Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2175: We Are Not Saviors. (3 More)

In the Xihua Kingdom, on a flat boulder among the mountains.

An Qi clutched her stomach, she was ninety percent full after eating, and her stomach bulged slightly.

"Don't eat?" Mu Liang put down his chopsticks and looked at the remaining soup in the pot.


An Qi couldn't help but hiccupped, she blushed and shook her head and said, "I'm too full, I'll be full if I eat any more."

This is the time when she seldom had enough to eat in the past few years. In the past, she just didn't starve to death.

"Yeah." Mu Liang then cleaned the pot and put it back in his portable space.

It has been a day since they entered the Xihua Kingdom, and they are getting closer and closer to the Xihua King City.

An Qi stood up and said coquettishly: "Mu Liang big brother, let's go."

Mu Liang asked warmly, "Don't you take a break?"

An Qi shook her head and said with a serious face: "No need, if you rest, more people will be killed by Xu Gui."

"Do everything according to the destiny, we are not the saviors of the world." Mu Liangping said peacefully.

An Qi blinked her eyes and muttered to herself: Brother Mu Liang is indeed my savior.

She asked in a crisp voice: "Muliang big brother, do you still want to rest?"

"No, let's go." Mu Liang said, took the girl's hand, and led her to jump directly into the space.

After a few space jumps, the girl's face turned slightly pale, and it was much better than before eating the star fruit.

"Rest?" Mu Liang shot a ball of life elements into the girl's body.

"No need." An Qi said resolutely.

"Then continue." Mu Liang nodded, leading the girl to continue the space jump.

Ten minutes later, the two stopped again, this time because they had reached their destination.

A few days ago, Mu Liang got news from the highlands that there were traces of virtual ghost activities outside Morag City in the Xihua Kingdom, and a large number of green plants there withered and died.

"Muliang big brother, are we really in the right place?"

An Qi's eyes widened, looking at the barren land in front of her, she suspected that she had gone to the wrong place.

Mu Liang's expression was cold, looking at the scorched land, he didn't feel the breath of life.

The once-prosperous Morag City had turned into scorched earth at this time, with all the city walls collapsed, and even the houses were all flattened.

The surrounding green plants are all withered, and at a glance, there is only withered yellow and dead silence.

With such a piece of land, it's no wonder An Qi thought she was in the wrong place.

"Come one step late." Mu Liang said in a deep voice.

He brought the girl down from the sky and landed on the dead land, with the ruined city in front of him.


An Qi suddenly exclaimed, looking forward with a pale face.

A few corpses were dumped there, and they were all scorched black, looking more like skinny skeletons.

"Afraid?" Mu Liang asked calmly.

An Qi gritted her teeth, summoned up her courage and said, "Fortunately..."

Mu Liang looked forward, and said in a deep voice: "There are many such corpses buried under these ruins, maybe tens of thousands of people died here."

Angie's face turned pale, and this number made her feel scared and sad.

"Muliang big brother, I feel a little uncomfortable." She bit her lower lip, tears dripping down.

Mu Liang rubbed the girl's head, and said peacefully: "This world is where the weak prey on the strong. Only when you become stronger can you protect what you want to protect."

An Qi sobbed, and said in a thunderous voice, "I will become stronger."

Mu Liang's eyes flickered slightly, but he didn't say anything.

He stretched out the life field, covered the surrounding land, and searched for possible life.

An Qi watched quietly, her eyes still red.

Half an hour later, Mu Liang shook his head and sighed, "No one is alive."

An Qi looked at the scorched ground and asked in a low voice, "Muliang big brother, will this place be like this in the future?"

"No." Mu Liang's eyes flickered, and the opened life domain began to purify the land, eliminating the breath left by the spleen deficiency ghost.

The breath of life enveloped the earth, emerald green streamers appeared, and light rain began to fall in the sky.


The rain wetted the earth, and the buds broke through the ground, and the green covered the land again, and the breath of life became richer.

When the green plants grow to half a meter high, Mu Liang removes the life domain, and the rest of the growth is left to their own efforts.


An Qi opened her small mouth, stunned by this miraculous scene.

"Let's go, find out where the ghost king is." Mu Liang patted the girl on the shoulder.

"Okay." Angie nodded vigorously.

She closed her eyes and felt the position of the Void Ghost King.

Mu Liang waited quietly, instead of running around by himself, it would save a lot of time for the girl to find out the general direction.

He had just checked the surrounding bodies, and it had been two days since people died.

An Qi opened her eyes, pointed to the north and said, "Muliang big brother, this direction."

Walk. "Mu Liang took the girl's hand and used the space jump to leave Morag City.

After several space jumps, the girl vomited uncontrollably, and her complexion became even paler.

"Take a rest." Mu Liang stopped and raised his hand to pat the girl's back.

An Qi said in a weak voice, "~Muliang big brother, am I too weak?"

"You are still young, so you don't need to think so much." Mu Liangping said in a calm voice.

"Mu Liang big brother." An Qi burst into tears.

"Don't cry." Mu Liang pinched the girl's face, and used his ability to nurse the girl's body.

An Qi sobbed a few times, stopped her tears, and said: "Mu Liang big brother, let's continue on our way.

Mu Liang thought for a while, then took out a small transport spaceship from the portable space, and let the girl enter it.

An Qi's beautiful eyes sparkled, attracted by the transport spaceship, she reached out to touch the seat, and then leaned on the glass window to look outside.

Mu Liang controls the transport spaceship to take off and fly forward at extreme speed, so that he can hurry and let Shaoan rest.

The speed of transporting the spacecraft is not slow, and you can still feel the feeling of pushing your back in the cabin. The girl got used to it after a while.

"Go to sleep. Mu Liang said softly.

"I'm not sleepy." An Qi shook her head, insisting on sensing the position of the ghost king, constantly correcting her direction.

Mu Liang didn't try to persuade him anymore, growth requires tempering the will, after all the flowers in the greenhouse can't withstand the wind and rain.

Only the green plants that have experienced the storm can bloom the brightest flowers.

An Qi looked resolute and sensed the position of the Void Ghost King.

Three hours later.

She turned her head and shouted: "Mu Liang big brother, King Xu Gui has been moving and roaring.

Hearing this, Mu Liang stood up and controlled the transport spaceship to perform a space jump directly to speed up the movement.

An Qi rested for a while, and could bear the side effects of several space jumps.

"Mu Liang big brother is getting closer." An Qi said nervously.

"Understood." Mu Liang responded, and used the space jump again.

After a few space jumps, when the two of them stopped again, Mu Liang felt the ghost's aura.

"I found it." A cold light flashed in his deep eyes.

ps: [3 more]: Please customize. .

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