Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2163: Mass Production Of New Equipment. (2 More)

Heights, inside the palace.

Yue Qinlan and the others were in the dining room, enjoying today's breakfast.


Yue Feiyan picked up a piece of fried meat and stuffed it into her mouth, puffing out her cheeks and chewing.

"Mu Liang doesn't know when he will come back."

She looked at the table full of hot dishes, and then at the main seat that had been vacant for several days, it was Mu Liang's seat.

Li Yue said softly: "When all the ghost kings are captured, they should be back.

Xi Beiqi whispered: "Ah, the New World is so big, it is very difficult to catch all the ghost kings."

Yue Qinlan sighed: "There's nothing to do about it. The virtual ghost kings are all saint-level strengths. I just hope that when those virtual ghost kings are devouring and eating, other strong people will take action to relieve Mu Liang's pressure."

Yue Feiyan sighed, "I thought so too.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

Qin Fei'er excitedly ran into the "830" restaurant, her beautiful eyes lit up and said: "Good news, Your Majesty has caught another ghost king.

"Really!" Xi Beiqi and others exclaimed in surprise.

"Yes, His Majesty personally delivered the news." Cen Fei'er nodded vigorously.

Yue Feiyan said excitedly: "Great, there are still five Void Ghost Kings left outside, and we are one step closer to victory."

Elina's beautiful pink eyes glowed and said: "I have already caught seven Void Ghost Kings, and I have experienced a lot."

Nijisha said with a serious face: "Very well, Mu Liang is busy, we can't relax, today's training has to be doubled.

Alina nodded in agreement: "That's right, we have to work harder."

Liyue said softly: "Today's training task of the ghost special forces, the two of you will be in charge.

"Hey, aren't you going?" Alina asked in surprise.

Liyue said crisply: "Well, I'm going to the military workshop. The new weapon that Mu Liang told me has started mass production. I have to go and see."

Yue Qinlan asked elegantly: "Is it a compound bow?"

"Well, does Sister Qinlan want to go together?" Li Yue asked softly.

Yue Qinlan shook her head and said gracefully: "No, you and Mia go, I have to arrange those elves.

The elves have lived in the main city for three days, and it is time to arrange their work and living places.

"Okay." Li Yue nodded.

"Everyone is very busy, and I have to work hard." Mino said with a determined look.

Yue Qinlan looked at the girl with rabbit ears, and said elegantly: "You are not idle, these days you are either at school or drawing in your room, you should take a break."

"The work is not tiring, and there is no need to rest." Mino said seriously.

Mia's crimson beautiful eyes shone, and she sighed: "Our little Nuo has grown up."

Mino pouted and said coquettishly, "I've always been big."

"It's big?" Yue Qinlan blinked her water-blue eyes, looking at the figure of the girl with rabbit ears.

Mino blushed slightly, raised her furry rabbit ears and said, "Miss Qinlan, what do you mean?"

Yue Qinlan smiled gracefully: "It's nothing."

"Hmph." Mino blushed softly and snorted.

"Okay, it's fine for you to do this." Alina comforted.

"No." Mino pouted, because a thought flashed through his mind.

She kind of wants to go to Yuffier to research the secret medicine that can make her figure better.

The atmosphere of the restaurant became cheerful.

Half an hour later, all the girls went to work after breakfast.

Liyue and Mia went to the military workshop to check the newly produced weapons.

"What's the new weapon?" Mia asked softly.

Liyue explained: "It's called a compound bow, it's a new bow and arrow."

Mia asked in confusion: "Is there any difference between the compound bow and the bows and arrows you usually use?"

Li Yue said crisply: "I heard from Mu Liang that the power is stronger than the standard longbow, and the bow can be drawn with less effort, but I haven't tried it, I will know when I try it later."

"Sounds very good." Mia's beautiful eyes lit up.

The two walked towards the military workshop, and after passing a series of bright and dark whistles, they entered the military workshop.

The person in charge of the military workshop greeted him and said respectfully, "My lords."

"Take me to see the compound bow." Li Yue said coldly.

"Yes, my lord, come with me." The person in charge said respectfully.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

He walked in front and led the way, followed by the silver-haired girl and Catwoman, entering the factory building and walking towards the deep research and development area.

The three of them came to the research and development area, where several spiritual weapon masters and crafting masters were researching new weapons. Seeing Liyue and Mia coming in, they all nodded silently.

"My lord, the compound bow is here." The person in charge took a compound bow from the shelf and handed it to Liyue with both hands.

It was a longbow 1.5 meters long. The bow body had many more parts than ordinary longbows.

The body of the bow is also equipped with pulley blocks polished by animal bones, and the bowstrings made of spider silk and animal tendons are connected...

"What a strange bow." Mia said in surprise.

Liyue's hand that took the composite bow sank slightly, it was heavier than ordinary longbows.

She tried to pull the bowstring, and found that she could save a lot of effort, and she had to try it with arrows to know how much effort she could save.

"Let's go, go to the experiment site and try it out." Li Yue said.

The person in charge stretched out his hand to signal: "Two adults, follow me."

Liyue and Mia followed suit, left the R&D area and walked towards the experimental site, which was behind the military workshop, also guarded by highland guards and soldiers.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

Liyue and Mia came to the experiment site, looked at the three puppets in front of them, and took out arrows to prepare for a trial shot.

The silver-haired girl raised the compound bow, put the long arrow on it, pinched the tail of the arrow and pulled it back, and the bow string drove the movable pulley on the bow to rotate.

The rotation of the movable pulley is silent, which can not be heard when shooting an arrow.


Liyue let go of her hand, and the arrow flew out, directly piercing through the wooden doll and nailing it to the stone wall behind the doll.

"It's amazing. It can save more than half of the bow's strength, and it's more powerful than ordinary longbows." She exclaimed.

Mia asked in surprise: "How much stronger?"

"The power can be doubled." Li Yue exclaimed.

Mia's cat ears trembled, and she exclaimed: "If all the soldiers' bows and arrows are replaced with this 2.9 compound bow, then the overall strength can be improved a lot."

Liyue nodded, raised the compound bow again, and aimed at the iron and steel dolls. The arrows shot this time also hit the dolls.

The arrow tail trembled a few times at a high frequency, and then slowly returned to calm.

"Very good." Li Yue's beautiful eyes sparkled.

She looked at the person in charge and asked with a serious face, "Can compound bows be mass-produced?"

"Yes, but you need the help of a junior craftsman." The person in charge said respectfully.

The production of a compound bow is not difficult, and it does not involve building veins or drawing magic circles, so it can be made with the help of junior craftsmen and spiritual masters.

"Very good, let's arrange for people to start mass production." Li Yue nodded.

"Yes." The person in charge nodded respectfully.

ps: [2 update]: The third update of the positive code. .

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