Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2187: I Don't Want To Play Anymore. (1 More)

The Ten Kings of Xu stared at the gigantic Mu Liang with an extremely ugly expression.

He mobilized all his strength, prepared to fight Mu Liang to the death, and then took the opportunity to find an opportunity to leave.


Several curved horns grew from the top of Xu Shiwang's head, the blood vessels on the surface of the skin squirmed, and the veins burst out.

"Zi La~~~"

"Shadow spider silk." Mu Liang looked calm, surrounded by purple lightning, and at the same time used his ability to imprison the body of the ghost king.

The Ten Xu Kings roared angrily, surrounded by black emptiness, broke the shadow spider threads that bound his body, and raised his hand to punch Mu Nang.

"I don't want to play anymore." Mu Liang's body shrunk, and he stepped back a certain distance, his black eyes gleamed, and he used his petrified eyes ability.


The body of Xu Shiwang paused, petrification marks appeared on the surface of the body, and his movements became sluggish.

Mu Liang's face was calm, and he came to the front of the Ten Xu Kings, raised his hands and pressed on his head: "Stop struggling, tell me where are the other Xu Ghost Kings-?"

"I don't know." Xu Shiwang said angrily.

"Hundred times gravity." 11 Mu Liang spoke indifferently.


The next moment, Xu Shiwang seemed to be hit by a huge mountain, and his body hit the ground hard, causing the earth to vibrate.

Mu Liang's body fluttered down, stepped on the heads of the Ten Xu Kings, and asked calmly, "Where are the remaining Xu Ghost Kings?"

"Damn it, I really don't know." Ten Xu King roared angrily.

Mu Liang thought for a while, then asked again: "Where is Roy?"

"I don't even know about that." Ten Xu King roared.

"You don't know anything, so it's useless to save your life, you'd better die." Mu Liang's eyes flickered, controlling the gravity to change.

The gravity under the body of Xu Shiwang twisted, and soon formed a huge black hole, swallowing everything around.

"Zi La~~~"

Even lightning is swallowed by the distorted black hole.

The body of Xu Shiwang was no exception, and was slowly swallowed by the huge black hole.

"No, damn it." He roared in horror, struggling with his body, controlling his body to turn into black mist and trying to escape.

"Go down." Mu Liang raised his hand and pressed down, the black hole spun up and swallowed all the black mist that the Void Ghost King turned into.

The Ten Kings of Xu looked desperate and roared angrily: "There is still half a year left, Lord Roy will not let you go."

"Half a year?" Mu Liang frowned slightly, watching the black hole dissipate, and the Ten Xu Kings also disappeared, and the surrounding became quiet.

He looked at the Xu Wu Wang who was covered by purple lightning, he still had one breath left.

"Boom boom boom~~~"

Mu Liang controlled the lightning to disappear, leaving behind the dying Xu Wu Wang, his body was scorched black, and the corners of his head were all broken.

"Where is Roy?" He landed in front of the Five Xu Kings, and a terrifying pressure fell on him.


Xu Wuwang screamed out, his body made piercing noises, as if he was about to fall apart at any moment.

He roared in pain: "Lord Roy's whereabouts, only the Fourth Xu Wang knows..."

"Fourth King of Xu." Mu Liang narrowed his eyes slightly, and it seemed that the Fourth King of Xu was in his hands, but he was restrained and couldn't ask any useful information at all.

Xu Wuwang said hoarsely: "Yes, but I don't know where he is.

Mu Liang said calmly: "That's nothing to do with you."

"No, I'm still useful..." Xu Wuwang opened his eyes angrily, and the next moment his head was directly pierced by a ten-meter-thick lightning.

His eyes opened angrily, the breath of life dissipated, and his consciousness fell into endless darkness.

With a wave of his hand, Mu Liang put the corpse of the Five Xu Kings into the devouring space.

He raised his eyelids, and said in a calm tone, "There are still two Void Ghost Kings left."

An Qi ran forward with a pale complexion, and said with concern: "Muliang big brother~~~"

"It's okay." Mu Liang rubbed the girl's head.

Ling Xiang also stepped forward, exclaiming repeatedly: "Your Majesty Mu Liang, you are so amazing."

Mu Liang nodded and looked at the battle in the distance. The death of the Tenth King and the Fifth King made those ghosts panic. The high-level ghosts began to flee, only the low-level ghosts continued to attack desperately.

"You wait for me here." He left a sentence, dodged to leave the spot, appeared in front of the fleeing high-ranking virtual ghosts, and stopped them all.

"Your Excellency Mu Liang." Qi Yuna's eyes lit up.

Mu Liang said indifferently: "Take care of these virtual ghosts first."

"Okay." Zierna nodded quickly, and launched an attack on the virtual ghost group again.

"Since you're here, don't rush away." Mu Liang snorted coldly, and a strong wind appeared around the ghosts, cutting their bodies like sharp knives.

The space distorted, and the surrounding virtual ghosts were smashed into slag, and they couldn't die any more.

The battle lasted for half an hour, and the remaining ghosts were all killed, their bodies were piled up on the ground, and the stench of ghosts permeated the entire Xihua King City.

...asking for flowers......

"Finally they were all killed." Zierna looked tired and landed on the city wall.

Mu Liang calmly said: "These corpses should be collected and burned to avoid polluting the environment.

"I arranged for the death." Zierna nodded in agreement.

"Yeah." Mu Liang nodded, Xu Gui Wang was dead, and the aftermath was left to other people.

Qi Erna said in a clear voice: "Your Majesty Mu Liang, go and rest, I will arrange someone to prepare the dinner."

Solving two Void Ghost Kings at the same time is a great thing, and it is worth celebrating.

Mu Liang said indifferently: "No need, since this kind of thing happened, Your Excellency Qi Erna didn't have the heart to attend any dinner party, let's wait until the matter of the Xu clan is completely resolved.


"Alright, then I will personally go to the Xuanwu Kingdom to thank you." Zierna said seriously.

"Yes. 11 Mu Liang nodded calmly.

He turned back to An Qi's side, looked at the girl's pale face, and stretched out his hand to condense a mass of life elements for her.

An Qi Jiaohan asked: "Big Brother, has the Void Ghost King been resolved?"

Mu Liang said softly: "There are two more, you should rest for a day first, and then go to the other ghost kings."

He doesn't know where the other two Void Ghost Kings are, so he can only rely on the girl's ability, which consumes a lot of energy, and he needs to give her a good rest for a day.

Before that, Mu Liang also wanted to interrogate the Fourth Xu Wang to see if there was any way to avoid the restriction, and asked where Roy was.

"Okay." An Qi's eyes sparkled, there were only two virtual ghost kings left, and when Mu Liang got rid of them thoroughly, life should be easy in the future.

Mu Liang took the girl's hand: "Rest here today, and then go to the other ghost kings tomorrow."

"Okay, listen to big brother." An Qi nodded vigorously.

"Your Majesty Mu Liang, I'll arrange a place to live." Ling Xiang quickly raised her hand to signal.

"Okay, thank you." Mu Liang smiled lightly.

"Your Majesty Mu Liang, come with me." Ling Xiangqiao blushed slightly, took An Qi's hand actively, and walked towards the palace.

She turned her head to look for a topic: "When will the business district here, Your Majesty Mu Liang, open?"

"When the matter of the Xu family is resolved, the business will be reopened." Mu Liang explained casually.

"Oh~~~" Ling Xiang glanced at Mu Liang, her pretty face turned even redder.

ps: [1 update]: The second update of the positive code. .

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