"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

Bai Shuang ran into the main hall of the palace, where King Haiting was sitting on the main seat, talking with his two sons.

Mette said solemnly: "Father, the kingdom is not peaceful, because of the taxation, the people are protesting."

King Haiting had a sullen face, lowered his eyes and did not speak.

The corners of Kebbins' lips rose, and he said indifferently: "Sooner or later they will accept their fate, and protesting will not change this result."

He was the one who promoted the tax increase, and he was very sure about it, and the people of the kingdom would finally accept their fate.

"But those people are protesting, and they can't make the city operate normally, and there will be chaos." Mette shouted loudly.

"Then they are looking for death." A cold light flashed in Kebbins' eyes.

Bai Shuang walked into the main hall quickly, and asked suspiciously: "Father, what are you talking about?"

She is very boring these days, the commercial city in Salun City has been closed, all the shops are closed, and there are no people on the street, so she can only stay in the palace.

Kebbins' expression softened, and he tilted his head and smiled and asked, "Little sister, we are talking about business, why are you here?"

Bai Shuang stuck out her tongue and said playfully, "I asked my father, but I didn't ask you."

Kempins gave a wry smile and shrugged helplessly.

King Haiting's complexion was also much better, and he raised his eyes and asked, "Bai Shuang, did you go to accompany your mother today?"

"I just came from my mother's side." Bai Shuang said delicately.

After the business district was closed, she was bored every day and spent most of her time on TV with the queen.

Because of the Xu Clan's matter, for the sake of safety, Hu Immortal has shut down the business districts and commercial streets outside one after another, and will not reopen until the Xu Clan's matter is resolved.

Mette said: "Bai Shuang, we are talking about business, you should go back first.

"What's the business, can't I listen?" Bai Shuang frowned and looked at big brother dissatisfied.

Kempins smiled and asked, "Sister, is this about learning to manage the kingdom?"

"No, I'm not interested." Bai Shuang quickly waved her hands, said and turned to leave.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

Before the girl left, the knight in charge of the announcement shouted loudly outside the main hall: "Your Majesty, I have something urgent to report."

"Come in and say." King Haiting said in a deep voice.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

Bai Shuang stopped and watched the knight walk quickly into the main hall, saluting the father and big brothers who were on the throne.

"Your Majesty, Your Highnesses." The knight saluted respectfully.

King Haiting said coldly: "What's important, let's talk.

The knight straightened up and said fearfully, "Your Majesty, Yuesulphur City, Gangni City, Pseudo-Tai City, and Bajunte City were all slaughtered, and no one survived."

"What!" Mette and Kebbins stood up in shock.

"How did this happen, did you make a mistake?" Bai Shuang's face turned pale.

She thought of something again, and said with horror: "Could it be that Xu Gui did it?"

The knight continued: "Besides, there is also Morag City that can't be contacted.

King Haiting shouted in shock: "Are these news true?"

The knight bite the bullet and said: "Your Majesty, the news is true, and someone has been sent to verify it..."

Bai Shuang said in surprise: "Father, Xu Gui must have done this, maybe the Xu Gui King has come to our kingdom."

"King Xugui, what Mu Liang is talking about is a holy ghost!" King Haiting shook his hand, his heart was full of horror.

Mette's face was serious, and she said in amazement: "Father, the only one who can massacre the city without being discovered may be the Void Ghost King."

Kebbins said tremblingly: "Father, if it is really the ghost king, with the strength of our royal family, if we don't wake up grandpa, we won't be able to stop him.

"Father, we have to tell Mu Liang about this, and ask foreign aid to help." Bai Shuang walked quickly to his father, her tone trembling.

"Yes, Mu Liang said that all the kingdoms unite to deal with the Xu Clan." Mette's eyes lit up, and she turned to look at the ugly father on the main seat.

King Haiting said solemnly: "No, if the ancestor is awakened now, he can only live for five days."

Kebbins took a deep breath, and said in a deep voice, "We have to find the Void Ghost King, and then let Grandpa wake up."

"But where can I find the Ghost King?" Bai Shuang bit her lower lip.


Suddenly, there was a violent explosion in the palace, which could be heard by everyone in the palace.

"What happened?" Matt asked in surprise.

King Haiting couldn't sit still anymore, got up and rushed out of the palace, seeing thick smoke rising from the sky.

He leaped high and stood on the roof of the palace, overlooking the direction of the city gate, a huge figure came into his eyes.

"King Xugui!" King Haiting's complexion changed drastically, and he recognized what that figure was. He had seen his appearance in the movie before.

Bai Shuang, Meite and the others all came to the roof and saw the huge figure as well.

"The ghost king is here." Bai Shuang's face turned pale instantly.

She is very sensitive to the breath of ghosts, and once resisted the tide of ghosts together on the rock shell turtle, the huge figure in front of her was stronger than the ghosts she had ever seen.



The Four Xu Kings opened their mouths and exhaled, covering the surrounding buildings and buildings, and the sound of explosions was endless.

He emitted black mist, covering the surrounding streets, devouring all life forms.

"Jie Jie Jie, eat so much." The Four Xu Kings devoured the ecology greedily.

"Ah, the Xu ghost is here!" Horrified screams resounded in the city of Salun, and the city residents began to run for their lives, trying to stay away from the four ghosts.

Many of the people living in the city of Salon are nobles and people of status. They have seen movies and know about virtual ghosts.

Kempins said urgently: "Father, let grandpa wake up."

"Okay." King Haiting's hands trembled, and the aura emanating from King Xugui made him unable to resist.

The ghost king is too strong, and the strength of the holy rank is not something he can deal with.

He turned around and jumped off the roof, galloping towards the ancestral hall behind the palace.

Mette, Kebbins, and Bai Shuang followed behind. They were filled with fear and regarded their grandfather as a straw.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

Several people approached the ancestral hall, and the knights on duty showed doubts in their eyes, what happened to the king and the three His Royal Highnesses in such a hurry?

King Haiting shouted urgently: "Open the door."

"Yes, Your Majesty." The knight on duty hastily opened the gate of the ancestral hall.

King Haiting pushed the knight away, almost rushed into the ancestral hall, looked at the shelves full of tablets, and walked towards the side hall behind the tablets.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

The three of Bai Shuang followed and came to a room deep in the side hall.

King Haiting stopped, raised his hand and knocked a few times on the door of the side hall, and then pressed a few Warcraft crystals on it.

The Warcraft spar lights up, and the door vibrates.

"Old Ancestor, the Kingdom of Haiting is in trouble, the King of Haimen came to wake up and said respectfully.

ps: [1 update]: The second update of the positive code. .

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