Mu Liang stretched out the life field, covering the black mist and the injured people.

In just a few breaths, the black mist disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the injured person's condition improved a little.

Xu Sanwang straightened his waist, and quickly retracted the mist that had dispersed, so as not to be too purified by the life field-causing a decline in strength.

"Who the hell are you?" he asked in a wary tone.

Mu Liang looked at the Third King Xu, and calmly answered the question: "Where do you rank among the Ghost King Xu?"

"You know me?" Xu Sanwang's eyes lit up red, and the wings on his back were shaking slightly.

Mu Liang said indifferently: "Which one of the first Xu king, the second Xu king, the third Xu king, the fourth Xu king, the fifth Xu king, and the ten Xu kings are you?"

The complexion of the three virtual kings changed drastically, and the original voice asked: "Why can't it be other virtual kings?

"Because I have captured the other virtual ghost kings." Mu Liang said indifferently.

Xu Liu Wang, Xu Eight Kings, Xu Nine Kings were captured by Mu Liangmu's avatar, while Xu Seven Kings, Xu Eleven Kings, and Xu Twelve Kings were captured by Mu Liang's main body.

The Third King Xu thought of something, and uttered in horror: "You are Mu Liang!"

"If you guessed right, I will reward you for reuniting with them." Mu Liang said indifferently, not caring who the ghost king in front of him was, ready to catch him and torture him.

"Their disappearance is indeed related to you." Xu Sanwang said angrily.

"You can't protect yourself." Mu Liang's voice was cold, and his body disappeared in place.

Xu Sanwang's complexion changed drastically, and he was about to use his ability to leave.

"The field of gravity." Mu Liang's indifferent voice sounded.

The invisible fluctuations spread out, covering the area where the Three Xu Kings were, and the gravity changed suddenly.


Before Sanwang Xu could move, his body was firmly pressed to the ground by the sudden gravity, which was equivalent to a ten thousand zhang high mountain pressing on him.

"Damn it." Xu Sanwang's eyes were about to burst, and he was about to forcefully get up and leave under the weight of gravity.

"It's useless, you're too weak." Mu Liang appeared on top of Xu Sanwang's head, raising his hand to make a downward movement.

Gravity increased several times, and the Three Xu Kings were completely crushed to the ground.

He roared angrily: "Despicable blood eater."

Mu Liang's expression remained unchanged, and he raised his hand to grab it from the air. The gravity of the black hole distorted the space, crushing and devouring the arms, legs, and wings of the three masters.


The shrill screams of Xu Sanwang resounded throughout the entire royal city, and pitch-black blood flowed all over the place.

Mu Liang asked coldly: "Tell me, where are the other virtual ghost kings?"


Xu Sanwang screamed, but did not answer Mu Liang's question.

The other people in Wangcheng became excited, looking at Mu Liang as if they were looking at the savior.

Strictly speaking, the current Muliang is their savior.

The great magician turned over, tried his best to look up at Mu Liang, and muttered in shock: "That's amazing, is he a holy rank powerhouse?"

The queen struggled to sit up, looked at Mu Liang against the ruins, and exclaimed: "It's too strong, even King Xu Gui has no strength to fight back."


Mu Liang raised his hand and punched it down, and Xu Sanwang's chest burst open.

Xu Sanwang's body trembled, and he stared at Mu Liang angrily, because of the existence of the life domain, the healing speed of his wounds became very slow.

"Where are the other virtual ghost kings?" Mu Liang asked again.

"Jie Jie Jie, I don't know." Xu Sanwang grinned miserably, and spewed out a mouthful of black mist covering Mu Liang.

Mu Liang waved his hand, the fog was blocked by an invisible barrier, unable to get close to him.

"You are courting death." He landed in front of Third King Xu and injected blood poison into his body.


The screams of the Third King Xu became more stern, but it made the surviving people around feel relieved, wishing to cut King Xu's eyes with thousands of knives.

Mu Liang asked coldly: "Where are the other virtual ghost kings?"

"You can't ask." Xu Sanwang's voice became weaker, and the speed of wound healing slowed down again.

Mu Liang's eyes turned cold: "Is it because of the restriction again?"

Xu Sanwang said in amazement: "I didn't expect you to even know the restriction."

Mu Liang ignored his words, took out the forbidden weapon, sealed the Three Xu Kings into the forbidden weapon, and prepared to take it back for Yuffier to do research and experiments on.

The Three Xu Kings were banned, and with the existence of the Life Realm, the aura of Xu ghosts in the king's city dissipated.

Mu Liang let out a breath, looked at the ruins and injured people around him, if he came half a day late, the city would probably become a dead city.

"Your Excellency is the king of the Xuanwu Kingdom?" The king staggered to his feet and looked at Mu Liang in the center of the ruins.

Mu Liang asked calmly, "You know me?"

...asking for flowers...

The king said weakly: "I have seen Your Excellency on TV.

"I see." Mu Liang nodded slowly.

"Thank you for your help." The queen and others said gratefully.

Mu Liang lowered his eyes and nodded, and asked in a peaceful voice: "Is there no holy rank powerhouse in your Eskarn kingdom?"

"There are holy magicians." The king said with a wry smile.

Mu Liang raised his eyes and asked, "Then why didn't he make a move?"

The queen sighed: "The holy magician has been practicing in seclusion for ten years. I tried to wake him up, but unfortunately failed."

Mu Liang said bluntly: "Ten years of closed-door practice, you can't be dead.

The queen shook her head, and said with a straight face: "No, the life stone is not cracked, which proves that he is still alive."

"Fate Stone?" Mu Liang frowned slightly.

The queen explained: "The life stone is a special magic tool refined by the craftsman. It is bound to the life of a holy magician, and the life stone will also crack."

"I see." Mu Liang nodded.

"Cough cough cough~~~"

The king coughed a few times and asked in a hoarse voice, "Your Excellency, are all the scenes in the movie true?"

Mu Liang said coldly: "Of course, I wanted to use this movie to remind you, but you didn't take it to heart."

The king and queen showed embarrassment behind them. They had watched the movie, but they didn't really pay attention to it, even though it was said at the end of the movie that it was true.

Mu Liang said in a calm tone: "You better wake up the holy rank magicians quickly, otherwise the next time people from the Xu clan come, they will probably be wiped out of the country."

The king and queen looked at each other and nodded slowly.

"We understand." The king said in a deep voice.

Mu Liang continued: "My suggestion is that all the major kingdoms unite to deal with the Xu clan's invasion."

"This is a good way." The queen said gently and generously.

Mu Liang glanced at the queen in surprise, nodded slowly, and sent out a resonance worm: "If you have any news about other Xu clans, please let me know as soon as possible."

The king said seriously: "Your Majesty Muliang, after this difficult time is over, I will personally come to apologize."

"Up to you." Mu Liang said indifferently.

He looked around, turned and left Babette City, ready to find other Void Ghost Kings.

ps: [1 update]: The second update of the positive code. .

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