Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2169: Looking For A Woman Outside. (2 More)

Mu Liang took An Qi to find a tavern, upstairs is the place to stay.

He opened a suite with three rooms.

"Go take a shower, these are new clothes." Mu Liang took out a short sleeve and handed it to An Qi.

The short sleeves are the underwear he usually wears next to his body, and with the height of a little girl, he wears them as a skirt.

"Okay." An Qi responded, holding the clothes and going back to the room, where there was warm water prepared by Mu Liang.

Mu Liang stopped the little girl, took out the toiletries and said, "Wait a minute, these are shower gel and shampoo, the shower gel is for washing the body, and the shampoo is for washing the hair..."

"Okay." An Qi obediently remembered what Mu Liang said, and returned to the room with a bunch of things.


Mu Liang listened to the sound of water splashing in the room, and then took out the resonator, ready to contact Gaodi, Yueqinlan and others to talk.

The resonator buzzes and flaps its wings to establish contact with another resonator on the high ground.

After a few minutes, the frequency of flapping the wings of the resonating insect remained the same, successfully establishing contact with the female resonating insect.

"Your Majesty?" Cen Fei'er's voice sounded.

"Well, are Qinlan and the others in the palace?" Mu Liangping asked in a harmonious voice.

Twenty seconds later, Cen Fei'er's voice sounded again: "Your Majesty, Master Qinlan and the others just finished dinner, do you need to talk?"

Mu Liang responded: "Well, I have something to ask.

Cen Fei'er hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, wait a moment, I will send the resonance bug over immediately."

Because the distance is too far apart, the sound transmission between the resonators takes longer, and it takes nearly half a minute to complete the question and answer.

Cen Fei'er left the liaison room and trotted to the restaurant, and Qinlan hadn't left the restaurant after dinner.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

"Master Qinlan, Your Majesty has something to say." She ran into the dining room and sent the resonance bug to Yue Qinlan.

"Mu Liang!" Xi Beiqi and the others exclaimed in surprise.

Elina and Yue Feiyan both stood up and came behind Yue Qinlan, staring at the resonance worm without blinking their beautiful eyes.

"Everyone is here." Mu Liang's peaceful voice came from the resonator.

Yue Qinlan rolled up her folded hair, glanced at the girls and said, "Mu Liang, the family misses you very much."

A smile flashed across Mu Liang's eyes, and he said softly, "I miss you too."

The corner of Fox Immortal's lips raised, and he leaned forward and asked in a charming voice: "Mu Liang, where are you now?"

She came back to the highlands tonight and planned to rest for the night before going back to Shanhai Commercial City to continue her work tomorrow.

Mu Liang's throat twitched, and the fox-tailed woman's voice had its own seductive and seductive special attack.

He suppressed the emotion in his heart, and replied: "In Da Luo Cheng's tavern, rest for one night and then go to Xihua Kingdom tomorrow.

There are traces of virtual ghosts in the Xihua Kingdom, and there is also a commercial area in the Xihua King City, just in case Mu Liang plans to go and have a look.

Everyone was chatting and talking to each other about the current situation.

"Qinlan, have you made arrangements for the elves?" Mu Liangping asked in a harmonious voice.

Yue Qinlan said elegantly: "Don't worry, most of the elves have assigned jobs and residences, but there are still a dozen elves who plan to find jobs by themselves...?"

"Well, follow them." Mu Liang said indifferently.

Yue Qinlan thought of something, and said crisply: "By the way, the Elf Queen is also looking for a job. How do you plan to arrange her?"

Mu Liang asked in surprise: "She is an elf queen, why does she have to work?"

"Maybe I can't be idle, or I'm too embarrassed to do nothing." Yue Qinlan guessed.

Mu Liang lowered his eyes and thought for a while, then said in a gentle voice, "Let's talk about it when I get back."

"Okay, that's what I told her too." Mu Qinlan nodded gracefully.

"Well, tell me immediately if you have any questions." Mu Liang instructed.

He asked again: "Has the compound bow been put into mass production?"

Li Yue said in a serious tone: "Mu Liang, Mia and I have already seen the finished product of the compound bow, and the power should have reached your expected effect, so I ordered the Junguangfang to start the imperial bow.

Mu Liang said with a clear smile, "Okay, I'm relieved to have you watching over me."

Li Yue blushed slightly, and said softly: "Actually, I didn't do anything..."

Elena hooked the silver-haired girl's shoulders, and said with a smile: "Hehe, we Liyue are very hardworking. We have been to the military workshop several times in the past two days."

"Yeah, there was one time I went there in the middle of the night." Nijisha nodded.

The military workshop operates around the clock, and workers work in three shifts.

Mu Liang smiled and said: "Li Yue will be more attentive."

"Mu Liang is right." Alina giggled.

Li Yue's pretty face flushed slightly, and she cast a reproachful glance at the pink-haired girl, not wanting them to make a fuss.

She quickly changed the topic: "Mu Liang, is there anything else?"

"Okay, stop making trouble, Liyue is already shy." Hu Immortal jokingly said.

Mu Liang said softly: "Nothing else, the main thing is to chat with you and listen to your voices."

The fox fairy's rose red eyes were smiling, and she said coquettishly: "It seems that Mu Liang misses us too."

"Yes." Mu Liang nodded truthfully.

The fox fairy gently swayed the tail of the fox, and said in a flattering voice: "Then you should come back early, everyone really misses you."

"Okay, I will." Muzi Shengsheng replied.


The door was pushed open, and An Qi came out wiping her hair. She was wearing Muliang's short sleeves, which fell to her knees, which looked the same as a skirt.

"Mu Liang big brother, this dress seems a bit too big." She said softly.

Alina widened her beautiful pink eyes, and said in shock: "Hey, this voice, Mu Liang, do you have a new woman outside?"

"Judging from the voice, it should be very young." Hu Immortal's beautiful eyes narrowed slightly.

Li Yue frowned slightly at 817, and then said nothing with her pink lips.

Yue Qinlan took a deep breath and asked calmly, "Mu Liang, who is this woman?"

"Big brother?" An Qi quickly covered her mouth, looking at Mu Liang with nervous eyes.

Mu Liang raised his hand to his forehead, and waved to the little girl to reassure her not to be nervous.

He organized the language and said: "Don't think about it, it's a girl named An Qi. I picked it up when I first arrived in Da Luo Cheng. She is only twelve years old, but she has a special ability...

Yue Feiyan breathed a sigh of relief, and said Jiaohan: "So that's the case, I thought you were looking for a woman outside.

The fox fairy's tail swayed slightly again, and the coldness that emanated from it also dissipated.

Li Yue let go of her pursed lips, and said softly: "Then with An Qi's help, you can quickly find other ghost kings.

"Well, it's a surprise." Mu Liang said softly.

An Qi blinked her beautiful eyes, put down her little hand covering her mouth, and looked at Mu Liang with shocked eyes. The man in front of her is a king?

Mu Liang exchanged a few words with the girls, and ended the call half an hour later.

He looked at the little girl and said calmly: "Go to sleep, we will leave at dawn."

"Yes, Your Majesty." An Qi carefully changed her words.

Mu Liang waved his hand, took out a book and flipped through it.

ps: [2 more]: Please customize. .

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