Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2160: The Entire City Is Lifeless. (2 More)


In the Kingdom of Escahn, in the high sky above the wilderness, Mu Liang was flying against the wind.

He felt the aura of ghosts nearby, and according to the information provided by the businessman, it was likely to belong to the king of ghosts.

The Kingdom of Escahn is a medium-sized kingdom, located between the three kingdoms of Lanlupo Kingdom, Foch Kingdom, and Orc Kingdom.

It has been two days since Mu Liang left the Fuqi Kingdom, and he has been chasing the breath of the virtual world into the Escahn Kingdom.


High in the sky, a strong wind howled, and Mu Liang felt the breath of Xu Gui.

"Is it right in front?" Mu Liang's deep eyes flashed a cold light, and his body disappeared in place in a flash.

He performed a space jump, and came several thousand meters away, and the medium-sized city Yuanyuan in the Sun came into his sight.

"There are cities." Mu Liang's pupils contracted, feeling a bad premonition.

His body disappeared in a flash, and when he reappeared, he was already above the city, looking down at the scorched city, his face suddenly darkened.

Mu Liang's throat moved, and he sighed: "It's better to be a little late."

The city in his sight had turned into scorched earth, and a strong burning smell could be smelled from the air, mixed with a disgusting ghostly aura.

The whole city is lifeless, it looks as if life has never existed.


Mu Liang fell from the sky, stepped on the scorched street, looked at the collapsed houses and buildings around him, and his face became even colder.

As he walked along the street, he could see many human remains on the ground. Judging from the current condition of the remains, the city was attacked half a day ago.

Mu Liang's eyes flickered, and he looked to the street on the left, where there was a sound.

He stepped forward, and when he was approaching the entrance of the alley, a shadow was cast over his head, and a high-ranking virtual ghost hiding on the roof pounced on him.

Mu Liang's complexion remained unchanged, he raised his hand to grab it from the air, and the falling high-level ghost was frozen out of thin air, and the next moment his body exploded into a bloody mist.

"Are there still ghosts left..." He murmured softly, and continued walking along the street.


In the next half an hour, virtual ghosts kept appearing in the city. They were like dogs smelling meat, rushing towards Mu Liang without fear of death.


However, none of these virtual ghosts survived under Mu Liang's hands for more than five seconds, and were killed almost as soon as they appeared, and their bodies were also swallowed by Mu Liang's devouring space.

Mu Liang stayed in the city for an hour and found no survivors, so he could only leave regretfully.

He flew high into the sky and felt another stronger ghost breath, so he followed the breath and chased after it.


The wind was fierce, and Mu Liang's eyes looked calm, but the killing intent in his heart could not be restrained.

He suddenly increased his speed and flew towards another big city, remembering that it was the royal city of Eskahn Kingdom.

The royal city of the Kingdom of Escahn is located in the central region of the kingdom. It is called Babette City. It is a large city with a permanent population of more than one million people.

At this time, in the air ten thousand meters away from Babette City, a large black mist flew forward in the wind, at an astonishingly fast speed.

"Jie Jie Jie, I can feel it, there is a lot of bloody aura ahead." An excited voice came from the black mist.

The black mist kept surging, which was formed by the Three Kings of Xu.

Xu Gui is born to feel the breath of life, the more people there are, the more the Xu Gui Wang's target.

"Jie Jie Jie~~~"

The Third King Xu saw Babette City in the distance, and the black mist surged more intensely.

In the royal city, the people looked at the black mist that appeared in the sky in surprise: "What is that?"

"Is it a dark cloud? Is it going to rain today?" Someone asked indifferently.

"No, it doesn't look like a dark cloud"


Under the curious eyes of the city residents, the black mist formed by the Three Xu Kings descended from the sky, pouring into the king's city like a stream of water, and would not be able to swallow up the fleeing people in the future.


These people screamed and failed to last more than three seconds in the black mist. The flesh and blood on their bodies melted like snow under the summer sun in the blink of an eye.

"Help me, it hurts so much, Your Majesty..."

In just a few breaths, thousands of people have already died, leaving only bones on the ground.

"Help, what is this?" The crowd shouted in horror and began to flee in the opposite direction.

"What the hell is this?" More and more people began to flee for their lives, running towards the palace.

The black mist moves very fast, moving more than ten meters in the blink of an eye, devouring life mercilessly, turning the ground where it passes into scorched earth, and bones are scattered everywhere.

"What kind of black magic?" The people of the Magician's Association were alarmed, and jumped onto the tallest building to look at the black mist in the distance.

"It's such an evil breath, is it from the Black Phoenix?" the vice president said in a deep voice.

"Do you want to make a move?" the magicians asked solemnly.

The branch president of the Association of Magicians said hoarsely: ""~Look again. "

He stared at the turbulent black mist, the aura emanating from there made him feel terrified, it was the aura of despair.

"Chairman, if you look at it, there will be more dead people." A deaconess shouted anxiously.

Another deacon agreed: "Yes, if it is black magic, we can use holy light magic to deal with it."

"You can try it." The branch president said solemnly.

"Okay." The deaconess responded quickly.

She is a light magician who can cast holy light magic and can purify filth and black magic.

The deaconess chanted a magic incantation and pinched the ten fingers in her hands. The surrounding light elements surged and condensed towards the top of the woman's head.

Tens of seconds later, the light above the deaconess's head was shining brightly, and the light elements condensed into a small sun.

"Go." With the wave of the deaconess's hand, the little sun flew towards the surging black mist.

Her face was pale, and the Holy Light magic emptied the magic power in her body. After all, Holy Light magic is a seventh-level magic.

The huge ball of light flew towards the black mist, and the black mist (good money Zhao) dissipated a little when it approached, which made the magicians look serious.

However, the next moment, the black mist intertwined into the shape of a curtain, engulfing the holy light magic directly, as if it had never appeared before.


The deaconess spat out a mouthful of blood, and her breath became even more sluggish.

She said in disbelief: "This is not black magic, holy light magic is useless to it."

"How could this be, what is it if it's not black magic?" the other magicians exclaimed.

"Jie Jie Jie, disgusting breath." Xu Sanwang discovered the members of the Magicians Association, and controlled the black mist to rush towards them.

The vice president's complexion changed drastically, and he turned and left without hesitation: "It's too bad, run away."

The other magicians also started to run away, and the aura of the Void Ghost King terrified them.

The deaconess let out a miserable laugh, she was exhausted after casting the holy light magic, and could only watch helplessly as the black mist approached.

ps: [2 more]: Please customize. .

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