Your Excellency Mu Liang said that we come to live in the main city to work.

Liyue said calmly: "Don't worry about this, after you settle down and get used to the life in the main city, you can arrange work.

According to Mu Liang's intention, the elves will be divided into several groups, and those with strength will go to the air force and ghost special forces.

Those who are weak will take care of the tree of life, such as pruning branches and leaves, picking star fruit, collecting petals and so on.

The elves who entered the Ghost Special Forces all had to sign the queen bee contract with Mu Liang. This was a rigid requirement to guarantee their absolute loyalty.

"Okay." Only then did Xining feel relieved, otherwise he would feel uneasy if he had been living in such a good place for nothing.

Li Yue said calmly: "You guys rest, we will talk about things later."

"Okay, sir, go get busy." Nan Xi nodded.

"It turns out that there are really good people among human beings, and I thought all human beings were hateful.

"There are still good people, such as Your Excellency Mu Liang, who even saved Her Lady Queen...?"


Liyue and Xibeqi heard the words of the elves, looked at each other, turned and left.

Nan Xi looked away, and said peacefully: "Everyone choose the room to live in.

"Yes." The elves responded respectfully, and began to choose their favorite room to live in.

"It's better than living in Forge King City." Sicily looked at the environment of the room, clean, tidy, and comfortable were the most intuitive feelings.

Fei Yi said with disgust in her eyes: "I didn't expect to come to Xuanwu Kingdom and live with you.

"Then you go out, I live by myself." Sicily rolled her eyes beautifully.

"That won't work, there are no other rooms." Fei Yi said in a calm tone.

Many elves live in a room with three or four people. Fei Yi and Sicily are familiar with each other. Although they often bicker, they still choose to live together.

"This bed is so comfortable." Sicily threw herself on the big bed, and couldn't help making a coquettish voice.

"It's great to be able to see the holy tree from here." Fei Yi opened the window and looked up to see the canopy of the tree of life, which made the elves feel physically and mentally happy after looking at it for a while.

"Fei Yi, let's go for a walk." Sicily turned over from the bed.

"Where are you going?" Fei Yi turned to look at the girl.

Sicily Jiaohan said: "It's all right, let's go around and get acquainted with the living environment in the future."

Fei Yi thought about it, she really should go out for a walk when she came to the new environment, learn about the surrounding situation, and go to inquire about the news by the way, to see if the Xuanwu Kingdom is what it said outside.

She nodded and said, "Let's go."

Sicily smiled, and walked out holding Fei Yi's hand.

"You are so short, why do you insist on holding my hand?" Fei Yi glanced at the girl, seeing her walking with her shoulders raised, looking a little twisted.

Sicily said angrily: "I see human women shopping like this.

"But you're ugly like this." Fei Yi said bluntly.

Sicily gritted her silver teeth and said viciously: "Damn it, you are ugly."

Just look better than you. " Fei Yi said indifferently.

Blind, I look so much younger than you. Sicily proudly raised her chin and let go of Fei Yi's hand and strode out.

A smile flashed in Fei Yi's eyes, and she followed Sicily in a leisurely manner.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

After a few quick steps, Sicily slowed down again, and asked in an uncertain tone, "Should we put on robes to cover our wings?"

Fei Yi said calmly: "No, since they say that the Xuanwu Kingdom tolerates all races, we can try it."

"That's right, let's go." Sicily shook her wings and walked quickly to the residential area.

The two walked on the street and looked around the bustling street, attracting the attention of many people.

"Wow, what a beautiful wing." A passer-by exclaimed in admiration.

"It's an elf, it looks so pretty~~~

"It's the first time I've seen an elf, are you here for a tour?"


Facing those sizing eyes, Sicily was a little nervous at first, but after hearing what they said, he immediately relaxed.

She tilted her head and said softly, "Fei Yi, these people really don't seem to have any malicious intentions."

Fei Yi's eyes flickered slightly, she nodded and said, "Go to another place and have a look."

"Yeah." Sicily nodded in agreement and continued walking along the long street.

ps: [1 update]: The second update of the positive code. .

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