Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2173: I Won't Be Able To Laugh Later. (1 More)

Sicily ran into Fei Yi's room and asked loudly, "Fei Yi, have you packed it?"

She and Fei Yi have already moved into the highland, living in the area where the Ghost Tactical Assassin Team lives, that is, on the sixth floor of the highland.

The two have already joined the Ghost Tactical Assassination Team. Today is the first day to participate in the training camp, and it is also the time to formally meet other members.

"Well, what about you?" Fei Yi straightened her clothes and looked at the youthful and beautiful Sicily.

The girl was dressed in black and wore short boots made of animal skin, looking neat and tidy.

Sicilian Jiaohan said: "I've already prepared, and I'll wait for you to go to the training ground together."

"Then let's go." Fei Yi nodded.

"Let's go." Sicily said eagerly,

The two left the residence and walked towards the training ground deep in the sixth floor of the highland.

"Fei Yi, Sicily, good morning." The other elves also came out of their residences, and "077" waved hello to each other.

"Good morning, everyone." Sicily responded enthusiastically.

Among these elves, some joined the ghost tactical assassination team, and some joined the highland guards.

Fei Yi smiled back, nodded and said: Yuan. "

Sicily whispered: "Everyone gets up very early."

Fei Yi glanced at the girl and reminded: "Today is the first day of training, if you are late, you will be kicked out of the Ghost Special Forces."

"Hey, really?" Sicily was stunned.

Fei Yi said coldly: "Of course, Miss Liyue said it herself yesterday, you didn't listen carefully."

"How is it possible, I listened carefully." Sicily's eyes wandered, her pretty face flushed slightly.

Fei Yi said with a serious face: "If you continue like this, don't blame me for not reminding you if you will be punished in the future.

"Got it." Sicily pouted.

The two came to the training ground deep in the sixth floor of the highland, and found that many people had arrived and were chatting with each other.

"Sicily, Sister Fei Yi, this way." The elves waved their hands.

Sicily and Feiyi stepped forward and chatted with their fellow elves.

Before they had a chat, Tongsha and Angela came first.

Holding a list in her hand, Si Shali shouted loudly: "Okay, stop chatting, and start roll call now.

Fei Yi and the others responded, "Yes."

Si Shali looked serious, and said coldly: "Sumei, Sicily, Iben...

"Yes." Sicily raised her hand quickly.

Si Shali kept the pen in her hand, ticking off the list.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

There was the sound of neat footsteps, and Li Yue and the others stepped forward, the nine-colored ghost armor on their bodies was extremely eye-catching.

"Everyone came very early." Alina folded her hands in front of her, looking at Sicily and the others.

"Everyone is here?" Yan Bing looked cold and glanced at the elves.

Si Shali said seriously: "Captain Yan Bing, everyone is here."

"Well, very good." Yan Bing was a little surprised. The elves were originally surprised that they were late for the training session on the first day, but they all came on time.

Nijisha clapped her hands and ordered: "The ghost tactical assassination team stands on the right, and the highland guards stand on the left, don't get together.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

Sicily and the others looked terrified, and quickly stood up straight, looking nervously and curiously at Liyue and the others.

Liyue, Nijisha and others stood in a row, giving people a strong sense of oppression. Of course, this had no effect on the stronger Sicily and Yi.

Nijisha raised her chin slightly, and said seriously: "Let me introduce myself, we are both the captain of the Ghost Special Forces, my name is Nijisha, and I am in charge of the highland guards."

"Liyue, the captain of the Ghost Tactical Assassination Team." Liyue's silvery white eyes gleamed.

Yan Bing raised his eyes and said coldly: "My name is Yan Bing, the captain of the Ghost Tactical Assassination Team.

Mia and Alina also introduced themselves to let the new members know themselves, and then Si Shali and others also introduced themselves.

Sicily whispered: "When will I be the captain?"

Fei Yi said bluntly: "With your character, it's better not to be the captain, I'm afraid you will kill all the team members.

Sicily gritted her teeth, tilted her head and said in a low voice, "No way."

Yan Bing said, "Okay, stop chatting and get ready to start the training camp."

"Yes. Sicily and others responded in unison.

"By the way, I forgot to tell you." Alina stopped walking.

She put her arms around her body and said: "After the training camp is over, you will be included in the fourth ghost team, and the captain of the fourth team will be selected from the best of you.

The Ghost Tactical Assassination Team already has four teams, the Ghost Team 1 led by Li Yue and Yan Bing, the Ghost Team 2 with Si Shali and Huxi, and the Ghost Team 3 with sisters Heisephine.

"Choose from excellent people!" Sicily's beautiful eyes lit up.

"It won't be you." Fei Yi struck.

Sicily said unhappily, "That wouldn't be you either."

"That's not necessarily true, I am stronger than you." Fei Yi raised her chin slightly.

"Hmph, eighty, what's so strong." The more Sicily said, the more confident she became. In fact, her own strength was indeed weaker than Fei Yi's.

"Before the training camp starts, I want to tell you the regulations that you need to pay attention to as a member of the Ghost Special Forces." Yan Bing's voice sounded, interrupting the whispers.

The elves looked serious, and all their attention fell on the purple-haired girl.

Yan Bing said in a serious tone: "First, anything that damages the interests and reputation of the Xuanwu Kingdom and His Majesty must absolutely not be done.

"The second rule, always take His Majesty's order first."

"Article 3, to obey the order, you must do what the order prohibits..."

The purple-haired girl's words sounded in the ears of the elves, as if they had magical powers, making them unable to forget after hearing them.

"Do you remember everything?" Nijisha asked seriously.

"Remember." The elves responded quickly.

Nijisha nodded in satisfaction, raised her hand and ordered: "Very well, let's start the training camp."

Yan Bing said coldly: "Let's run a 100,000 meters first.

"Well, run 100,000 meters first, and then run 10,000 meters 3.3 with a load." Li Yue nodded in agreement.

Mia ordered: "Let's get started, everyone runs five hundred laps around the training ground."

"Five hundred laps, it's quite easy." Sicily muttered softly, and started running with the team.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

Fei Yi looked calm, running five hundred laps was not difficult for her, as an eighth-level powerhouse, she could easily do a thousand laps.

Liyue's face is calm, this is just an appetizer, it can only be regarded as a warm-up exercise, and the subsequent training can make these newcomers shed a layer of skin, even if they are eighth-level powerhouses.

Alina curled her lips and said, "I won't be able to laugh later."

"It's exciting just thinking about it." The corners of Mia's lips rose, and her beautiful red eyes gleamed.

ps: [1 update]: The second update of the positive code. .

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