Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2185: To Go Up Is To Die. (1 More)

Mu Liang raised his hand to release the space barrier, allowing others to leave.

He looked at the Five Xu Kings, and said in a deep voice: "You can really hide."

"You are the king of the Xuanwu Kingdom." Xu Wuwang narrowed his eyes and recognized Mu Liang.

Mu Liang's eyes flashed coldly, and he said coldly: "The answer is correct, then I will reward you for reuniting with other Void Ghost Kings.

Xu Wuwang's eyes were cold, and he questioned: "Sure enough, Xu Ba and the others are all with you."

"They are too weak, I hope you can be stronger than them."

Mu Liang raised his hand and grabbed it with five fingers, the surrounding space collapsed, and the black hole force covered King Xudong.

Xu Wuwang's complexion changed, and he hurriedly retreated to dodge, but one arm was still crushed by the black hole.

"Damn it." He growled, opened his mouth and breathed out to attack Mu Liang.

I saw Mu Liang's palm slapped forward, the space distorted into a black hole, swallowing all the ghost king's breath.

"It's amazing." Ling Xiang turned pale, and raised her hand to block the aftermath of the battle.

"Let's retreat a little." An Qi said naively.

The two quickly moved away, so as not to be affected by the battle between Mu Liang and Xu Guiwang.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

When Mu Liang and Xu Gui Wang were fighting, Qi Erna and the Royal Palace Knights also came to maintain the order of the royal city and arrange for the city residents to evacuate quickly.

Qi Yuna and the knight commander stood on a high place, watching the battle between Mu Liang and Xu Gui Wang with solemn expressions.

"Your Majesty, do you want to go up and help?" the knight commander asked solemnly.

Qi Yuna shook his head, and said in a deep voice: "With your and my strength, going up is going to die, and it will only cause trouble for His Majesty Mu Liang.

Hearing the words, the knight leader looked at the battle between Mu Liang and Xu Guiwang, seeing that the space was torn apart, he couldn't help but fell silent.


There was a roar in the distance, which attracted the attention of the two of them.

Qierna's complexion changed, and he turned his head to look into the distance. Groups of virtual ghosts appeared on the city wall, attacking the city residents indiscriminately.

"Leave this to Your Excellency Mu Liang, and we will clean up the other virtual ghosts." He said in a solemn tone.

"Yes `々." The knight commander responded, and rushed out, heading straight for Xu Gui on the city wall.

An Qi and Ling Xiang hid in the alley, looking out at the battle outside, both of them were a little nervous.

Ling Xiang asked nervously: "Why are there so many virtual ghosts, where were they hiding before?"

"I don't know either." An Qi shook her head, nervously watching the battle between Mu Liang and the Horse Ghost King.

"Stay away." Mu Liang's voice rang in their ears.

Ling Xiang blinked her beautiful eyes, and whispered: "Isn't this far enough?"


The house ten meters away from the two was affected by the aftermath of the battle, and it turned into ruins in the blink of an eye.

If it weren't for Mu Liang blocking the aftermath, maybe the two of them would have died.


Ling Xiang was startled, and hurriedly took An Qi's hand and left quickly.

An Qi's face turned pale and she was dragged to gallop towards the street far away.

The entire Xihua King City was in chaos, the city residents fled everywhere, the knights resisted the attack of the ghosts, and the number of casualties went straight to work.

"Attack their heads." The knight commander roared loudly.

"Yes." The knights also roared and continued to encircle and suppress the ghosts that appeared.

There are other masters in Xihua King City, some escaped, and some chose to stay and help to deal with Xusi together.

When Qierna fought with a ninth-level high-level ghost, the townspeople were terrified when they saw it.


There was a violent roar in the center of the city, and a large number of houses collapsed. Fortunately, most of the city residents living nearby had already fled, otherwise the casualties would be extremely serious.

The battle between Mu Liang and King Xu Gui was fierce, and all the houses within a radius of three kilometers were destroyed.

Ling Xiang patted her chest, looked at the ruins and said fearfully: "Fortunately, we ran fast enough, otherwise it would be a disaster.

"Yeah." An Qi swallowed, and was shocked by the battle in front of her for the tenth time to see Mu Liang's strength so intuitively.

Ling Xiang blinked her beautiful eyes, and muttered, "Mu Liang won't lose, will he?"

An Qi said with a pretty face, "No way, Muliang big brother is so powerful."

Ling Xiang glanced at the girl, reached out to pinch her face, smiled and said no more negative words.

"A lot of people are going to die again." An Qi said with red eyes.

"It can't be helped." Ling Xiang sighed.

This is the place where she lived since she was a child. Seeing it being destroyed by Xu Gui made her feel very sad.

"I want to become stronger." An Qi said with a firm expression.

"Very good." Ling Xiang encouraged and patted the girl on the shoulder.


Suddenly, Xu Gui's cry sounded above the two of them.

Ling Xiang raised her head sharply, and saw a sixth-order virtual ghost appearing above the alley, stepping on the houses on both sides with its claws, looking down at the two with its scarlet mouth open.

An Qi's complexion became even paler, and she said in a trembling voice, "Go quickly, I'll attract its attention.

Ling Xiang reached out and lifted the girl's collar, and said proudly: "What nonsense are you talking about, you are only one or two levels of strength, how can you let you protect me?"

"Jie Jie Jie~~~"

The sixth-order virtual ghost roared, slapped its claws hard, destroyed the houses on both sides, opened its mouth and rushed towards the two of them.

~Do you really think I'm easy to bully?" Ling Xiang snorted.

She pushed An Qi out, chanted a spell, and cast magic to resist the sixth-level virtual ghost.

An Qi widened her eyes and reminded: "Sister Ling Xiang, be careful."

"Stay away and be careful." Ling Xiang shouted without turning her head.


When she fought with the sixth-level ghost, the low-level magic was almost instantaneous, although the power was not very good, it disrupted the attack of the sixth-level ghost.


"Ling Xiang, go and hide." Qi Yuna roared, and threw a spear from a distance, piercing through the head of the sixth-level ghost.

He had already killed the ninth-level virtual ghost that was fighting, and just about to deal with other virtual ghosts, he saw his daughter being attacked by a sixth-level virtual ghost.

Ling Xiang shook her hands, watching the sixth-order virtual ghost being killed by her father, she couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

She yelled: "Father, you stay safe."

"Understood, take care of yourself. (Dede)" Zierna responded loudly, and continued to deal with other virtual ghosts.

Ling Xiang didn't have time to respond, so her father turned and left, blocking more ghosts from the city wall.

"Sister Lingxiang, here." An Qi raised her hand and waved in the alley far away.

Ling Xiang glanced at Mu Liang in the distance before turning back to the girl.

An Qi asked concerned: "Sister Lingxiang, are you not injured?"

"No." Ling Xiang shook her head, squatted down against the wall, and began to recover the consumed magic power.

An Qi probed out to check the situation, and there were no virtual ghosts nearby, so it was safe for the time being.

She looked in the direction where Mu Liang was, and suddenly sensed something, closed her beautiful eyes and recalled the appearance of King Xu Gui, and began to display her innate ability.

"What's wrong?" Ling Xiang's face was full of doubts.

An Qi's complexion turned pale, and she said in the original voice: "The Void Ghost King is here again!"

ps: [1 update]: The second update of the positive code. .

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