Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2170: Go To Sleep, I Won't Leave You Behind. (3 More)

At night, An Qi lay on the wooden bed, looking at the roof with her beautiful eyes open.

She muttered softly: "Muliang big brother, I don't know if he's asleep..."

The girl turned her head to look at the door. There was still light outside, and she knew that it was the lantern beetle brought out by Mu Liang.

An Qi had been lying on the bed for two hours, although she was very sleepy, she dared not fall asleep, for fear that Mu Liang would not be there when she opened her eyes.


The girl turned over carefully, the wooden bed made a creaking sound, it sounded like the wooden bed was about to fall apart.

After the creaking of the wooden bed stopped, the surrounding became quiet again.

She lay down for another half an hour, and got out of bed cautiously, tiptoed to the door, and gently opened the door.

"What, can't you sleep?" A warm voice sounded.

Mu Liang put down the book in his hand and looked at the girl with wide eyes.

He didn't feel sleepy, and reading a book was considered relaxing.

An Qi opened her mouth slightly, and said in surprise, "Is Mu Liang big brother still asleep?"

"Not sleepy." Mu Liang said lightly.

He looked at the girl and asked doubtfully, "Don't dare to sleep alone?"

An Qi hesitated for a moment, but nodded.

"Then let's sleep here." Mu Liang said, flipping over his hands, and took out a big bed from the portable space.

There are soft pillows, quilts, and mattresses on the big bed, which he keeps in his personal space as spares.

"Okay." An Qi's eyes lit up, and she slept next to Mu Liang, so she shouldn't be left behind.

She pinched the hem of the short-sleeved T-shirt, carefully climbed onto the big bed, and covered her body with the quilt.

Mu Liang raised his hand and lightly tapped the lantern beetle's body, and said calmly, "Be darker."

The lantern beetle fluttered its wings lightly, and the light on its tail dimmed a lot.

An Qi blinked her eyes, held back the doubts in her heart, and didn't ask what the lantern beetle was.

"Go to sleep, I won't leave you behind." Mu Liang said calmly.

An Qi's pretty face flushed slightly, and she whispered: "Okay, I'll sleep now.

Mu Liang's words calmed down the girl's heart, she closed her eyes after a while, and her breathing became long.

He picked up the book and continued to flip through it. Time passed slowly, and the sky outside the window was brighter.

"It's dawn." Mu Liang looked at the girl on the bed, she was still sound asleep.

He thought for a while, should he wake her up?


"Don't hit me." An Qi's body shook, and her closed eyes suddenly opened.

The girl's eyes were red, and the confusion in her eyes gradually dissipated, and her eyes focused on Mu Liang.

She quickly sat up and said pleasantly, "Muliang big brother~~~"

"Are you having a nightmare?" Mu Liang stepped forward, reaching out to rub the girl's head.

"Well, I dreamed that someone beat me." An Qi nodded weakly.

Mu Liang comforted: "It's okay, no one will beat you in the future."

"Yeah." An Qi responded softly.

"Go wash up, get ready to go." Mu Liang raised his chin.

"Okay." An Qi's mood quickly became cheerful, and Mu Liang was still there when she woke up. Nothing could make her happier than this.

She washed her face with clean water, combed her hair with her fingers, and found that her hair was unexpectedly smooth and no longer dry and tangled.

After the girl washed up and returned to the living room, Mu Liang motioned to the fried meat on the table and said: "This is breakfast, let's eat.

"Okay." An Qi nodded quickly, sat down properly, looked at the tempting and fragrant fried meat, and secretly swallowed her saliva.

She asked naively: "Doesn't Mu Liang's big brother eat?"

"I've eaten." Mu Liang said warmly.

"Okay." An Qi then picked up the chopsticks and began to eat the fried meat with big mouthfuls of sauce.


Her beautiful eyes lit up, and she said in surprise: "It's so delicious.

The corners of Mu Liang's lips rose, and he waited for the girl to finish eating before leading her out of the tavern.

An Qi asked curiously: "Muliang big brother, how do we get to the Xihua Kingdom?"

She thought about it for a long time, and she still wanted to call Mu Liang her big brother, because she thought it would be more kind.

"Fly over." Mu Liang stretched out his hand as he spoke, and gently put it on the girl's shoulder, wrapping her up in invisible waves.

"Huh?" Angie froze for a moment.

In the next second, she was taken up into the sky by Mu Liang, and flew towards the direction of Sisi Kingdom.


An Qi's complexion turned pale slightly, she didn't dare to lower her head to look at the big Luo Cheng who was getting smaller and smaller.

"It's so high." Her voice trembled.

"Relax, it's safe." Mu Liang reassured.

......…it is good. "An Qi responded in a weak voice, still not daring to look down at her feet.

Mu Liang smiled, and continued to fly forward with the girl, the speed getting faster and faster.

He helped the girl resist the strong wind so that the girl would not feel suffocated.

After the two flew for half an hour, the fear in An Qi's heart eased, and she dared to look down at the earth.

"Are you still afraid?" Mu Liang asked casually.

An Qi said weakly: "It's okay."

Mu Liang smiled and said, "Flying is fun."

An Qi pursed her pink lips, forcing herself to look at the earth, and slowly getting used to the weightlessness of her body.


Mu Liang felt the girl's breathing and heartbeat became normal, looked down at her, and found that the girl was admiring the beautiful scenery of the earth.

~ Can you feel where the ghost king is?" he asked warmly.

He wanted to see if he could find other virtual ghost kings along the way to Xihua Kingdom.

"I'll give it a try." An Qi came back to her senses and quickly nodded in agreement.

She closed her eyes, recalled the ghost king's appearance, and used her ability to find where they were.

Mu Liang's flight speed remains unchanged, and the surrounding wind speed is controlled to prevent the girl from feeling uncomfortable.

After more than ten minutes.

An Qi opened her beautiful eyes, and said with a serious face: "Muliang big brother, King Xugui is in front, maybe the distance is too far, I'm not sure about the exact location.

The closer to the target, the more accurately the girl can find the target.

"Okay, then take a closer look." Mu Liang's black eyes lit up.

He stretched out his hand and grabbed the girl close to him. The next moment, the speed increased by ten times, leaving only an afterimage on the spot.

An Qi endured her fear and forced herself not to scream. (Owned by Zhao) Mu Liang flew for three hours, found a hill and let the girl rest for a while.


An Qi clutched her stomach, her pretty face turned pale.

"Not feeling well?" Mu Liang asked concerned.

Angel blushed and said, "Fortunately, you don't have to worry about the improved big brother.

"You must be hungry." Mu Liang frowned slightly.

.......Um. "An Qi nodded honestly.

"Then let's cook something to eat. Mu Liang took out the self-heating pot, took out various ingredients, and handled them skillfully.

An Qi hurriedly said, "Mu Liang big brother, I'll help you."

"No, just wait and eat." Mu Liang waved his hand, took out a kitchen knife to cut the meat and peeled, and continued cooking.

An Qi squatted beside her, watching Mu Liang cook delicious food, and couldn't help swallowing when she smelled the aroma.

"It's delicious to look at." She muttered.

ps: [3 more]: Please customize. .

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