Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2184: The Girl Is Really Amazing. (3 More)

In Xihua King City, Mu Liang and An Qi were walking on the street, still looking for the trace of Xu Gui Wang.

"Mu Liang big brother, Xu Gui Wang should be nearby." An Qi held Mu Liang's hand and said.

She could find the approximate location of the Void Ghost King, but she couldn't locate it precisely.

Ling Xiang was still following the two of them, and she insisted on following, on the grounds that her status as a princess would allow them to travel unimpeded in Xihua Bookstore.

Mu Liang looked at the pedestrians around him, everyone looked normal and there was no suspicious target.

"Could it be hiding?" Ling Xiang whispered.

Mu Liang's eyes flashed, and he said calmly: "It's possible.

Ling Xiang said crisply: "Let's look outside first, maybe you will find it."

"Well, I hope." Mu Liang's eyes flickered slightly.

He freed up one hand, took out a piece of flesh and blood of the Void Ghost King from his portable space, and hid it under his sleeve.

Ling Xiang and An Qi both saw it, and couldn't help asking: "Mu Liang big brother, what are you going to do?"

"I want to see if I can use the breath from the same source to attract the ghost king." Mu Liang explained.

What he took was the flesh and blood of the Three Xu Kings, and the aura was stronger than that of ordinary Xu Ghosts. If the Xu Ghost King who was hiding felt it, he might come out to investigate.

"Oh, I understand at 24." Ling Xiang suddenly realized.

"Let's go, go ahead and have a look." Mu Liang stepped forward, focusing on the pedestrians around him.

An Qi and Ling Xiang also looked around to find suspicious people.

The three of them walked around the surrounding streets several times, and only saw a few people who were also wearing loose robes. After a subtle search, none of them were pretending to be the ghost king.

"If you turn it any further, I won't be able to walk anymore." Ling Xiang couldn't help but said.

Mu Liang said softly: "Then you go back first."

Ling Xiang insisted: "That won't work, the Ghost King Xu is still here, how can I go back."

An Qi pursed her pink lips, closed her eyes and confirmed the position of the ghost king again.

After a few minutes, she opened her eyes and said in a serious tone: "Muliang big brother, he is nearby."

"Nearby, within a few meters?" Mu Liang asked in a deep voice.

"Five hundred meters. An Qi said weakly.

Mu Liang closed his eyes, and the sensory force was released, covering an area with a diameter of 500 meters.

He whispered: "Within a diameter of 500 meters, there are 352 people."

"Three hundred and fifty people, do you want to eliminate them one by one?" Ling Xiang frowned.

With a wave of his hand, Mu Liang created a space barrier with 500 meters as the boundary, preventing people inside from getting out and people outside from entering.

The space barrier is the ability he displayed in conjunction with the gravity of the black hole when he was researching space magic.

Mu Liang said calmly: "If there is no other way, this is the only way."

He didn't have a spiritual tool to detect ghosts, so he could only use the method of elimination to find the king of ghosts from among these people.

"Then let's look for them one by one." Ling Xiang was also helpless, there really was no better way.

"Let's start with him first." Mu Liang looked at the young man walking by, and put his hand on his shoulder.

"Hey, what are you doing?" The young man looked at Mu Liang vigilantly, and was about to take a few steps back to avoid the hand on his shoulder.

"Quiet." Mu Liang's eyes flickered, and the young man's spirit became in a trance, and he stopped resisting and talking.

Ling Xiang asked in a low voice, "Do you want to peel his skin?"

"Who said it was going to be skinned?" Mu Liang twitched the corners of his mouth, and the girl spoke astonishingly.

Ling Xiang blinked her beautiful eyes, and said innocently: "Ah, I thought peeling can test whether he is the ghost king or not.w

"No need." Mu Liang didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

He stretched out his hand to release the life element and entered the young man's body, and the other person showed a comfortable expression on his face, which meant that he was not pretending to be the Void Ghost King.

If it is the Void Ghost King, covered by the rich life elements, the Void Qi in the body will be purified, and finally the prototype will be revealed.

With a wave of his hand, Mu Liang sent the young man out of the space barrier, eliminating one person.

An Qi and Ling Xiang looked at each other, they could only look helplessly, unable to help.

The two watched Mu Liang move like a ghost, 'touching' all the people nearby, and sent out more than a hundred people, all of whom were normal humans.

"Sister, I want to eat." A delicate voice sounded, and a six or seven-year-old girl appeared behind An Qi.

An Qi turned around quickly, seeing the little girl with a chubby face, her beautiful eyes lit up immediately.

She squatted down and pinched the little girl's face, and asked softly: "Ah, what a cute little girl, where's your adult?"

"I'm hungry." The little girl answered irrelevantly.

Ling Xiang also squatted down, dissatisfied: "Your parents are too, if they leave you here, they are not afraid of you getting lost.

"Not afraid, they should be afraid." The little girl grinned.

Ling Xiang Jiaohan said: "It's quite cute."

An Qi reached out and touched her pocket, regretting, "I don't seem to have anything to eat.

"I don't have it either, Mu Liang should have it." Ling Xiang looked behind her.

"Mu Liang big brother definitely has one." An Qi nodded.

"Mu Liang?" The little girl narrowed her eyes and looked at the man not far away.

"Big brother." Angie called out.

Mu Liang looked back and noticed the little girl behind An Qi and Ling Xiang.

An Qi asked softly, "big brother, do you have anything to eat?"

"Yes." Mu Liang's eyes flickered, his body disappeared in a flash, and when he reappeared, he was already in front of the three of them.

Seeing Mu Liang approaching, the little girl grinned again.

Ling Xiang said crisply: "Your Majesty Mu Liang, she seems to have lost 977 and wants to eat."

"I'm hungry." The little girl said delicately.

"What do you want to eat?" Mu Liang stared at the little girl's eyes.

"Jie Jie Jie, of course I want to eat you." The little girl grinned loudly, her body was like an inflated balloon, and her skin burst open.

Ghost King Xu revealed his body, opened his mouth wide and bit at Mu Liang and the others.


An Qi and Ling Xiang screamed, frightened by the sudden change, and hurriedly hid.

The originally cute little girl turned into a hideous and terrifying Void Ghost King in the blink of an eye, how could she not be scary.

Mu Liang's eyes turned cold, and with a wave of his hand, the invisible barrier blocked Xu Guiwang.

"Jie Jie Jie~~~"

Xu Wuwang gave a strange laugh, his body turned into black mist and dispersed, covering Ling Xiang and An Qi again.

"Really pretend that I don't exist." Mu Liang snorted coldly, raised his hand and grabbed it from the air, the surrounding space solidified, and the gravity of the black hole appeared.

Xu Wuwang screamed, and quickly restrained the black mist, almost being swallowed by the distorted black hole.

"King Xu Gui!" Ling Xiang's voice was trembling, and her heart was full of fear. If she took a step slower just now, she would be swallowed by the ghost king.

"Mu Liang big brother, be careful." An Qi reminded loudly.

ps: [3 more]: Please order in full. .

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