Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2172: Big Brother, I Have No Clothes. (2 More)

"Jie Jie Jie~~~"

On the mountainside, hundreds of virtual ghosts are slaughtering humans.

Most of these virtual ghosts are of the sixth rank, and a few of them are of the seventh and eighth ranks. They all came from the old continent with the high-ranking ghosts and ghost kings.

"Jie Jie Jie~~~"

The virtual ghosts roared, destroying the houses and trees, the green plants withered wherever they passed, and the air became ~ polluted.

"What the hell is this?" A strong man appeared and began to resist the virtual ghost.

The magicians chanted spells, mobilized their magic power to cast magic to deal with ghosts, but the effect was not good.

"Damn it, why can't you beat him to death?" The other strong men cut off Xu Gui's body with ugly faces, and the wounds healed quickly.

"These are virtual ghosts, they were mentioned in the movie of the Xuanwu Kingdom!" Someone recognized the virtual ghosts, and their expressions became even uglier.

The strong man who knew Xu Gui's weakness yelled: "Xu Gui, if you want to attack their heads, that is their weakness.

The movie mentions the weakness of ghosts and how to deal with them, and also tells about the existence of "infection of ghosts".


The battle became more intense, the weaker virtual ghosts were killed, but more people died.

"Jie Jie Jie~~~"

The high-level virtual ghost stood upright, spread out its huge wings, and the terrifying breath made people breathless.

"Aura of the eighth level!" The powerhouses showed despair.

The eighth-level virtual ghosts roared and breathed out to attack the strong, dozens of people were instantly reduced to ashes, and more than a hundred were killed or injured.

There were endless screams and desperate cries, and the number of casualties increased.


Mu Liang flew here with An Qi, looked at the groups of virtual ghosts, his face turned cold.

"Mu Liang big brother!" An Qi showed fear on her face, and grabbed Mu Liang's hand nervously.

"It's okay." Mu Liang patted the girl on the head.

He landed on the ground with the girl, and said in a deep voice, "Stay here, don't run around."

"Mu Liang big brother, be careful." An Qi shouted hastily.

Mu Liang raised his hand and waved it, then disappeared in place, and when he reappeared, he was already in front of a high-level virtual ghost.

He raised his hand to grab it from the air, and the cold air drifted out, covering the body of the high-ranking Void Ghost, freezing it into an ice sculpture within a few breaths.


The ice sculpture exploded, and the ice cubes mixed with Xu Gui's flesh and blood scattered on the streets.

"It's amazing!" Everyone exclaimed.

"The Void Ghost of the eighth rank was killed with one blow, so is he a strong man of the ninth rank?"

The fleeing people stopped and were attracted by Mu Liang.

"I'm so blunt~~~"

The remaining ghosts roared and attacked Mu Liang.

Mu Liang's complexion remained unchanged, he raised his hand and waved across the air, and a dozen green leaves floated out, transforming into flying monsters in the air, exuding the aura of seventh and eighth ranks.

"What kind of magic is this?" In the street, exclamations sounded one after another.

The monsters transformed from green leaves are very powerful, they completely obey Mu Liang's instructions and launch a suicidal attack on Xu Si.

"Jie Jie Jie~~~"

The virtual ghosts screamed, they were no match for Warcraft at all.

Mu Liang looked at it calmly, it was the first time to use the ability of "Scattering Leaves into Beasts" on Xu Gui, and the effect was better than expected.

An Qi opened her mouth wide and murmured softly: "Muliang big brother is amazing~~~"

Her beautiful eyes were shining, and she was completely attracted by Mu Liang.


Xu Gui's corpses fell one after another, and were ignited by Mu Liang, all of them were burned to ashes.

After all the ghosts died, the magic beasts in the air circled twice, and finally turned back into green leaves and fell down, burning themselves into ashes before landing.

Mu Liang fell from the sky and returned to the girl.

"Muliang big brother, you are so amazing." An Qi couldn't help but praise.

Mu Liang raised his brows lightly, and said in a gentle voice, "Is this amazing?"

"Yeah, it's amazing." An Qimei looked at Liang with adoring eyes as if there were stars twinkling in her eyes.

Mu Liang smiled and said softly, "Do you want to become stronger?"

"Can you?" Angie froze for a moment.

"Of course, but it's very hard." Mu Liang said seriously.

The girl is too weak, she needs to become stronger, so that even if she is taken to jump in space, it will not hurt her body and spirit.

"I'm not afraid of hard work." An Qi said quickly.

Mu Liang nodded slowly: "Okay, I understand."

"Huh?" An Qi blinked her beautiful eyes, not knowing what Mu Liang meant.

"Let's go, find something to eat first, and then we have to continue on our way." Mu Liang said, looking at the strong men who were approaching.

He didn't intend to have any communication with them, so he took the girl into the sky and flew out of the city.

"Hey, wait!" Someone shouted, trying to keep Mu Liang.

...asking for flowers...

However, they couldn't stop Mu Liang at all, and they didn't dare to stop him.


An Qi hugged Mu Liang's waist, and after more than ten minutes, the two landed again, this time on a flat grassland.

"Rest, I'm going to eat. Mu Liang let go, took out the ingredients and prepared to cook.

An Qi said obediently: "Mu Liang big brother, I'll help you."

"No, you eat this." Mu Liang flipped his hand over, took out a star fruit and handed it to the girl.

Holding the star fruit, An Qi took a small bite, her beautiful eyes lit up immediately, and she couldn't help but take a few more bites.


She ate so fast that she almost ate the pips.

"Muliang big brother, what kind of fruit is this?" An tilted his head curiously.

Mu Liang explained casually: "Star Fruit can improve your physique and make you stronger gradually."

An Qi's beautiful eyes widened, and she said nervously: "Muliang big brother, is this star fruit very precious?"

"It's okay." Mu Liang said indifferently.

An Qi smashed her mouth, feeling her abdomen became warm, and a stream of heat gushed out to her limbs and bones.

"Mu Liang big brother, it's so hot." She said with a flushed face.

Mu Liang said seriously: "Be patient, this is cleaning up the impurities in your body."

"Okay." An Qi bit her lower lip, restraining herself from humming.

Mu Liang glanced at her and continued to process the ingredients to prepare lunch.

After more than ten minutes, An Qi's teeth that were biting her lower lip loosened, her body became very sticky, and the impurities from her body adhered to her skin, making her uncomfortable.

"Go take a bath." Mu Liang waved his hand, made a bathtub out of colored glass, and filled it with clean water.

"Okay." An Qi responded in a weak voice, blushing and got into the tub to wash off all the dirt on her body.


The girl poked her head out of the tub, blushed and said, "big brother, I have no clothes..."

Mu Liang paused for a while, and without looking back, he took out a new short-sleeved T-shirt and controlled it to fly to the girl.

An Qi reached out to catch it, and hurriedly put it on her body.

"Okay, let's eat." Mu Liang put down the spatula and handed the chopsticks to the girl.

"Yeah." Angie responded obediently.

Mu Liang always feels that he is raising his daughter.


ps: [2 more]: Please customize it. .

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