
Among the ruins, Evelyn lifted the wooden boards on her body and climbed up with difficulty, the dust on her body shook off with the movement of standing up.

She looked blankly at the ruined city of Salun, her gray hair was covered with dust.

When the Four Kings of Xu attacked Salun'er City, the girl fled with the crowd, but before she ran out of Salun'er City, she was affected by the aftermath of Haiting's self-detonation "and was buried under the collapsed house.

Fortunately, she was relatively close to the city gate at that time, so she was not killed by the aftermath of the self-explosion, but suffered some minor injuries.

Evelyn opened her mouth looking at the ruins, but couldn't make a sound.


The girl stared wide-eyed, stretched out her hand to press her throat, but was still speechless.

Invisible fluctuations spread, enveloping her body, and the life element penetrated into the girl's body, healing the wounds in her body.

Evelyn had a comfortable expression on her face, but she tried her best to speak, but all failed.

"There is still a living person here." A surprised voice came, and the 24 knights who searched and rescued found the girl.

Evelyn looked at the running knight, her body trembling slightly, was she saved?

The knight asked concerned: "Are you okay?"

"Uh~~" Evelyn opened her mouth and tried to speak, but in the end she could only make a hoarse voice.

"You can't talk." The knight was stunned for a moment, thinking that the girl was born dumb.

He patiently said: "It's okay, the ghost king has been killed, and he is safe now."

"Uh~~" Evelyn stared at her beautiful eyes, stretched out her hand and stroked her throat, trying to express her question.

"Yeah, I know you can't talk, it's okay." The knight reassured.

He turned back and pointed in the direction of the business district, and motioned: "You can go to the business district, there is food and water there, and I have to find and save other people."

Evelyn quieted down after hearing this, and watched the knight leave. There are still many people who need him.

The girl looked towards the business district, the entrance gate had been opened, and the survivors were all walking inside.


She looked up at the sky, and there was a figure there, emitting green light all over her body. She had been bathed in the green light before, and felt her body warm.

More and more people were rescued, and the wounded were taken to the commercial area for shelter.

Among the ruins, Bai Shuang raised her hand and cast water magic, rolling up the sand in front of her, revealing the buried corpse below.

The girl's eyes were red, and it was unknown which corpse she had found.

"I can't cry, there are more people who need me." Bai Shuang took a deep breath and searched for other survivors.

At this time, the girl looked like a refugee, her beautiful dress had already turned black with dust, and she was trying to find someone who was still alive.

In the air, Mu Liangmu's avatar fully exerted its life domain, so that those who were buried would be more alive.

He ordered the opening of the commercial area so that the injured could have a place to settle. This was to save lives and to build a good reputation for the Xuanwu Kingdom.

Few people can remember the icing on the cake, but it is easy for people to remember it for a lifetime.

Among the ruins, King Haiting sat blankly.

The royal city of Haiting Kingdom was in ruins, the ancestor blew himself up and took away the ghost king, and more than 50,000 city residents were killed or injured, all of which made him sad.

"Father, what are you doing?" Bai Shuang asked with red eyes.

King Haiting raised his head and said in a hoarse voice, "I'm thinking about how to rebuild Salun City."

"Father, let's save people first. It doesn't matter whether Salon City is rebuilt or not." Bai Shuang shook her head and wiped the dust off her face with the back of her hand.

She looked tired and said: "If the Xu Clan is not wiped out, even if the city of Salun is built again, it may be destroyed again.

"Yes, it will be destroyed again." King Haiting said hoarsely.

"Father, cheer up." Bai Fu said urgently.

"Understood, let's save people first." King Haiting stood up and directed the knights to expand the search and rescue area.

Mu Liangmu's avatar watched all this with cold eyes.

With the state of King Haiting, the kingdom is about to decline.

We must know that the prosperity of a kingdom is inseparable from the ability of the king.

A capable and talented king can lead a kingdom to prosper forever. On the contrary, if an incompetent king manages a kingdom, no matter how powerful the kingdom is, it will decline.

The search and rescue work continued, and the staff in the commercial area also came out to help, treating the wounded as much as possible.

Evelyn walked into the business district, and could see many people running back and forth in a hurry, still shouting.

These people are all here to help, they are the staff of the commercial area, they carry the stretcher and send the wounded to the surrounding buildings.

The girl looked at it for a while, and then stepped forward to help. Although she was temporarily speechless, she acted swiftly.

She was busy and didn't rest until dark.

"Thank you for your hard work, let's eat something." A dozen people pushed the carts and began to distribute food.

Evelyn got two steamed buns and a big bowl of boiled water.

The woman in gray sat down beside the girl, turned her head and asked curiously: "Are you also a worker in the commercial district?"

The clothes on her body were originally pure white, but because the environment was too dirty, they were stained gray by dust.

Evelyn shook her head, took a big bite of the steamed bun, and swallowed it with water, because her heart was satisfied.

"My name is Li Luo, and I'm a medical soldier." The woman in gray introduced herself.

Li Luo came from the Xuanwu Kingdom today, closed the door, and arrived here after three teleportations.

There are many medical soldiers who came to support, and she is just one of them.

Evelyn 653 nodded politely when she heard this, with a look of gratitude on her face.

"You can't talk?" Li Luo asked in surprise.

Evelyn shook her head, then nodded again, "stretched her finger to her throat and gestured a few times.

Li Luo blinked and guessed: "I could talk, but suddenly I couldn't?"

Evelyn nodded quickly, and finally someone understood her situation.

Li Luo analyzed: "This should be the loss of voice caused by excessive fright, and it should recover after a while."

This situation has also been encountered when treating other wounded people before.

Evelyn's beautiful eyes sparkled when she heard the words, as if she saw hope.

Li Luo asked with a smile: "I see that you are quite talented in saving people, and you have learned various nursing methods very quickly. Are you interested in coming to our Xuanwu Lord Country as a medical soldier?"

She had noticed the girl early on, and thought she was a medical soldier.

Evelyn froze for a moment, then pointed at herself in disbelief.

"Don't doubt, you are very talented." Li Luo said seriously.

She patted the girl on the shoulder and said, "However, it's not easy to become a medical soldier, but with your ability and performance today, the application should be successful."

Evelyn took a deep breath, listened to Li Luo's words, and had a new plan in her heart.

ps: [1 update]: The second update of the positive code. .

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