Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2183: Do You Have To Squeeze A Bed With Me? (2 More)

The sixth floor of the highland is the area where the elves live.

In the house where Fei Yi lived, Sicily was lying on a big soft bed, looking sideways at the people beside her.

She asked softly, "Fei Yi, are you asleep?"

"No." Fei Yi closed her eyes and replied casually.

"Why aren't you asleep?" Sicily turned over and asked.

Fei Yi sighed: "My legs are sore..."

Sicily clicked his tongue and said: "My legs are sore, and this training camp is too tough, you and I can hardly bear it.

Fei Yi turned her head and asked: "Well, so does this have anything to do with you not going back to sleep, but insisting on sharing a bed with me?"

Sicily said cheekily: "Let's improve our relationship, we are all teammates now, we have to love each other.

"Who wants to be in love with you." Fei Yi rolled her eyes.

Sicily said indifferently, "You."

Fei Yi sighed heavily. "Six Thirty"

After the training camp, Sicily insisted on coming back with her. Fortunately, the bed was relatively big, and it was still possible to sleep two people.

"Ah, my legs are so sore." Sicily buried her face in the pillow.

"Sicily, be quiet." Fei Yi raised her hand and patted the girl's waist.

Sicily responded in a muffled voice: "I know~~~"

"But the training camp is finally over, I should be able to relax a bit tomorrow." She tilted her head and said coquettishly.

"I hope." Fei Yi took a deep breath.

The tree of life lights up billions of stars, the life field covers the entire turtle's back, the life elements in the air become richer, and the green plants in the farmland, orchard, and medicine garden grow rapidly.

The elves were all refreshed and quickly got up to absorb the life elements in the air. This was their happiest time of day.

"It's so comfortable..." Sicily let out a long breath, absorbing the life elements for half an hour, and the fatigue of the body eased a lot.

She stretched herself, lay down and said, "Now I can sleep well."

"Then be quiet. Fei Yi also lay down and absorbed the life elements for half an hour, as if eating a big meal.

"Understood." Sicily curled her lips, closing her beautiful time to feel sleepy.

As time passed, the elves fell asleep one after another.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

Elina held up a small clock and looked sideways at Liyue: "They should all be asleep, should we ring the bell now?"

"Wait a little longer." Li Yue glanced at her watch, it was two o'clock at night.

Alina turned her head and said, "Alright, what time did Mu Liang wake us up last time?"

"Three o'clock at night." Li Yue said softly.

"Then wait for three o'clock." Alina said, putting away the clock in her hand, ready to ring at three o'clock, so that the sleeping elves would wake up for special training.

She looked at Liyue and asked crisply: "What are you going to do now?"

"You can sleep for a while." Li Yue's lips curled up slightly.

"Forget it, I can't sleep." Alina shook her head.

She took out a chess set from her portable space, sat down and said, "Let's play chess."

Time passed, an hour passed quickly, and Yue pinched the chess pieces away.

"Boom boom boom~~~"

Elena took out the small bell and rang it in the area where the elves lived. The bell sounded very penetrating, waking up all the sleeping elves.

She yelled: "Everyone is up, for night training.

"Ah, training at this time?" Sicily got up from the bed, his hair was messy, and he looked like he had fought with someone.

With resentful eyes, Fei Yi stood up without saying a word.

"How long have you been sleeping?" Sicily sighed and left the room.

"Boom boom boom~~~"

Alina shouted loudly: "Hurry up, I'll give you five minutes, anyone who doesn't make it to the training ground will be fined to run 100,000 meters.

"Ah, don't." Sicily yelled.

Five minutes later, all the elves gathered at the training ground, and they seemed to be in a trance.

"Come on, cheer up." Alina shouted with her hands behind her back.


The elves responded with a long tone, and slowly straightened their backs.

Alina narrowed her beautiful pink eyes, and suddenly said: "Shall I cheer you up?"

"How spirited?" Sicily asked suddenly.

Elena grinned, took out the No. 1 forbidden weapon, and separated the forbidden weapon that imprisoned the Void Ghost King.


The aura of the ghost spread out, and the aura of the holy rank made the elves instantly refreshed, and the drowsiness was swept away immediately.

Elina raised her hand and patted the next forbidden weapon, sealing the cracked gap again, leaving the Void Ghost King's unwilling roar in the air.

"Damn, let me go...?"

She put her arms around her body, looked at the trembling elves and asked, "Are you in good spirits?"

"You're refreshed." Sicily swallowed, her face turned pale...

Li Yue said coldly: "Then start the night training, let's run 100,000 meters first."

"Everyone run." Alina urged.

"Yes." The elves hurried forward, not wanting to be frightened by the pink-haired girl with the ghost king.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

The elves are very fast, running circles around the training ground, lap after lap.

After the 100,000-meter long-distance race, it is weight-bearing flight training to exercise the flying speed of the elves.

The elf wings can only fly faster if they are strengthened through exercise.

The four ghost teams are composed of elves, which are destined to be special and can perform many flying missions.

The night training continued, and the elves began to miss the life in the secret realm of the elves, but when they thought of the life elements and so many delicacies here, they cheered up to complete the training.

In the Xuanwu Kingdom, the elves ate delicacies that they had never eaten in their lives, and they could absorb rich life elements, all of which were worthwhile.

Alina put her hands on her hips and said: "The third training, one-on-one fighting training, the winner can rest for half an hour, and the loser can have an extra half hour of training.

"Yes." The elves' beautiful eyes lit up immediately.

Alina said coldly: "Fei Yi and Sicily are on the same team, Noble is on the same team as Anse..."

Sicily looked at Fei Yi, his eyes were full of fighting spirit, and he was already gearing up to fight.

"Let's start." Li Yue ordered.

The elves acted and found their opponents for fighting training.

"Not bad." Liyue embraced her body with her arms in front of her, 3.6 looked at the elves who were training in fighting, and nodded in satisfaction.

When Fei Yi and Sicily returned to the residence, it was already three hours later, and the sky simulated by the tree of life was already dimly lit.


Sicily fell asleep, his whole body was sore and weak, and he didn't want to get up to wash up.

"You dirty my bed, remember to wash it for me." Fei Yi dropped a sentence, and she also fell on the big bed.

Sicily muttered feebly: "No, I don't want to wash."

"Then I'll throw you out." Fei Yi said weakly.

"No, you don't have the strength anymore." Sicily twitched the corners of her mouth, her consciousness became blurred, and she quickly closed her eyes and fell asleep.

Fei Yi's mouth moved, and she also closed her tired eyes and fell asleep.

ps: [2 update]: The third update of the positive code. .

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