In the palace, in the dining room, Yue Qinlan and the others are having breakfast.

Minuo took a sip of the hot soup, and asked Jiaohan, "Sister Qinlan, what are you doing today?"

"I'm going to be a judge today." Yue Qinlan said gracefully.

"Judge?" Mino blinked his blue eyes, and the plush rabbit ears on the top of his head stood upright.

Yue Qinlan smiled like a flower and said: "Well, there is a chef competition today, and I am one of the judges."

In order to get more competitions organized by chefs, chefs will be required to sit in the business districts of various places in the future.

Of course, it is also a competition to promote various kitchen utensils, which can improve the use of popular science kitchen utensils.

Yue Feiyan said delicately: "Then mother, don't eat too much, there will be more to eat later."

Yue Qinlan waved her hand indifferently: "It's okay, the judges are just trying to taste the food, they can't eat much.

"Is there only one judge?" Mino asked curiously.

"I'm also a judge." Li Yue said softly.

Yue Qinlan glanced at the dining table, and asked crisply: "And Yu Feier, where is she?"

Buff whispered: "Lord Qinlan, Miss Yuffier has just woken up and is taking a shower."

"Tell her to hurry up, the chef competition starts at 10:24, and she hasn't had breakfast yet," Yue Qinlan instructed.

As soon as the woman finished speaking, Yu Feier hurriedly ran into the dining room, with her ponytails waving back and forth, it could be seen that she came running over.

"I'm here." Yuffier said softly.

Alina waved her hand and said, "Sit down quickly, I only saw you once in a few days."

On weekdays, the girl with blond hair and twin ponytails eats three meals in the research institute, and she doesn't appear in the restaurant for nothing.

"Okay." Yuffier replied softly.

The blond girl sat down, took the bowls and chopsticks from the little maid, and looked at the delicious food on the table with shining eyes.

Yue Qinlan said elegantly: "Eat, but don't eat too much, you can still eat when you go to the competition scene later.

"Hmm." Yuffier nodded delicately.

She stretched out her chopsticks and quickly filled her mouth, chewing food with puffed cheeks.

"Sister Qinlan, take me with you." Mino blinked her beautiful eyes and said.

Yue Qinlan nodded happily and said, "Sure, or let you be a judge.

"No, I'll just watch from the side." Mino shook his head quickly.

"Alright, let's go together." Yue Qinlan reached out and rubbed the head of the girl with rabbit ears.

Mino smiled with two dimples on his face, and continued to enjoy breakfast.

Half an hour later, after breakfast, several people got into the car and went to the main city square, where today's chef competition was held.

At this time, the main city square has already surrounded a lot of people, and the center of the crowd is a two-meter-high platform, on which there are tables, chairs and ingredients for the competition.

There are all kinds of kitchen utensils on the desktop, oven, direct heating pot, kettle, firewood stove, etc... This is a kind of soft advertisement placement.

Between the high platform and the crowd, there are heavily armed patrol guards, responsible for security during the competition.

"The Chef Competition has been postponed for a few days, but it finally started." There was a discussion among the crowd.

"Yeah, this has been postponed for several days, I thought it would not be held.

"Maybe something happened, so I chose to postpone it."

According to the original schedule, the chef competition should have been held five days ago, but because of the affairs of the Xu clan, Yue Qinlan and the others were too busy, so it was postponed until today.

The car stopped outside the square, Yue Qinlan and others got out of the car and walked towards the high platform under the protection of the highland guards.

"It's the clerk." There was a shout from the crowd.

"Hurry up, the clerk is here."


The townspeople shouted and consciously moved out of the way so that Minglan and the others could walk onto the stage.

"Good morning, everyone." Yue Qinlan waved gracefully.

"Morning clerk." The townspeople responded enthusiastically.

Yue Qinlan is the most popular person among the city residents besides Mu Liang.

When building the Xuanwu Kingdom, Yue Qinlan appeared in front of the public much more often than Mu Liang.

Yue Qinlan returned an elegant smile and walked to the judges' bench to sit down.

Liyue sat beside her, and Mino sat behind her, and could also see the situation on the high platform.

Yu Feier sat on the other side, and the other two judges also came to the high platform.

They are the head chefs of the gourmet building and one of the judges for today's competition.

"I have met the clerk." The head chef saluted respectfully.

"Sit down." Yue Qinlan nodded gracefully.

"Okay." The two head chefs nodded quickly and sat at the farthest seats.

The two looked at Li Yue and You Fei'er, curious about their identities, why they could sit beside Yue Qinlan.

"How many contestants are there this time?" Yue Qinlan asked in a low voice.

"Sixty-five people." Li Yue said softly.

Yue Qinlan nodded gracefully: "Sixty-five people, that's quite a lot.

"Master Qinlan, the competition can begin." Yi Liyi signaled.

She is the host of today's game, and she came here specially.

Yue Qinlan nodded and said: "Then let's start the competition and let the contestants go on stage first."

"Okay." Yi Liyi nodded and turned to make arrangements.

It didn't take long before sixty-five contestants stepped onto the high platform, including not only humans, but also orcs and half-orcs.

Among the sixty-five contestants, the youngest is eighteen years old, and the oldest is sixty-five years old. It can be said that there are men, women and children.

"Hello, clerk." All the contestants saluted Yue Qinlan.

"Hello." Yue Qinlan nodded lightly.

You Fei'er whispered: "Everyone only knows Miss Qinlan."

Li Yue glanced sideways at the girl and said, "You stay in the research institute every day, how will they know you?"

"That's right." Yuffier whispered.

Yi Liyi said coldly: "There are 840 number plates on the table, according to your entry numbers, find your own position."

"Yes." The contestants responded in unison.

Within five minutes, all contestants found their positions and stood still, and began to check the kitchen utensils on the table.

Yi Liyi said with a serious face: "Your kitchen utensils are the same, ingredients and seasonings are also the same, everything is fair, and the rest will test your cooking skills."

The contestants put down the kitchen utensils in their hands and rest assured that there is no problem.

"Are there any questions about this?" Yi Liyi looked around all the contestants.

"No." The contestants responded in unison.

"Very well, the game is about to start, now read the rules of the game." Yi Liyi nodded.

She took out the document and began to read: "During the competition, it is forbidden to ask others for help. There is only one ingredient. You can freely use whatever food you make. Delicious and healthy..."

The contestants raised their ears and listened, not daring to be careless.

"The food made is tasted by five judges, and then scored, and ranked according to the total score."

Yi Liyi said solemnly: "In the first round of competition, thirty contestants with the highest scores will be selected, and then they will enter the next round of competition.

As soon as these words came out, the contestants became nervous. Thirty-five people would be eliminated in the first round, and the elimination rate exceeded 50%.

ps: [3 more]: Please customize. .

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