Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2186: You Alone Are Not Qualified. (2 More)

"Another Void Ghost King?" Ling Xiang's complexion changed, and she looked at An Qi fiercely.

She asked: "Where is it? How do you know that there is another Void Ghost King coming?"

"I sensed it." An Qi responded casually, and rushed out of the alley, intending to tell Mu Liang about it.

"Wait, what are you doing?" Ling Xiang hurriedly got up and carried the girl back.

An Qi struggled and said: "I'm going to tell Muliang big brother about this, let big brother run away quickly.

"It's too dangerous there. If you were not careful in the past, you would die." Ling Xiang didn't let go, but hugged her even tighter.

An Qi struggled and said with a pale face: "Sister Lingxiang, let me go quickly, the big brother is in danger."


The ground in the distance collapsed, it was caused by Mu Liang's punch to the ground and the bombardment of Wu Wang Xu.

Ling Xiang shouted: "Look, this one stone can kill you.

"It's okay, I'm not afraid of death." An Qi said loudly.

"Jie Jie Jie, it's so lively." The strange laughter of the Ten Xu Kings came from the sky, and a huge body appeared out of nowhere, falling straight to the place where Mu Liang and the Five Xu Kings were fighting.

The appearance of the Ten Xu Kings changed the expressions of Qi Yuna and the others, and the terrifying coercion made it difficult for them to breathe.

"It's late." An Qi's complexion was as pale as paper, and she was filled with fear as she watched the Ten Xu Kings appear.

Her body was trembling, and she said loudly: "No, Muliang big brother can't die."

"Don't worry, your Deputy Mu Liang is very powerful." Ling Xiang quickly comforted her.

"No, Muliang big brother, run." An Qi wanted to shout, but found that she couldn't shout because of fear.

Just as Mu Liang wanted to grab the fifth Xu king who had been beaten down, he was interrupted by the ten Xu king who came.

Xu Shiwan grinned strangely and said: "Jie Jie Jie, you are in the fifth king, you are really in a mess."

Xu Wu Wang raised his head and said angrily: "You can't win even if you face him."

"That's hard to say." Xu Shi Wang looked at Mu Liang, opened his mouth without saying a word, and breathed out.

Mu Liang's face remained unchanged, he raised his hand to draw a circle in front of him, the space distorted into a black hole, swallowing all the ghost king's breath.

"The smile on Xu Shiwang's face disappeared immediately, and he looked at Mu Liang solemnly.

Mu Liang asked calmly: "(cebg) He is the fifth king of Xu, who are you?"

The wings behind Ten Xu Wang spread out, and he said fiercely: "Jie Jie Jie, do you think our strength is determined by our names?"

Mu Liang honestly said: "No, I want to know which other virtual ghost kings have not been caught."

Xu Shiwang's pupils contracted, and asked in a bad tone: "Who did you catch?"

"Including the two of you, there are ten ghosts in total, and there are two Xu ghost kings left, where are they?" Mu Liang looked at the ten ghost kings, his tone as cold as frost.

The Ten Xu Kings looked ugly, if what Mu Liang said was true, it meant that the eight Xu Ghost Kings had already been arrested.

"Jie Jie Jie, then let you release them all today." He grinned and growled.

"You alone are not qualified." Mu Liang said indifferently.

He glanced sideways at An Qi in the distance, and the next moment he dodged to attack the ten kings of Xu, the surrounding gravity rose several times faster, making the actions of the five kings of Xu and the ten kings of Xu slower.

The rapid rise of gravity distorts the surrounding space, and black holes appear in the sky one after another, swallowing the dust raised up around them.

"Damn it, what is this?" Xu Shiwang said in amazement.

Xu Wuwang said in a hoarse voice: "Jie Jie Jie, as I said, even you will not be his opponent."

"Stop talking nonsense, let's join hands, or you and I will die here." Ten King Xu roared.

"Understood." Xu Wuwang slowly stood up against the gravity, and the aura of the holy step spread out to resist the rising gravity.

What he didn't expect was that the spreading emptiness was swallowed by the distorted black hole, which meant that their strength was constantly being weakened.


Xu Shiwang roared, opened his mouth to condense a ball of energy, raised his hand to grab it and smashed it at Mu Liang, and the space he passed was also distorted.

Mu Liang stretched out his hand to grab it, and the gravity in front of him twisted, and a black hole appeared out of thin air, engulfing the energy ball that was flying fast.

"It's useless. Ten Xu Wang's complexion is ugly.

"Go up." The Fifth Xu King fluttered his wings and flew up, the speed was much slower than before, his body expanded rapidly, and he raised his hand to bombard Tongniang.

Ten King Xu's eyes flickered, but he didn't fly up with him.

"Thunder is coming. Mu Liang opened his mouth slightly, the sky thundered and exploded, and purple lightning rained down, covering the two virtual ghost kings.

The Ten Kings of Xu roared angrily: "Damn it, Thunder and Lightning."

For the Void Ghost King, thunder and lightning, light elements, and life elements are all threatening.


Xu Wu Wang screamed out, his body became riddled with holes, lightning passed through his body, the wounds left behind were difficult to heal, and there were still electric arcs beating on the surface.

With Mu Liang's current strength, the lightning power released is astonishing, even the Void Ghost King can't resist it.

The body of the ten kings of Xu was also pierced by lightning, watching the five kings of Xu being engulfed by lightning in the air, fear arose in their hearts.

"No, I can't win. I can't die here." With a fierce look on his face, he turned and galloped outward, wanting to leave the area covered by gravity and lightning.

"Xu Ten Kings, where do you want to go?" Xu Wu Wang roared angrily.

Without saying a word, the Ten Kings of Xu galloped away from the area covered by lightning, and spread their wings to escape from the Xihua King City.

He doesn't want to die, but wants to devour more human beings so that he can complete the evolution. After Roy wakes up, he can become his real right-hand man.

Only by devouring more human beings can he surpass the Xu Er Wang and Xu Yi Wang who are pressing on his head. Now that he dies here, the previous efforts will be in vain.

"Damn it, Master Roy won't let you go." The Void Five King roared again and again.

The Ten Kings of Xu looked back at him, and said with a smirk: "Lord Roy won't know, you won't survive anyway.

"Trash." The Void King roared.

"Who told you that you can leave?" An indifferent voice sounded, and a figure stopped in front of Xu Shiwang.

Xu Shiwang looked at Mu Liangxin who suddenly appeared, and his heart suddenly became cold.

"You don't have to be my opponent." He began to bluff, making his body bigger.

Mu Liang looked at him, and his body also grew bigger, reaching a height of 100 meters in a few breaths, which stunned An Qi, Ling Xiang and others in the distance.

"Is there any magic that your Muliang big brother doesn't know?" Ling Xiang said dumbfounded.

An Qi also widened her beautiful eyes, and said in surprise: "I don't know..."

At this time, she was not as worried as she was at the beginning, and the scene of Mu Liang 1v2 was still vivid in her memory.

"I don't even know what kind of magic this is." Ling Xiang clicked her tongue and looked at Mu Liang as if she was watching a miracle.

ps: [2 more]: Please customize. .

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