Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2161: Make It Easy For Me To Find. (3 More)

The black mist raged in Babette's royal city, ruthlessly devouring every life.

The strong members of the Mage Association only cared about fleeing by themselves, and the people could only watch in despair as the black mist engulfed them.

The Third Xu King said with a sinister smile, "Jie Jie Jie, although these blood foods don't taste very good, they can make me evolve quickly."

He raged in the streets, and the fog broke through the doors and windows and entered the house, devouring the hiding humans. The smell of blood and ghosts was so strong that it was disgusting.

"Damn it, who dares to attack the royal city." An angry voice resounded over the royal city, and several figures rushed out of the royal palace.

"It's the great magician and the knight commander." The townspeople wept with joy.

"Your Majesty and Queen are also here, great, everyone is saved."

"Your Majesty, save us."

The people shouted excitedly, as if they had found their backbone, and their fears were much calmed down.

The black mist condensed into a solid body, and the Three Xu Kings floated in the air, watching the knight commander and others.

He grinned: "Jie Jie Jie, swallowing you will speed up my evolution."

"This is a monster." The great magician exclaimed.

The knight commander's pupils contracted, and he said in horror: "Look at him, he looks very similar to Xu Si in the movie!"

They have also watched Yue Qinyi's new movie, and they were deeply impressed by Xu Gui's appearance. When they saw the Three Xu Kings at this time, they immediately remembered it.

"It turns out that everything in the movie is real." The queen's expression became serious, and she tightened the magic scepter in her hand.

She is a ninth-level ice magician, and was once a famous "strong woman". After she finally married into the palace and became a queen, she became restrained and reserved.

The king said in a deep voice: "Is this the virtual ghost? It is indeed as evil as in the movie."

He is a supreme powerhouse with the strength to collapse a city wall with one punch. However, when such a powerhouse faces the Three Xu Kings, he just feels the hairs all over his body stand on end.

"Are you the Void Ghost King?" the knight commander asked loudly.

"Jie Jie Jie, I didn't expect that there are people in this continent who know me." Xu Sanwang was slightly surprised.

"Sure enough, they are people from the Xu clan." The expressions of the knight commander and others became more dignified.

Xu Sanwang clenched his fists, grinned and said: "Jie Jie Jie, but it doesn't matter if you know me, you will die after all.

He moved, and his huge body was unexpectedly flexible, leaving an afterimage on the spot. His body had already arrived in front of the knight commander, and his huge palm directly patted it down.

The knight commander's complexion changed drastically, his body jumped up, and he hurriedly dodged into the distance, avoiding the attack of the three virtual kings dangerously.

"Jie Jie Jie, don't run away~~~"

The Third King Xu grinned grimly, his body disappeared in place again, and the ghost's aura filled the entire royal city.

"Damn it." The queen snorted and began to chant the spell, causing the surrounding water elements to stir.

Ice magic is to use water element to turn into ice element, so as to successfully cast ice magic.


Blossoms of ice flowers condensed in the air, freezing the black mist diffused by Sanwang Xu, and the surrounding temperature plummeted by 20 degrees.


As soon as the knight commander landed, he was knocked into the air by the sudden appearance of the Three Xu Kings, and his body fell to the ground like a rag sack, and was buried by the collapsed house after rolling more than ten times.

The great magician looked ugly: "Even the knight commander can't survive a move!"

She glanced at the queen, and began to chant the spell, mobilizing the surrounding water elements, helping the queen to clean up the black fog in the king's city, thereby reducing the strength of the ghost king.

"Jie Jie Jie, it's useless." Xu Sanwang grinned, aimed at the queen and opened his mouth to exhale.

The king's complexion changed, and he dodged in front of the queen.

It's just that his strength at the supreme level is not the opponent of Xu Guiwang at all, he was directly blown out by the breath, fell to the ground and couldn't get up for a long time.

"Your Majesty!" The people exclaimed in despair, looking at the struggling king, their hopes were extinguished.

"Your Majesty is no match for this monster... (ceaf) we are hopeless." Many city residents looked desperate and knelt on the ground waiting to die.

The queen and the great magician were pale, and the black mist that had just been suppressed surged up again, and more people were swallowed by the black mist.

"The country is about to perish!" The queen staggered twice, looking at the sky full of ice flowers, her body was about to be hollowed out.

The great magician gritted his teeth, and was casting water-type forbidden curse magic, intending to use this to deal with the Void Ghost King.

With her strength, casting the forbidden spell would cost a lot, but at this moment she had no other choice but to forcibly cast the forbidden spell of the water system.

"Jie Jie Jie, you look delicious, let's eat you first." The Void Ghost King appeared behind the great magician, and directly patted it with his huge palm.

The great magician's expression was horrified. When casting the forbidden spell, the most taboo was to be interrupted. At least he was paralyzed, and at worst he died.

Ghost King Xu suddenly attacked her, and the forbidden spell was forcibly interrupted. She took a breath to control the water flow, wrapped her body to avoid the palms that were slapped, and was not killed by King Xu Ghost on the spot.

"Ahem, cough, I can't help it." The great magician fell heavily to the ground, spat out a big mouthful of blood, and his breath sank in the blink of an eye.

The queen looked at the struggling king, tears flowed from her eyes, she never thought that the supremely powerful king would one day be beaten helplessly.

"Why is this..." The queen's mouth moved, and the blood from her sore throat blocked her remaining words.

Despair hangs over Babette's royal city.


The Three Xu Kings fell to the ground and stretched out their hands to grab the great magician.

"Ahem, I'm sorry, I can't save you..." The great magician coughed, and looked sideways at the hopeless Chengkang. two


Suddenly, a stream of light appeared in the sky in the distance, coming straight towards the third king Xu, directly piercing through his palm.


The three-meter-long bone spear was nailed to the ground, the tail vibrated at high speed, and the shock waves spread out like water ripples.

The ground pinned by the spear sank five meters deep, and the soil was turned into stone powder and scattered, which shows how powerful the spear is.

"Who?" Xu Sanwang cried out in pain, holding his injured hand and looking towards the sky.

"It's really easy for me to find." Mu Liang put down his hand, he was the one who threw the spear just now.

He has been following the traces of the Three Kings Xu, and after chasing for a whole day, he arrived at Babette King City. When he arrived, he saw the Three Kings Xu attacking the people in the royal family.

"Who are you?" Xu Sanwang became vigilant.

Mu Liang didn't answer his question, he stepped forward, his body disappeared in place, and when he reappeared, he was already in front of the Three Xu Kings.

Xu Sanwang's pupils contracted, and he retreated vigilantly, distanced himself from Mu Liang.

"Cough cough cough~~~"

The queen looked at Mu Liang, and felt that he was a little familiar, as if she had seen him on TV.

With a wave of Mu Liang's hand, green light radiated from his palm, and the life field expanded to cover half of the royal city.

ps: [3 more]: Please customize. .

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