Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2165: The Big Bathhouse Is Really Nice. (1 More)

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

Xuanwu Kingdom, in the main city.

Sicily and Fei Yi are shopping outside, ready to visit places they have never been to.

The elf girl took Fei Yi's hand and walked towards the main city square.

Humming a little tune, Sicily turned her head and suggested, "Fei Yi, we didn't go to the big market last time, let's go and have a look this time."

"There are many people in the big market, and they don't want to go." Fei Yi said coldly.

The two of them were also wandering around the main city yesterday. They planned to go in after passing the big market, but they finally gave up the idea when they saw a long queue at the door.

Sicily puffed up his mouth and said, "It's okay if there are too many people. You were a great magician in the city of Fuqi before, and you often went to places with many people."

"No." Fei Yi said with a straight face.

Sicily blinked quickly, and her voice was soft and coquettish: "Yi~~~"

.....…you shut up. "Fei Yi's eyes twitched.

"Then you go with me." Sicily pouted.

She continued: "We will live in the main city in the future, and we will go to the big market for shopping, sooner or later."

Fei Yi thought about it, the girl seemed to be right, she would have to go to the big market sooner or later.

"I really can't do anything about you." She glanced at the girl and sighed helplessly.

"Hee hee, you also want to go." Sicily joked with squinting eyes.

.....No, you shut up. "Fei Yi said angrily.

Sicily whispered: "Oh."

The two walked forward along the long street, and after seeing the large main city square, they walked along the periphery of the square to the location of the big market.

The big market is very lively, and there are already many people buying things in it, not only humans, but also orcs and half-orcs.

"There are really a lot of people." Sicily's pink lips parted slightly, and she quickly put the wings on her back against her back so as not to bump into others.

Fei Yi sighed, "That's why I don't want to come."

"Anyway, it's okay, let's take a stroll." Sicily said indifferently.

She pulled Fei Yi into the big market, looked curiously at the counters on both sides, and found that there were all kinds of things for sale, and many things made the girl unable to walk.

Sicily swallowed his saliva and said: "It smells so good, but unfortunately there are no Xuanwu coins, or buy some and try it.

"Here." With a helpless face, Fei Yi took out two basalt coins with a denomination of one hundred yuan and handed them to the girl.

"Hey, why do you have basalt coins?" Sicily widened her beautiful green eyes.

Fei Yi casually explained: "It was exchanged with Warcraft spar."

"Ah, ah, you are so kind." Sicily's beautiful eyes sparkled immediately, and she hugged Fei Yi's waist and rubbed her head vigorously.

Fei Yitou said: "Okay, let go."

"Hee hee, I'm going to buy food." Sicily let go of her hand with a laugh, and went back to the counter where she bought candied haws.

Fei Yi shook her head helplessly, looking around at the surrounding environment, many people cast curious eyes on her.

She was already used to this. When she walked around the main city with Sicily these days, she would always be looked at like this. Fortunately, those eyes were full of curiosity and friendliness, and did not make the two of them feel malicious.

Fei Yi whispered to herself: "This is pretty good..."

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

Sicily came back with two bunches of candied haws, and said happily, "Fei Yi, try this quickly, it's delicious.

Fei Yi took the candied haws from the girl and bit off the first one. The candy shell shattered as soon as she bit into it. The fruit inside was slightly sweet with a little sourness. The combination of various textures tasted amazing

"Isn't it delicious?" Sicily said delicately.

Fei Yi nodded in agreement: "Well, it's quite delicious.


Sicily chewed the candied haws, and said vaguely: "Let's go ahead and have a look."

The two stayed in the big market for two hours, and when they left, they had large and small bags in their arms, more than half of which were food.

"It's the first time that human food is so delicious." Sicily couldn't help sighing.

Fei Yi nodded in agreement: "It's because I didn't eat delicious food in King Fuqi City before."

Sicily smiled and said: "That's true, it's better here, I can live here for the rest of my life."

"Let's talk about work first, we can't live in vain forever." Fei Yi said, looking at the huge tree crown of life above her head, she also likes it here very much.

Sicily said flatly, "Yes, you have to have a job..."

"Go back." Fei Yi said softly.

Sicily tightened the paper bag in his arms, and said in a long voice, "Are you going back so early?"

Fei Yi glanced at the girl and asked, "If you don't go back, what else do you want to do?"

Sicily said in a crisp voice: "Of course I went to other places for shopping, I heard that there are many interesting places in the main city, let's go and have a look.

"For example?" Fei Yi asked lightly.

Sicily's eye dew looked forward to: "The big bathhouse, I heard there are massages and baths, I want to try it."

.......up to you. "Fei Yi's tone was helpless and a little indulgent.

"Walking around, I heard it's very comfortable." Sicily said expectantly.

The two inquired as they walked, and half an hour later they arrived outside the big bathhouse.

Once outside the big bathhouse, Sicily hesitated: "~Do you really want to go in?"

"Why, are you afraid?" Yi Dan asked.

"I'm afraid, it's impossible." Sicily snorted coquettishly, and boldly walked into the big bathhouse.

Fei Yi followed behind unhurriedly, watching the elf girl communicate with the staff in front of the counter, her gesticulation was a bit funny.

"The two of us want to take a bath, scrub and massage." Sicily said seriously.

The staff smiled and said, "Yes, it is recommended to buy a package ticket, which includes bathing, scrubbing, massage, sauna, and hair care."

Sicily didn't quite understand, so he could only nod pretending to understand: "Yes."

"Okay." The staff nodded with a smile, collected the Xuanwu coins and registered, and led the two into the women's area of ​​the big bathhouse.

The big bathhouse is full of steam, and the temperature rises by more than ten degrees.

After the staff said a few words, let the two experience it by themselves.

Xi (the money is good) Xili recalled the words of the staff, and muttered: "First take a bath, then scrub, and then massage...

"Change first." Fei Yi said calmly, and walked towards the dressing room.

Sicily hurriedly followed, changed in the dressing room, and followed the signs to the bathing pool, where many people were already taking a bath.

It was already three hours after the two of them came out of the big bathhouse.

Both of them walked a little frivolously, and walked to the residence outside the highland.

"It's so comfortable." Sicily replied.

"Well, the massage is very comfortable." Yi agreed.

Sicily sighed again: "The big bathhouse is really a good place."

When the two came to the outside of the highland, they happened to see Yue Qinlan walking with Wei Youlan, so both of them were shocked.

Yue Qinlan is here to arrange the life and work of the elves, and Wei Youban is here to help.

ps: [1 update]: The second update of the positive code. .

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