Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2182: Xiao Zi Is Pregnant. (1 More)

Yue Qinlan walked into the palace and sat lazily on the sofa in the main hall.

She has been busy for three days in a row, and the matter is almost handled, and now she can take a break.

Xiao Zi obediently asked: "Master Qin Lan is back, do you want something to drink?"

"Pour me a glass of juice." Yueqin~lan said lazily.

"Okay." Xiao Zi responded with a crisp voice.

Not long after, a glass of juice with honey was brought to Yue Qinlan.


Yue Qinlan sipped off the juice from her pink lips, and said gracefully: "Xiao Zi, help me squeeze my shoulders."

"Okay." Xiao Zi walked around behind the sofa, reached out and gently pinched Yue Qinlan's shoulder.

She said softly: "Master Qinlan has worked hard."

Yue Qinlan's eyelids drooped slightly, and she said lazily, "It's okay, I'm not tired, so don't presume in front of Mu Liang."

"Okay." Xiao Zi nodded obediently.

Yue Qinlan raised her eyelids, and asked softly, "Have Liqie and the others returned?"

Xiao Zijiao said naively: "No, only Miss Mino is in the palace, no one else is there.

"Everyone is busy." Yue Qinlan grinned at the corners of her pink mouth, holding back her yawn.

Xiao Zi said softly: "Master Qinlan, do you want to take a bath, after the bath, you can have dinner.

"Well, that's fine." Yue Qinlan slightly twisted her neck, and Shi Shiran stood up.

She walked towards the side hall, and before returning to the side hall, the hairpin on her head was taken off, and the long aqua blue hair fell down smoothly.


Ten minutes later, the woman lay down in the steaming bathtub and closed her beautiful eyes comfortably.

"Mu Liang doesn't know when he will come back." Yue Qinlan sighed faintly.

The bathroom became quiet, the woman raised her finger and moved it lightly, the water in the bathtub turned into an improved head.

Yue Qinlan opened her eyes, staring at Mu Liang formed by the condensed water, she missed him a little bit.

"Mother." Yue Feiyan's voice sounded from outside the bathroom.


The next moment, the bathroom door was pushed open, and the red-haired girl ran into the bathroom excitedly.

The corners of Yueqinlan's eyes twitched, and with a wave of her hand, the water turned into mist and filled the entire bathroom, rapidly reducing visibility.

Yue Feiyan blinked her red eyes, and asked in astonishment: "Hey, what are you doing, mother?"

"I'm taking a bath." Yue Qinlan's beautiful eyes narrowed slightly.

She gritted her silver teeth: "Crimson Yan, did I tell you to knock on the door?"

The corners of Yue Feiyan's mouth froze, and she resentfully said: "Mother, I forgot.

Yue Qinlan raised her hand to caress her forehead, and said unhappily: "It seems that there are still fewer puzzles, I will go to the study to get you a new puzzle later."

"Ah, don't~~~" Yue Feiyan wailed suddenly.

She pitifully begged for mercy: "My lord, I was really wrong, don't let me do the puzzle again."

"Hmph, there is no need to discuss." Yue Qinlan sneered.

Yue Feiyan hurriedly said: "Mother, I have something to tell you."

"What's the matter?" Yue Qinlan said in a calm tone.

"Xiao Zi is pregnant." Yue Feiyan said charmingly.

"What?" Yue Qinlan's beautiful eyes widened, and she immediately sat up from the bathtub.

Yue Feiyan said crisply: "That's right, it's heaven for Wang Zi.

"Have a big belly?" Yue Qinlan's eyes twitched, she had asked Xiao Zi to make dinner half an hour ago, and her stomach was flatter than her own at that time.

She rolled her eyes and said in a bad tone: "Crimson Yan, how old is Xiao Zi, she can't be pregnant.

Yue Feiyan blinked her beautiful eyes and said: "No, Xiao Zi has grown so big, so it's normal to be pregnant.

"Then who do you think is pregnant?" Yue Qinlan said angrily.

Yue Feiyan said delicately: "I don't know, Xiao Zi can't speak, so maybe Ling'er will find out if she asks her.

"Can't talk?" Yue Qinlan froze for a moment.

"Yes, what's the problem?" Yue Feiyan blinked her beautiful eyes.

"Little Zi, Thunder Spirit Beast?" Yue Qinlan tugged at the corners of her mouth.

"Yes, otherwise, who do you think I'm talking about?" Menstruation Yan nodded.

She paused for a while, her beautiful eyes widened and she asked, "Wait, mother doesn't think I'm talking about the maid Xiaozi, does she?"

Yue Qinlan blushed slightly, pretending to be calm and said: "Of course not, I'm not stupid."

"Really?" Yue Feiyan clicked her tongue.

Yue Qinlan skillfully changed the topic: "Yue Feiyan, I haven't settled with you yet, and I don't knock on the door every time I come in."

"Mother, I was wrong." Yue Feiyan quickly confessed.

"Get out for me." Yue Qinlan rolled her pretty eyes.

"Okay, right away." Yue Feiyan stuck out her tongue playfully, turned around and left the bathroom quickly, not forgetting to close the bathroom door.

Yue Qinlan sighed, she didn't know who she learned her daughter's personality from, she was so elegant and intellectual.

...asking for flowers...


She got up and left the bathtub, controlled the moisture on her body to disappear, and took out a set of white silk pajamas to put on.

Yue Qinlan left the side hall, and the little maids who came to the dining room had already prepared dinner.

When she sat down, she said gracefully: "Xiao Zi, go to the study later to get a puzzle for Scarlet."

"Ah, mother doesn't want it." Yue Feiyan said in shock.

Yue Qinlan ignored her daughter's protest, and said calmly: "Finish it for me within ten days.

"Mother, I was wrong." Yue Feiyan acted aggrievedly.

"Eight days?" Yue Qinlan looked sideways at her daughter.

"Yue Crimson closed her mouth knowingly.

"Hehehe, Scarlet Face has offended your mother again?" The fox fairy walked into the restaurant with her slender waist twisted, her tail swaying behind her.

Yue Feiyan murmured softly, "I didn't do it on purpose."

Yue Qinlan said elegantly: "I thought that Mu Liang wasn't here, so my sister wouldn't come back."

"Mu Liang is not here, I miss you too, of course I will come back when I have time." Hu Xian smiled charmingly.

Because of the Xu Clan's affairs, the business districts and shops outside were closed, and she only needs to manage the business in the Xuanwu Kingdom, which is easier than before.

"Everyone is back." Liyue and Elena walked into the restaurant one after another, took off their helmets and sat down.

Today is the third day of training for the Ghost Special Forces, and the two of them have been busy since morning.

Yue Qinlan asked casually: "The elves' training is over?"

"Well, we'll continue in two days." Li Yue nodded slightly.

Yue Qinlan said gracefully: "Then you can have a good rest tonight."

Alina shook her head and said: "That won't work, we have to conduct a raid night training to exercise their reaction speed.

"Well, yes." Li Yue nodded.

Yan Bing said calmly, "That's how we came here."

When the Ghost Special Forces was first formed, Li Yue and the others completed high-intensity training during the day, and when they were about to lie down to rest at night, they were called up by Mu Liang for night training.

"It was Mu Liang who came to raid the night training in person, so this tradition cannot be lost." Alina puffed up her lips.

"Giggle~~~" Yue Qinlan's beautiful eyes were smiling, and the elves were asking for more blessings.

ps: [1 update]: The second update of the correct code. .

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