Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2188: I'm Going To Throw Up. (2 More)

Xuanwu Kingdom, inside the air force base.

Yue Feiyan pushed open the door of the lounge and asked loudly: "Xi Beiqi, what are you doing?"

Xi Beiqi hurriedly hid the things in her hands behind her back, widened her beautiful golden eyes and shouted, "Hey, why didn't you knock on the door when you came in?"

"What are you hiding?" Yue Feiyan asked suspiciously.

"It's nothing." Xi Beiqi put a pretty face on her face, and put the things hidden behind her back into the space magic tool.

Yue Feiyan leaned forward, raised her eyebrows and said, "Take it out and have a look, good things need to be shared."

Xi Beiqi squinted and said, "Then take out the lollipop Mu Liang gave you and share it."

"That won't work, I'm even reluctant to eat it." Yue Feiyan widened her beautiful red eyes, staring at the vampire girl vigilantly.

"Stingy, you still talk about sharing." Xi Beiqi rolled her eyes.

Yue Feiyan rolled her eyeballs, Jiaohan said: "Then just tell me what is hidden.

"There is nothing hidden." Xi Beiqi covered the space to store the magic equipment.

Yue Feiyan said firmly: "Impossible, it is definitely a good thing.

"Go, go, I'm going to train recruits." Xibeqi said and was about to bypass the red-haired girl and leave.

Yue Feiyan hugged the vampire girl's hand, and said softly, "Don't worry, let me see first~~~

"Don't talk to me in this tone." Xi Beiqi's body trembled, and the hairs all over her body trembled a few times.

"Hee hee, isn't it nice?" Menstruation Yan blinked her beautiful eyes.

She rubbed her cheek against the vampire girl's shoulder, and exhaled into the girl's ear a few times.

Xi Beiqi shuddered, and quickly broke away from the red-haired girl, stepped back a few steps and said, "I'm going to vomit."

"Then what did you tell me to hide?" Yue Feiyan took the opportunity to ask.

Xi Beiqi rolled her eyes and said angrily, "Let me tell you, be normal."

"Hurry up." Yue Feiyan rubbed her hands, her beautiful eyes shining with anticipation.

Xi Beiqi opened her mouth and whispered: "It's just a gift, I'm going to give it to Mu Liang.

Yue Feiyan froze for a moment, blinked her beautiful red eyes and asked, "Hey, what gift, and why did you give it to Mu Liang? Is it a festival?"

Xi Beiqi muttered: "There is no holiday, I just want to thank Mu Liang for giving me blood."

The drop of blood given by Mu Liang in her body has been completely absorbed, and when he comes back, she can absorb new blood.

As a thank you, the vampire girl wants to give Mu Liang a gift.

"Oh, that's it." Yue Crimson raised her eyebrows lightly.

She arched the vampire girl with her shoulders, and asked, "What's the gift?"

"I won't tell you about this." Xi Beiqi glared at the red-haired girl, then turned and left the room quickly.

"It's mysterious." Yue Feiyan muttered in a low voice, and hurriedly chased her out.

The two came to the training ground of the air force base one after another. The new soldiers who joined the air force stood in line, and there were more than 300 elves among them.

Seeing Xi Beiqi and Yue Feiyan approaching, the soldiers adjusted their standing postures and straightened their backs.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

Xibeqi stood still and looked at the elves and soldiers with a straight face. Today is to distribute equipment to recruits.

Yue Feiyan suppressed the curiosity in her heart, didn't ask the vampire girl what gift she wanted to give Mu Liang, and focused on the soldiers.

Xi Beiqi said with a serious face: "Today is the day for you to receive weapons. Before distributing weapons, you need to know and abide by some rules and regulations.

The elves and soldiers looked serious, and responded loudly: Yes.

Yue Feiyan put her hands behind her back and said, "Without permission, it is forbidden to take weapons out of the air force camp. The use and recovery of weapons must be registered in the register. A bullet and an arrow are required."

Xibeiqi said word by word: "In the air force camp, you can't point your guns and arrows at your teammates at any time, and you are not allowed to hurt your teammates with weapons."

Yue Feiyan added: "Of course, except for traitors."

"Yes." The soldiers responded in unison.

Yue Feiyan continued: "Every time the weapon is used up, remember to maintain it, wipe it clean and check if it is damaged, and take it back to the arsenal if there is no problem..."

The soldiers listened carefully, and the vampire girl and Yuefei talked for a full twenty minutes before ending.

"Do you remember everything?" Shibeki asked loudly.

"Remember." The soldiers responded in unison.

Yue Feiyan nodded in satisfaction, and ordered loudly: "Very good, we will start distributing weapons now."

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

The soldiers who brought the weapons stepped forward. They were all recruits from the last two batches. They were here to help distribute weapons and teach the recruits how to use weapons.

"This is a military crossbow. Its power is second only to that of a compound bow. You need to participate in shooting training every day...?"

The elves looked at the longbows and crossbows that were handed out, and they couldn't put it down and played with them...

For many elves, this is their first spiritual weapon since they were born. In the past, they used ordinary bows and spears, which cannot be compared with spiritual weapons.

Yue Feiyan said crisply: "By the way, the elves use compound bows.

Xi Beiqi nodded slowly and said: "It's okay, elves are born marksmen, it's better to use a compound bow, and it can play a greater role in the battlefield."

When the elves came to the air force base, they had a unified assessment, and all the members scored full marks in shooting, which can be said to be a hundred hits.

Yue Feiyan thought for a while, and suggested: "Then simply separate out the elves and reorganize them to facilitate management."

"Let's go back tonight and discuss it before making a decision." Xibeqi said crisply.

"Yeah, let's talk when we go back." Yue Feiyan nodded in agreement.

Soon after, the recruits and elves got their own weapons, and the soldiers also had a set of military uniforms for formal occasions.

Xibeqi looked at the disappointed elves and explained: "As for the military uniforms worn by the elves, the garment factory is still rushing to make them, and it will take a few days to get them."

The elves have only joined the air force for a few days, and the production of military uniforms also takes time.

In addition, the elves have wings, and the back of the military uniform needs to be improved before mass production. This is 4.0 that takes time.

"Yes." The elves' beautiful eyes lit up immediately.

Yue Feiyan said coldly: "Okay, there are numbers on the weapons, which are all related to your ID numbers. If the weapons are lost or damaged, you will be directly held accountable.

The soldiers were shocked and their expressions became serious.

Xi Beiqi comforted: "Of course, if the damage is caused by normal use, you are not responsible for it, so don't worry too much, just do a good job of daily maintenance.

"Yes." The soldiers breathed a sigh of relief.

Xi Beiqi clapped her hands and said seriously: "Okay, now I will give you ten minutes to learn about your weapons, and you will start training in ten minutes."

"Yes." The soldiers responded in unison again, picking up their weapons and studying.

ps: [2 update]: The third update of the positive code. .

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