Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2174: What Nonsense Are You Talking About? (2 More)

Old Continent, Jinyuan City.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

In the city lord's mansion, Bai Yu pushed away Su Jin's study room, and said with a serious face: "Lord Su Jin, another group of ghosts have come outside the city."

Su Jin put down the brush in her hand, and Tai Yi asked seriously: "Can the guards solve it?"

Bai Yu nodded and said: "There shouldn't be any major problems. All the ghosts who came were below the sixth rank, but there were too many of them."

"How many?" Su Jin frowned slightly.

In the past month, virtual ghosts have appeared more and more frequently, and the number of virtual ghosts has also increased.

"A rough estimate is five hundred." Bai Yu said.

"Five hundred, it should be resolved." Su Jin breathed a sigh of relief.

Jinyuan City has a defense system equipped with Muliangmu clones, so it is very easy to deal with five hundred ghosts.

Bai Yu said sadly: "Lord Su Jin, there are more and more virtual ghosts, will it be another wave of virtual ghosts?"

Su Jin's eyes flashed, and she said slowly: "This possibility is not ruled out, but if the ghost king does not appear, we should be able to block it.

"What about the Ghost Emperor?" Bai Yu asked seriously.

Su Jin sighed: "Emperor Xu Gui...... If Mu Liang can't deal with him, then there's no use worrying about him."

They all know the history of the Xu Clan, and they also know the existence of the Xu Ghost King and the Xu Ghost Emperor. This is like a breathless dark cloud, hanging over their hearts.

Bai Yu couldn't help asking: "Is Mu Liang's strength stronger than Xu Donghuang's?"

Su Jin was silent for a moment, then shook her head and said, "I don't know, I haven't seen him for a long time."

Resisting the urge to roll her eyes, Bai Yu said speechlessly, "Lord Su Jin, you just came back from the Xuanwu Kingdom last month, so it's not too long."

"It's been a month, a long time." Su Jin sighed.

Bai Yu said unhappily: "Lord Su Jin, if you want me to tell you, it's better to move Jinyuan City directly to Xuanwu Kingdom, so that you can see Mu Liang every day."

Su Jin thought for a while, and seemed to be thinking about the feasibility of this method.

"Master Su Jin, do you really want to move?" Bai Yu's eyes twitched.

Su Jin blinked her beautiful eyes, but did not answer the woman's question.

Bai Yu raised her hand to her forehead, worrying about the future of Jinyuan City.

"There is a transit base, so we can't move it." Su Jin shook her head and said.

"Sure enough." Bai Yu sighed bitterly.

"Okay, follow me to the city gate." Su Jin stood up.

Bai Yu asked solemnly: "Do you want to drive there?"

"Yeah." Su Jin nodded.

When she left the Xuanwu Kingdom, Mu Liang gave her a car, and she would take it when she traveled.

"Then I'll drive." Bai Yu turned and left the study.

Su Jin tied her hair up, looked at the painting on the table, Mu Liang's appearance had been drawn.

A few minutes later, she sat in the back seat of the car, and Bai Yu was driving.

Bai Yu turned the steering wheel and drove towards the city gate.

She said with hot eyes: "Master Su Jin, this car is really a good thing, when will Mu Liang give me one?"

"Why did I give you one?" Su Jin raised her eyes and asked.

......Because I am yours. " Bai Yu said cheekily.

"What nonsense are you talking about?" A smile flashed in Su Jin's eyes.

Bai Yu blinked her beautiful eyes, and suddenly said: "Master Su Jin, if you marry Mu Liang and become queen, I don't need to pay for the car or something, right?"

Su Jin's ears were slightly red, and she said crisply: "It should be."

Bai Yumei's eyes lit up immediately: "If that's the case, then I think it's good for you to marry Mu Liang.

"Just because of a car, you changed your mind." Su Jin glanced at Bai Yu.

Bai Yu said seriously: "This is the only benefit I can think of after you marry Mu Liang."

Su Jin twitched the corners of her mouth, and her eyes dimmed. The premise of all this is that she and Mu Liang have a chance.

She thought of Hu Xian, Yue Qinlan and others, is it really possible for her?

"Lord Su Jin, what are you thinking?" Bai Yu turned around and asked doubtfully.

Su Jin frowned. Remind: "You drive and watch the road."

"Oh." Bai Yu tactfully did not ask.

After more than ten minutes, the car stopped at the city gate, and the roar of Xu Gui could already be heard.


The sound of cannon fire was endless, and the guards on the city wall were running. They had already experienced dealing with virtual ghosts, and they would not panic.

When Su Jin and Bai Yu came to the city wall, they happened to see a few virtual ghosts being killed, and the black blood splashed on the city wall, making ear-piercing corrosion sounds.

"The city wall is going to be repaired again." Bai Yu sighed.

"Master City Master and Lord Baiyu are here." The guards shouted respectfully.

Bai Yu asked in a deep voice, "How's the situation?"

The chief guard said with a serious face: "Lord Bai Yu, killing all the virtual ghosts is not a problem."

Su Jin stared at the guards in the fight, turned her head and asked, "How about the casualties?"

The head of the guard said seriously: "My lord, the casualties have not yet been counted, but it is estimated that they will not be more serious than last time.

The last time they resisted the ghost's attack, 300 guards were killed and more than 500 guards were injured, among which 350 guards were seriously injured.

It is precisely because of this that Sujin contacted the Xuanwu Kingdom and installed a defense system in Jinyuan City, in order to reduce the number of casualties.

Su Jin nodded slowly, and said, "Bai Yu, go and help me, and get rid of these ghosts as soon as possible."

"Okay." Bai Yu replied, and jumped down from the city wall.


She fell to the ground, took out a long knife from 087, and cut an approaching ghost in half, black blood splashed everywhere.

Before Xu Gui's body healed, Bai Yu split his head open again, killing him completely.

"Lord Bai Yu has become stronger again." The chief guard exclaimed.

Su Jin's eyes flickered, Bai Yu drank the strengthening secret medicine bought by Xuanwu Kingdom, and also ate the star fruit she brought back specially, it was natural for her to become stronger.

She whispered to herself: "The next auction, I have to buy some secret medicine to improve my strength."

Bai Yu has to become stronger, otherwise how will he be the lord of Puyuan City in the future?

Sujin has already made a plan to make Baiyu stronger, and when she becomes the lord of Jinyuan City in the future, she can often go to Xuanwu Kingdom.

"Ah autumn~~~"

Bai Yu sneezed in the middle of the battle, and was muttering inwardly.

The battle ended after half an hour, Xu Gui's body fell to the ground, the black blood dyed the ground black, exuding an unpleasant smell.

Su Jin ordered: "Calculate the number of casualties and treat the wounded as soon as possible."

"Yes." The guards responded in unison and opened the city gate to rescue the wounded.

Most of the healing secret medicines currently used in Jinyuan City are purchased from the Xuanwu Kingdom, which can preliminarily suppress the infection of virtual ghosts and make the wounds heal as soon as possible.

ps: [2 update]: The third update of the positive code. .

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