Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2166: The Elves Start Assigning Work. (2 More)

Yue Qinlan looked at Fei Yi and Sicily, and asked gracefully: "Are you having fun in the main city?"

"Happy." Sicily responded quickly.

Yue Qinlan said elegantly: "That's good, if you have a chance, you can visit other Acropolis, it's also very interesting."

"Acropolis?" Sicily said in surprise.

Wei Youlan said crisply: "Yes, Xuanwu Kingdom has twelve acropolises, two commercial cities, and an undersea town."

Sicily's beautiful eyes lit up, and she really wanted to visit the places Wei Youlan had mentioned.

Fei Yi asked with a serious face: "Your Excellency Yueqinlan, what's the matter?"

Yue Qinlan raised her eyes and said gracefully: "Yes, this time I'm here for business."

Wei Youlan said sternly: "The main thing is to arrange the place for you to live, then arrange the work, and talk about some things to pay attention to.

"Finally there is a job!" Sicily exclaimed in surprise.

Fei Yi also looked forward to it, what kind of job would it be?

"Go in and talk." Yue Qinlan said with a smile, and walked into the residential building.

"I'll call Her Lady Queen." Sicily excitedly ran towards the place where the Elven Queen lived.

Fei Yi asked: "Your Excellency Yueqinlan, will we not live here in the future?"

Yue Qinlan nodded and said: "Well, I heard from Mu Liang that the elves like to live in trees 943, so they will rearrange their living places."

Fei Yi pursed her pink lips, and said with a serious face: "Actually, it's not bad to live here.

This place is just outside the highland, and it is the closest place to the tree of life other than the highland. The breath of life is stronger than other places outside the highland, which is of great benefit to the elves.

Yue Qinlan smiled and said, "The new residence should also satisfy you."

"Okay. Fai nodded regretfully.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

Not long after, the elf queen came with other elves, and they looked at Yue Qinlan eagerly.

Yue Qinlan stretched out her hand to signal: "Your Excellency Nanxi, sit down."

"Okay." Nanxi sat opposite Yue Qinlan, looking at her calmly.

Yue Qinlan sat gracefully, and asked, "I've been too busy these days, so I'm only free to come today. Are you still used to living here, Your Excellency Nanxi?"

Nanxi said with a serious face: "This place is very good, Your Excellency has a heart.

"That's good." Yue Qinlan nodded slowly.

She took out the notepad, flipped through a few pages, put it down, and continued: "Let's arrange the work first."

Nan Xi nodded without any objection.

Yue (ceag) Qinglan asked gracefully: "How many spirits are there with strength above level five?"

Nan Xi tilted her head and ordered: "Those with strength above level five come out first.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

Sicily and Feiyi walked out first, and stood in the empty space beside them, followed by more than a dozen people, including men, women and children.

Yue Qinlan was surprised to see that a girl who looked only thirteen or fourteen years old was actually a powerhouse above the fifth rank.

Wei Youlan counted and said crisply: "Master Qinlan, twenty people."

Yue Qinlan nodded and said: "Twenty people, the elders have other arrangements, others can enter the ghost special forces, but they have to pass the basic assessment first."

"What is the Ghost Special Forces?" Sicily couldn't help asking.

"I'll tell you about this later." Yue Qinlan waved her hand.

"Oh." Sicily held back her curiosity.

Yue Qinlan continued: "The remaining people, how many people have the strength of the second level or above?"


"Me too~~~"

Many elves raised their hands and looked at the elegant woman eagerly.

"You guys can go into the Air Force and become an Air Force Contributor.

Yue Qinlan crossed her slender legs and said with a smile: "Of course, it's up to you to choose. Those who don't want to go to the Air Force can also find suitable jobs in other places in the kingdom.

"What is the Air Force?" Some elves asked in confusion.

Wei Youlan explained: "It can be understood as a flying knight or guard."

Yue Qinlan raised her hand to signal: "Xiaolan, tell them about the treatment of air force soldiers."

"Yes." Wei Youlan nodded tenderly.

She continued: "To become an air force soldier, the treatment is different according to the rank of the military. The most common air force soldier will be given 600 yuan each to spend in Xuanwu City..."

The elves listened carefully and compared them in their hearts.

Wei Youlan speaks neither fast nor slow, so that the elves can understand clearly, and she will patiently answer any questions.

Sicily whispered: "It seems that being an air force soldier is not bad..."

Fei Yi whispered: "Of course it's better to be a member of the Specter Special Forces."

"Hey, why do you say that?" Sicily asked in surprise.

Fei Yi said unhappily: "You are stupid, only those who are strong at the fifth level and above can join the Specter Special Forces, and they have to pass the assessment before they can, and those with the strength above the second level can become an air force soldier. Is this treatment worthless?"

"Hey, it seems reasonable to hear you say that." Sicilian's beautiful eyes lit up.

Fei Yi curled her lips: "You are too stupid to understand such a simple truth."

How can the treatment of powerhouses above the fifth level be lower than those of the second to fourth levels?

Wei Youlan raised her hand and said: "Those who want to become air force soldiers can come to my place to sign up later."

The elves were a little moved, and whispered to their familiar friends, exchanging opinions with each other.

Yue Qinlan said crisply: "The rest of the elves can go to the talent market to find jobs by themselves, or let my people arrange them, and there are also jobs to help take care of the tree of life.

Nanxi said crisply: "Your Excellency Qinlan should arrange it, they don't know what kind of job they are suitable for."

Yue Qinlan nodded, turned her head and said: "Okay, Xiaolan, you can make arrangements."

"Yes." Wei Youlan answered seriously.

She looked at Sicily and the others, and continued: "The ghost special forces live in the highlands, so if you join the ghost special forces, you will also live in the highlands.

As soon as these words came out, the beautiful eyes of Sicily, Fei Yi and the others sparkled, and living in the highland meant that they were getting closer to the tree of life.

Wei Youlan continued: "Air force soldiers live in the air force base, and there will be a unified housing arrangement."

The elves listened carefully, and had new plans in their hearts.

"What about me?" Nanxi looked at Yueqinlan.

Yue Qinlan asked in surprise, "Your Excellency Nan Xi also wants to work?"

"En." Nanxi nodded seriously.

Yue Qinlan blinked her water-blue eyes, thought for a while, and said, "You need Mu Liang to arrange your work.

Nan Xi asked, "When will His Excellency Mu Liang come back?"

"I don't know, maybe after capturing all the Void Ghost Kings, he should come back." Yue Qinlan shrugged.

"Okay." Nan Xi nodded slowly.

"Your Majesty Nanxi, rest well." Yue Qinlan stood up as she spoke, leaving Wei Youlan here to solve the problem.

She went back to the administration first to handle her work.

ps: [2 more]: Please customize. .

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