Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2171: Murder And Robbery. (1 More)

In the air, An Qi tightly grasped Mu Liang's collar and buried her head in his chest.

The two rested on the top of the mountain for two hours, then flew up to the sky and continued on their way.

The girl is an ordinary person, and Mu Liang couldn't take her to make multiple space jumps, flying at extreme speed for a longer period of time.

An Qi asked in a muffled voice, "Muliang big brother, where are we?"

"Should have entered the Xihua Kingdom." Mu Liang was uncertain.

He lowered his head and asked, "Want to rest?"

"No..." An Qi replied in a low voice.

Mu Liang's eyes flickered, and at the end of his line of sight appeared a hill more than 100 meters high, with many buildings on it.

"City, go there and have a rest." He said indifferently.

This is a city built on the hillside, and judging from the number of houses and the size of the city, it is a medium-sized city.

An Qi looked up and asked, "Is big brother tired too?"

"Well, I'm tired." Mu Liang responded casually.

The girl is weak and has not been strengthened by potions and secret medicines, so she needs a longer rest.

Nine-color rays of light appeared on the surface of his body, making himself invisible together with the girl, and descending from the sky on the deserted street.

Mu Liang looked around and said calmly, "The environment here is better.

An Qi held Mu Liang's sleeve with one hand, and looked around curiously. Zhou Dao said, "Yeah, it's not as smelly as big Luo Cheng."

This city built on the hillside has a lot of green plants, the green coverage rate reaches 60%, and many houses are hidden among the green trees.

It may be because of this that although there is garbage on the ground, the air is much cleaner than other New World cities.

Mu Liang walked forward with the girl, and soon saw a restaurant built on the mountainside.

He stopped and looked at the girl, and said softly, "I won't be cooking today, let's go eat there."

"Okay." An Qi replied softly.

The two walked into the restaurant, the environment inside was very dim, only two oil lamps at the counter illuminated it.

This is a very ordinary restaurant. It can be seen from the decoration of the facade that it doesn't even have luminous stones for lighting.

There were already people eating in the restaurant, and when they saw Mu Liang and An Qi coming in, they all looked up, and when they saw Mu Liang's clothes clearly, they couldn't help but take a few more glances.

"Tch, nobles also come to this kind of place to eat?" One of them lowered his voice.

An Qi was a little scared, and moved towards Mu Liang.

"Hey, please sit down, both of you." The restaurant owner is a fat man, seeing Mu Liang and the girl coming in, he quickly greeted him enthusiastically.

Mu Liangping asked in a harmonious voice, "What can I eat?"

The restaurant owner grinned and said, "There are fried meat, green vegetable stew...?"

Mu Liang looked at the girl and asked casually, "What do you want to eat?"

An Qi thought for a while, then whispered: "Fry the meat..."

"Then I want two servings of fried meat and one serving of stewed meat with green vegetables." Mu Liang looked at the restaurant owner.

"Okay, I'll be here right away." The restaurant owner looked Mu Liang up and down, turned and left with a twinkle in his eyes.

An Qi said weakly: "Muliang big brother, these people don't look like good people."

"It's okay." Mu Liang said indifferently.

"Yeah." Angie nodded obediently.

After a while, the restaurateur brought the fried meat and ragout, both still steaming.

"Eat it while it's hot." The restaurant owner said enthusiastically.

"Hmm. Mu Liang looked at the fried black meat with dark red sauce on it, which made people lose their appetite.

The girl picked up the chopsticks and was about to pick up the fried meat and stuff it into her mouth, but was stopped by Mu Liang.

An Qi blinked her eyes: "big brother?"

Mu Liang ignored the girl, looked sideways at the stunned restaurant owner, and said calmly, "Try a piece first.

The restaurant owner grinned and said: "Uh, this is not good, it's the food you ordered."

"I'll let you taste a piece." Mu Liang's face was calm, but his eyes turned cold.

The restaurant owner's complexion changed, and finally he said with a grim expression: "Boy, you are quite cautious."

Mu Liang glanced at him and asked, "You dare not eat?"

The owner of the restaurant said fiercely: "You should eat by yourself."

He stretched out his hand to grab—(ceaj) a piece of fried meat, and pinched Mu Liang's face with the other hand, trying to force it into his mouth.

The expression on Mu Liang's face turned cold, he stretched out his hand and moved his five fingers, and the restaurant owner's body froze in place, as if someone had cast a hold on him.

"..." An Qi covered her small mouth, not letting herself scream out.

The expressions of the other diners in the restaurant changed, and they all kept quiet and looked at Mu Liang with uncertain expressions.

Mu Liang picked up the chopsticks, picked up a piece of fried meat and handed it to the restaurant owner, pinched his chin with the other hand, forced him to open his mouth, and then stuffed the fried meat into it.

He wrote lightly: "You have to taste the fried meat you made yourself."

The restaurant owner wanted to speak, but found that he couldn't say a word, his throat rolled uncontrollably, and he swallowed the fried meat, which made his face become terrified.

Mu Liang put down his chopsticks, clapped his hands and stood up and said, "An Qi, let's go, let's eat at another restaurant."

"Okay." An Qi got up quickly, followed Mu Liang and left the restaurant.

As soon as the two walked away, the restaurant owner was bleeding from seven holes on his back feet, and his whole body went into convulsions.

Under the watchful eyes of other diners, the restaurant owner rolled his eyes and fell down, the blood gushing out of the air turned black.

"Tsk, the attack was really ruthless, I didn't expect to poison myself to death." Some diners clicked their tongues.

"It deserves it, but we can share this restaurant equally." Another big man grinned.

The friend showed a tacit smile and said, "That's right, let's dispose of the corpse." 17

The diners got busy and dragged away the body of the restaurant owner, and the blood on the ground was wiped clean.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

Mu Liang and An Qi walked on the street, wanting to see if there were any other restaurants nearby.

An Qi whispered: "Muliang big brother, why don't you eat biscuits.

"Forget it, let me cook." Mu Liang smiled wryly, never expecting to encounter murder and robbery just for lunch.


He was looking for a place to cook when he heard terrified screams in the distance.

"Help, what is this?"

"Ah, don't eat me..."

There were more and more terrified cries, causing the surrounding crowd to panic.

"What happened?" An Qi looked suspiciously, her sight was blocked by a large tree, and she couldn't see where the accident happened.

She tilted her head and asked delicately: "Muliang big brother, do you want to go over and have a look?"

"Don't worry about it..." Mu Liang's expression changed, he felt a familiar atmosphere, and the rest of the words stopped abruptly.

He looked serious, and said in a low voice: "It's the breath around.

An Qi suddenly became nervous. During this period of time, she had already learned what Xu Gui is from Mu Liang.

"Go and have a look. Mu Liang took the girl's hand and flew her directly into the sky.

ps: [1 update]: The second update of the positive code. .

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