Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2178: It's All About Death In The End. (3 More)

"Jie Jie Jie~~~"

Fourth King Xu narrowed his pupils slightly, and his figure flashed to avoid the attack of Broken Sword.

"You can't hide." Patriarch Haiting said in a deep voice.

His speed and strength suddenly increased, and he came to the Void Ghost King in the blink of an eye, and grabbed the opponent's neck.

The Fourth King Xu grinned ferociously, his shoulders turned into a black mist covering Patriarch Haiting, trying to wrap him up.

Patriarch Haiting didn't dodge, but just stared at the Fourth Xu Wang coldly, the energy in his body became restless.

"What do you want to do?" The Fourth Xu King was stunned for a moment, feeling an ominous premonition.

Ancestor Hai Ting calmly said: "After I wake up, I can only live for five days. In the end, I will die. Why don't I take you to die now."

The fourth Xu Wang's pupils contracted, and he said angrily: "Let go of me, you humble blood eater."

He controlled the black fog surrounding Patriarch Haiting to disperse, trying to push him out. "One Eighty Zero"

"It's useless, I told you you can't hide." Ancestor Haiting said coldly.

There was a cold light in his eyes, his body began to ignite spontaneously, and terrifying energy burst out, covering the Four Kings of Xuxu.

"Old Ancestor." King Haiting opened his mouth wide, his purple-gold eyes were bloodshot.

Mette understood something, and exclaimed: "Grandpa!"

"Take care of yourself..." Patriarch Haiting left a sentence, and the next moment his body burst open.

Terrifying energy poured all over Xu Siwang's body, his body began to dissipate, like ashes left over from burnt paper, blown away by the wind.


The Fourth King Xu's angry eyes widened, and his angry voice stopped abruptly.


With an earth-shattering explosion sound, the shock wave spread out, bulldozing all the houses in Salun City.

Countless people were buried by collapsed houses, and the number of casualties increased again.

In the entire city of Salun, only the commercial area is left standing, and the glazed buildings are still very strong.


Meite lifted the stones on his body, and Hai Ting's self-explosive aftermath sent him flying several hundred meters away, and was buried by the collapsed house.

"Grandfather." He shouted loudly, looking at the empty sky, his eyes were bloodshot.


Not far away, both Kempins and King Haiting got up from the ruins, looking at the bulldozed city of Salon, their faces pale and ugly.

King Haiting rushed to the center of the explosion, only to see a large crater with a diameter of 1,000 meters, with only gravel and dust inside, and no living people could be seen.

"Old Ancestor..." He opened his mouth, sadness welling up in his heart.

Kebbins coughed violently, looking at the city of Salon that was flattened by the shock wave, which was more completely destroyed than during the blood moon wave of monsters.

Mette knelt down on the ground and cried out in grief: "It's over, it's completely over."

"There is no time to grieve, save people." King Haimen reprimanded.

Under the collapsed houses, countless city dwellers were buried. Those who were not far from the center of the battle would surely die, but those on the periphery could still survive.

"Yes, save people." Meite's eyes widened, he staggered to his feet, and quickly ran towards the periphery of Salon City.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

Kempins also followed, taking the surviving knights to search and rescue the surviving citizens.

Outside Salun'er City, Bai Shuang and others who had left earlier stopped, turned around and looked at the ruined Salun'er City, their faces were full of horror.

"Go back." The queen said without hesitation.

"Mother, father let us go." Bai Shuang said anxiously.

The queen said loudly: "Listen to me, go back."

Bai Shuang gritted her teeth, waved and ordered: "Go back.

The escorting knights hesitated for a moment, but turned around and rushed towards the city of Salon.

When they returned to Salun City, the knights were searching for survivors. They were disheveled and their bodies were more or less wounded.

"Father." Bai Shuang's purple-gold eyes lit up, and she saw the King of Haihe in the distance.

King Haiting hoarsely said: "Why are you back?"

"I don't worry about you." The queen's face was pale, looking at the ruined Salun City, she felt tight in her chest.

This is the place where she has lived for decades, and now it has been turned into ruins, how can it not make people sad.

Bai Shuang opened her mouth wide and said in amazement: "How could it become like this..."

King Haiting said hoarsely: "The ancestor blew himself up and killed King Xugui, and Yu Wei destroyed the city of Saluner."

"Patriarch is dead?" Bai Shuang's complexion became even paler, and the sudden bad news made her consciousness go blank for a moment.

"Well, if it wasn't for the ancestor, we would all die." King Haiting lowered his head.

The queen took a few deep breaths, suppressed the grief in her heart, and said calmly: "Save people first, don't waste time.

"I'll help too..." Bai Shuang, with tears in her eyes, led the knight to participate in the search and rescue work.

She cried: "Mu Liang, it would be great if Mu Liang was here..."

In the business district, a portal lit up with light, and the vortex in the door spun rapidly, followed by a pair of legs taking steps.

Mu Liangmu clone appeared in the business district.

"It's late." Mu Liangmu's avatar murmured softly, his body disappeared in place, and when he reappeared, he was already outside the business district.

Before Baishuang left the city of Salon, he contacted the high ground of the Xuanwu Kingdom through the resonance insect, and asked the people of the Xuanwu Kingdom for support.

Mu Liangmu's avatar came to the air, staring at the ruins under his feet, his deep eyes lit up.

The invisible fluctuations spread out, covering the entire city of Salun, the life field opened rapidly, and the gravity field also opened at the same time.


The collapsed houses floated up, exposing the suppressed city residents. The existence of the life domain allowed them to relieve their pain and hold their breath.

"Mu Liang!" Bai Shuang suddenly looked up at the sky, although her eyes were blurred by tears, she was sure that it was Mu Xia.

"It's really Mu Liang." The tiredness on King Haiting's face suddenly decreased a lot.

Mu Liangmu's avatar glanced at him, moved his fingers a few times, and the floating stones and debris flew away from the area of ​​Salun City, making the search and rescue work easier.

Bai Shuang said with tears in her eyes, "Mu Liang, thank you."

"Where's the ghost king?" Mu Liangmu's avatar fell from the sky and landed in front of Baishuang 3.5.

Bai Shuang wept and said: "The ghost king was killed by the ancestor's self-explosion..."

The eyes of Mu Liangmu's avatar flickered, and he said calmly: "Did you blow yourself up, Yupo five.

He thought to himself, there are only four Void Ghost Kings left alive, and the next one has been found on the main body, and it will be killed soon.

Bai Shuang looked at Mu Liangmu's avatar helplessly, and cried: "Mu Liang, save them.

"The dead ones can't be saved." Mu Liangmu's avatar said in a deep voice.

"Save those injured, save as much as you can." Bai Shuang said hastily.

"Okay." Mu Liangmu's avatar floated up as he spoke, opened the life domain again, and treated the people in Salun'er City.

The twelfth-level life domain, for ordinary people, is life-saving straw.

ps: [3 more]: Please customize. .

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