Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2164: I Warn You, Don't Pay Attention To My Salary. (3 More)

The main city, residential areas, and buildings where vampires live.


"Xue Ye, are you awake?" Brilang knocked on Xue Ye's door.


Not long after, Xue Ye opened the door, glanced at Brilang, and said coldly, "Why do you show up every day?"

After turning his head and looking at him, Brilang made sure that no one was there and said in a low voice, "That's what I said, I'm here to wait for you to go to work together."

"You don't need to wait, I can go to work by myself." Xing whispered.

Brilang shook his head, and said seriously: "That won't work, we can cover each other when we go out together, so that others won't find that we are already working."

Xue Ye glanced at him again, and said coldly: "We have been working for half a month, we will not be discovered.

"It's always right to be careful. Have you packed up? We should go out." Brilang waved his hand.

"Let's go." Xue Ye rolled her eyes, closed the door with her backhand, and walked towards the stairs 24.

"What are you doing here?" A surprised voice sounded, and another vampire girl who lived here poked her head out of the room.

Brillang opened his mouth, his consciousness was running rapidly, looking for a suitable reason.

Xue Ye said directly: "Let's go out and buy blood."

"Hey, I went to buy blood again, you guys are so rich." The vampire girl envied.

"It's okay." Xue Ye replied blankly, and walked downstairs.

Brilang showed a friendly smile to the vampire girl, and hurriedly chased Xue Ye downstairs.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

He caught up with the girl and said with a sigh of relief: "I didn't even think about how to answer it, but you are smarter.

"It's you who are stupid." Xue Ye said bluntly.

...... Tsk, scold me again. "Bililang curled his lips, but he wasn't angry, he was used to the girl's choking manner.

He rolled his eyes and asked, "Xue Ye, are you about to pay your salary?"

Xue Ye stopped and said coldly: "Warning you, don't pay attention to my salary."

"You're thinking too much, I'm about to pay my salary." Brilang said unhappily.

Xue Ye said with a cold face, "Then what do you mean?"

Brillang said with a guilty conscience, "I'm asking when you're going to buy blood, remember to ask me to go with you."

Xue Ye stared at Brilang's eyes, the golden eyes were shining.

"...What's the matter?" Brilang's throat moved, his eyes wandered.

His salary is not as high as that of the vampire girl, and he wanted to borrow some basalt coins from her to taste better animal blood, but now it seems that he can only give up the idea.

"I won't buy blood in a short time, I want to save money." Xue Ye looked forward and stepped forward.

Bu Lilang was stunned for a moment, and quickly asked: "Hey, what are you doing with the money?"

"Of course it's shopping." Xue Ye looked at the man with idiot eyes.

"What to buy?" Brilang couldn't help asking.

"It has nothing to do with you, so don't ask." Xue Ye raised her chin, stepped on her high-heeled shoes and walked towards her work place.

She is a model now, and in order to better adapt to high heels, she wears them on her feet every day.

"Okay." Brilang sighed, and followed the girl helplessly.

When they reached the intersection, the two separated and went to their work places.

When Xue Ye came to the workplace, the other models had already arrived and were sitting and chatting together.

"Morning, everyone." She greeted.

"Good morning, Xue Ye." All the models waved enthusiastically.

With a smile on Xue Ye's face, she came to sit next to the models and listened to their recent gossip.

After the vampire girl became a model, her personality has changed a lot, which can be seen from the smile on her face.

"Okay, stop chatting, get up and warm up." The teacher in charge of teaching the models walked into the training room.

"Yes." The models responded in unison, standing up and doing warm-up exercises.

The teacher reminded: "There are new clothes in the next room, change them after warming up, and take photos of clothing products today, it may be hard, so get ready for a busy day.

"Yes." The beautiful eyes of the models lit up immediately.

Taking photos of clothing products, they have extra income. They can earn three yuan more Xuanwu coins for one set of clothes, and thirty yuan for ten sets.

Xue Ye was also excited. This was her first time taking photos of clothing products, and she had only heard of it from older models before.

Soon after the models finished warming up, they all went to the next room, and the staff had already hung the newly delivered clothes on the hangers, and the styles exceeded the original models.

"A lot of beautiful clothes." Xue Ye's beautiful eyes lit up.

The staff reminded: "Be careful, there is only one piece of clothing here. If it is damaged, you have to go to the workshop to get a new one. Whoever breaks it will get it."

The workshop produces new clothes, and a set is sent here after washing.

The models were shocked, and no one wanted to take this trip, which would waste a lot of time. During the time spent going back and forth to the workshop, they could take photos of several sets of clothing products, which meant that they would earn less Xuanwu coins.

"Come on, this suit suits Nana." The teacher took a long white dress from the hanger and looked at the girl in the model.

"Okay." The model named Nana walked out quickly, took the new dress and went to the dressing room.

The teacher took off the second set of skirts and looked at the vampire girl: "This purple set is more suitable for Xueye.

"I'll change it." Xue Ye's slender eyelashes fluttered, and she took the long skirt and went to the dressing room.

The next room is a studio, and the models who have changed their clothes can start taking pictures directly.

Xue Ye was the second 500th person to take the photo, standing in front of the camera wearing a purple dress, with a white background board behind her.

"Pose." The staff fiddled with the camera, reminding the vampire girl to pose.

"Okay." Xue Ye put one hand on her hip, raised the other hand slightly, and stared at the camera with beautiful golden eyes.

"Very good." The staff's eyes lit up, and they quickly pressed the beast spar on the camera.

He reminded aloud: "Okay, change your posture."

Xue Ye cooperated, changed seven or eight poses before stopping, went to get new clothes to change into, and waited for the next photoshoot.

After the vampire girl finished one set, there was another set, and she counted three yuan and three yuan in her heart.

Xue Ye sighed: "It would be great if I could shoot a thousand sets..."

"Thinking too much will kill you." The teacher patted the vampire girl on the shoulder.

Xue Ye said with a serious face: "I'm not tired, I can do a thousand sets."

The teacher choked for a moment, and said unhappily: "With your strength, you can indeed do it, but the staff can't."

"Okay." Xue Ye showed regret.

The teacher said earnestly: "There will be many opportunities like this in the future, and you can earn more Xuanwu coins, so don't worry."

"Yeah, I see." Xue Ye nodded resignedly.

"Go and rest." The teacher turned and left after speaking.


ps: [3 more]: Please customize. .

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