Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2180: Like Touching Some Treasure. (2 More)

Xihua Kingdom, outside the city of Xihua King.

Mu Liang brought An Qi down from the sky and landed outside the city of Xihua.

An Qi pointed to the Xihua King City, and said crisply: "Big Brother, it's right here."

Relying on her ability, she found the location of the ghost king, which was in the city of Xihuatian in front of her.

"Well, the aura of the ghost king remains in the air." Mu Liang nodded slowly.

When he appeared with An Qi, he keenly felt the aura of the ghost king in the air, but that aura was very faint and easy to be ignored.

An Qi tilted her head and asked doubtfully: "Mu Liang big brother, isn't Xu Gui Wang very big? Why didn't you see him?"

"The Void Ghost King can change his body shape, and even wear human skin to pretend to be a human being." Mu Liang explained casually.

"Ah, so powerful." An Qi exclaimed softly.

Mu Liangping said peacefully: "Let's go to the city first, the ghost king may have disguised himself as a man, go in and look for it.

"Okay." An Qi responded obediently, and followed Mu Liang into the Xihua King City.

At this time, people are still coming and going in Xihua King City, and the streets are as dirty as ever. Only the commercial districts in the wealthy districts will be clean.

There is also a commercial area in Xihua King City, but it was closed two days ago, and it will reopen after the matter of the Xu Clan is resolved.

Mu Liang looked ahead, looking for someone who might be the King of Ghosts.

An Qi whispered, "There are so many people."

She held Mu Liang's hand tightly, looking around with her beautiful eyes, curious about everything.

Mu Liang took the girl's hand and walked towards the business district, he didn't like places that were too dirty.


An Qi's pretty face flushed slightly, and she covered her stomach with her other hand.

"Are you hungry?" Mu Liang asked gently.

"A little..." An Qi nodded embarrassingly.

Mu Liang said clearly: "Then find a place to eat."

"Okay." An Qi's beautiful eyes lit up immediately.

She thought of something, pulled La Muliang's hand again and said: "But big brother, why don't you find the ghost king first?"

Mu Liang said indifferently: "You can't do anything without being hungry, eat first before talking."

"Oh, okay." An Qi smiled, and followed Mu Liang to a restaurant not far away.

The two walked into the restaurant, there were quite a few people inside, and they could smell the food. Although it wasn't very pleasant, it was better than the fried meat meal in Da Luo Cheng.

Mu Liang and the girl sat down, called the clerk to order a few dishes, and waited quietly for the dishes to be served.

An Qi looked sideways at the dishes at the next table, and knew that the food here would not be as delicious as Mu Liang's.

Half an hour later, the dishes ordered by the two were brought to the table.

Mu Liang stuffed a piece of meat into his mouth, chewed it a few times with a blank expression, pulled the corner of his mouth and swallowed it.

"Muliang big brother, it's a bit unpalatable." An Qi swallowed the food in her mouth and whispered.

Mu Liang comforted: "Just eat it, and I'll cook something delicious for you when I have time.

"Okay." An Qi picked up the plate and picked up the food.

It's not that she dislikes food, it's just that she doesn't think it's as delicious as big brother's.

Mu Liang just took a bite, and didn't move the food on the table. He just watched the girl eat, and sighed in his heart that only the girl could eat such an unpalatable food.

Half an hour later, An Qi was full and her stomach was slightly bulging.

After Mu Liang's conditioning for the past two days, the girl's body has gained weight and her physique has improved a lot. In addition, after taking three star fruits, she is already a powerhouse at the peak of the first order.

An Qi asked softly, "Muliang big brother, don't you want to eat?"

"I'm not hungry." Mu Liang shook his head, he can go without food for ten days and half a month.

But eating delicious food is a good enjoyment, there is nothing particularly important, and he still eats three meals a day as usual.

An Qi said with a serious face: "Okay, if Muliang big brother is hungry, remember to tell me, I can make something to eat."

Mu Liang glanced at the girl, and asked softly, "Are you sure you eat in the garden?"

An Qi nodded and said: "Yes, I think Muliang big brother's work is not difficult, I have written it all down."

"Then try it next time." Mu Liang nodded slowly.

He thought of Yue Feiyan, she also said the same thing when she cooked for the first time, but unfortunately the food she made was hard to swallow.

"Yeah, let Muliang big brother tell me when he's hungry." An Qi nodded vigorously.

"En." Mu Liang responded.

He stood up and said: "Let's go, go out and find the ghost king.

"Okay." An Qi smiled sweetly, followed Mu Liang and left the restaurant.

The two were walking on the street, surrounded by pedestrians coming and going, many people looked at Mu Liang with uncertain expressions on their faces.

"Hey, that person just now looks like the king of the Xuanwu Kingdom, am I wrong?"

"I also feel very similar, just like the one on TV."

"Could it be him?" Many people stopped and looked at Mu Liang.

Mu Liang's eyes flashed, and he heard what they said, so he took the girl and turned into an alley, and then the two of them entered the invisible state.

An Qi asked suspiciously: "Mu Liang big brother?"

Mu Liang explained: "Don't let people recognize you, maybe King Xugui is nearby."

He took out two masks, one of which was put on the girl's face, which looked like a facial makeup.

An Qi said naively: "I understand."

Mu Liang also put on a mask and a black robe before pulling the girl out of the alley and re-entering the sight of others.

After the two put on black robes and masks, pay attention to the fact that there are still many pedestrians around the two of them, so there is no need to worry about being recognized.

"Muliang big brother, this mask is quite nice." An Qi looked at the mask on his face, the red and black and white patterns were very bright.

Mu Liang explained casually: "This is called a face mask."

"Did Muliang big brother make it himself?" An Qi raised her face and looked at the people beside her.

Mu Liang said softly, "Well, it's the mask of my hometown."

"The mask of Muliang's big brother's hometown~~~" An Qi's beautiful eyes lit up, and she reached out to touch the mask on her face, as if she was touching some treasure.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

The two walked along the long street, and in front of them was the commercial area built by the Xuanwu Kingdom.

Outside the business district, Ling Xiang put her hands on her hips (good king's), looked at the closed gate and sighed helplessly.

She said with a bitter face: "Ah, my buns, candied haws, hot and sour noodles..."

Since the commercial district closed down, the girl has not been able to eat for two days, and the chefs in the palace can't cook the same gourmet sandwiches as those in the commercial district.

The accompanying maid earnestly persuaded: "His Royal Highness, let's go back, the business district will not be open for a few days."

"Understood, I can't eat hot and sour noodles." Ling Xiang sighed, turned around and was about to go up to Lu Jun.

The maid had already set up the pedals, and stood beside them respectfully.

Ling Xiang saw something out of the corner of her eye, turned her head to look at Mu Liang who was not far away, and felt a little familiar.

"Hey, you two wait," she yelled.

Mu Liang frowned, and also recognized Ling Xianglai, the princess of the Xihua Kingdom, who had met several times before, and was Randy's best friend when she was out.


ps: [2 update]: The third update of the positive code. .

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