Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2167: Big Brother, I'm Hungry. (3 More)

Among the barren mountains, Mu Liang descended from the sky.

He passed by here, felt the breath of the virtual ghost, and came down to check.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

"There are ghosts staying here." Mu Liang's deep eyes gleamed as he looked around.

He squatted down and put his hands on the green plants on the ground, and the invisible waves spread out.

After ten minutes.

Mu Liang raised his hand and opened his eyes, his eyes turned cold.

The corners of his lips raised, and he said to himself in a cold voice: "It's very unlucky to dig a virtual ghost's lair here~, you met me."

He communicated with the green plants all over the mountain, and there were indeed high-level virtual ghosts here, and they were thrown into the ground deep in the mountain.

Mu Liang stood up, his body disappeared in place, and he used space to jump to the depths of the mountain.

In the depths of the mountain, Mu Liang stepped out, stepping on the soft ground, he could clearly feel the ghost's aura.

"It's not the ghost king's breath." Mu Liang's eyes flickered.

He looked at the overturned land under his feet, his body sank to the ground, and the soil he touched swayed like water, not getting close to him at all.

100 meters, 1,000 meters, 3,000 meters, the temperature is already very high when diving to the depth of the ground.

"Light." Mu Liang thought. The surrounding rare light elements gathered and turned into strong light to illuminate the ground.

He dived another 100 meters, and the surrounding area became open, which was a huge underground space.

The light is no longer blocked by the soil, and spreads to the entire underground space, and mountains of meat come into Muliang's sight.

"I found it." The corners of Mu Liang's lips rose.


There are twelve meat mountains, and there is a high-level virtual ghost lying on the top, and they are giving birth to produce new virtual ghosts.

With every movement of the high-level virtual ghost's body, several low-level virtual ghosts will be born, hanging on the huge meat mountain and growing rapidly.

The appearance of Mu Liang immediately attracted the attention of Xu Gui.

"Jie Jie Jie~~~"

The high-ranking virtual ghosts roared and stopped production one after another, staring at Mu Liang with scarlet eyes.

They flapped their wings and flew up to attack Mu Liang.

Mu Liang's eyes were calm, his whole body glowed with purple light, and the next moment, purple lightning filled the entire underground space.

"Zi La~~~"

The purple lightning filled the entire underground space and lasted for a minute before disappearing. The original Roshan and high-ranking virtual ghosts had turned into coke and fell to the ground without life.

Mu Liang miscalculated: "Tsk, one should be kept alive, maybe we can find out the whereabouts of the other surroundings.

He carefully checked the underground space to make sure that the virtual ghosts were not alive, and then buried the underground space before leaving.

Mu Liang left the ground and returned to the air, looking at the surrounding mountains, he didn't know where to find Xu Guiwang.

He whispered softly: "Where will the remaining five virtual ghost kings go?"

Mu Liang thought for a while, took out the resonance worm and contacted the high ground.

The resonator vibrates its wings at high speed, trying to establish contact with another resonator.

If the two resonators are too far apart, it will take time to establish a connection, and the sound will take longer to transmit.

After nearly a minute, the frequency of the resonance insect's wings remained consistent, successfully establishing a connection with the resonance of the highland.

After more than ten seconds, Xiao Zi's soft voice sounded: "Your Majesty?"

"It's me." Mu Liang replied.

After nearly half a minute this time, Xiao Zi's voice sounded again: "Your Majesty, do you have any explanation?"

"Let me ask, have there been any clues about ghosts in the New World recently?" Mu Liangping asked in a harmonious voice.

"Your Majesty, wait a moment, I'll check." Xiao Zi said quickly.

She opened the register book beside her and searched for the records one by one. After a few minutes, the beautiful eyes of the little maid lit up.

Xiao Zi hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, there is a clue, which is in the Xihua Kingdom."

"Say." Mu Liang's black eyes sparkled.

Xiao Zi said word by word: "Outside the city of Morag in the Xihua Kingdom, a large area of ​​green plants died, and there was an aura similar to ghosts.

Mu Liang asked, "Morag City, where is it?"

Xiao Zi replied: "It's near Xihua King City, it's a day's journey to the north, but at your Majesty's speed, it shouldn't take a day."

"I see, are there any other clues?" Mu Liang nodded slowly.

After Xiaozi heard this, she continued to scroll down until she reached the latest written record, but she didn't see any other clues about Xugui.

"No more, Your Majesty," she replied.

Mu Liangping asked in a harmonious voice: "Well, has anything happened in the kingdom recently?"

Xiao Zi thought for a while, tilted her head and said respectfully: "Everything is fine in the Kingdom, Your Majesty need not worry."

...asking for flowers...

"That's good, are Hu Immortal and Li Yue in the palace?" Mu Liang asked again.

Xiao Zi asked in a crisp voice: "Your Majesty, Miss Liyue has gone to the military workshop, Lord Qinlan is in the Acropolis Administration Bureau, Lord Huxian is still in Shanhai Commercial City, do you need to call them back?"

Mu Liang said softly: "No need, let them be busy, and contact them when they are all together at night."

"Yes, Your Majesty." Xiao Zi responded respectfully.

"Hang up." Mu Liang reminded, ending the call.

He put away the resonating bug, identified the location of the Xihua Kingdom, and disappeared into the air.

Mu Liang used space jump and ten times speed forward, his body flew across the sky like a streamer.


Time passed, the sky was getting darker, and he came to the sky above a small city.

"It's better to rest here." Mu Liang whispered to himself, and his body fell towards the small town.

He entered the city and used his ability to carefully feel the atmosphere around him. He didn't feel the existence of the ghost, which meant that the ghost hadn't arrived here yet.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

He walked on the long street full of garbage, looking for a tavern where he could stay.

"Ahem, big brother, I'm hungry..." A weak voice sounded, attracting Mu Liang's attention.

He looked sideways, and at the corner of the street, there was a scrawny girl curled up there, with a tattered animal skin on her body, looking dirty.

The girl raised her face, tried her best to stare at Mu Liang with her eyes wide open, her body trembling slightly.

Mu Liang thought for a while, stepped forward, knelt down and looked at the girl's face.

The girl spoke softly: "big brother, I'm hungry~~"

Mu Liang flipped his hand, took out a biscuit and handed it to the girl.

"Thank you big brother." The girl's beautiful eyes lit up immediately, and she took the biscuit after thanking her, and ate it with her head buried in her mouth.

"Slow down, no one will fight with you." Mu Liang said softly.


It seemed that the biscuits were too dry, the girl couldn't help coughing, she covered her mouth with her hands to prevent the chewed biscuits from spraying out.

"Slow down." Mu Liang reached out and tapped the girl's forehead.


The girl's throat moved, and the discomfort disappeared.

ps: [3 more]: Please customize. .

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