Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2190: Your Evaluation Is Very High. (1 More)

At the scene of the chef competition, standing in the No. 6 cooking area is a half-orc.

Her name is Shera, she is a half-orc with horns, has gray curly hair, and wears a red skirt.

"With my cooking skills, it should be no problem to win the first place." Sihela muttered confidently.

She was originally a chef on a merchant ship, but she was encouraged by her good friends to participate in the chef competition. If she could get the ranking, she would stay in Xuanwu Jinguo to work and live.

The corners of Sihera's lips were raised, the food she made was praised by the whole ship, there was no reason why she would be eliminated.

Yi Liyi said coldly: "Use the existing ingredients to make the most delicious food, and the person with the highest total score after tasting by the judges can enter the second round of the competition.

"The rules of the competition are simple." Sihela rolled up her sleeves, picked up the kitchen knife on the table, eager to try.

Yi Liyi looked around at all the contestants, and finally looked at Yue Qinlan who was on the judges' seat.

Yue Qinlan nodded slightly, indicating that the game can begin.

Yi Liyi understood, and waved her hand: "The competition begins now."

As soon as the woman's voice fell, the contestants all moved their hands, picked up the ingredients on the table and began to process them. Most of them had already decided what dishes to make.

Sihela looked at the ingredients in the basket and muttered: "There are tomatoes, three-color eggs, sweet potatoes, sweet potato leaves..."

After she came to the Xuanwu Kingdom, she went to the big market to see that all these ingredients were available there.

The girl with horns hesitated, with many thoughts in her mind, it was difficult to decide what to cook for a while.

The horns on the top of the girl's head are very slender, twice as long as her head, which makes her stand out among all the contestants.

Yue Qinlan said elegantly: "Everyone else has done it, but she is still in a daze.

Mino said delicately, "Could it be that you don't know what to do?"

"It looks very similar, maybe it will be eliminated in the first round." Li Yue nodded slightly.

Yue Qinlan tapped the table lightly with her fingers, and said elegantly: "Not necessarily, those who can pass the trials and enter the main competition must have some strength.

The Chef Contest is divided into a selection competition and a main competition. There are more than 500 people participating in the selection competition, and only the 65 people in front of us finally enter the main competition.

"Look again." Li Yue nodded.

Sihera thought for a while, and decided to make a big mess. This is a dish she often cooks on merchant ships. Although the ingredients in front of her are a little different, the method is still the same and the taste should not be bad.

"Process the ingredients first." She picked up the kitchen knife, chopped the tomatoes into pieces, put them in a pot, added water to cook, and then put the meat of the plush rabbit into it to cook.

"Gulu Gulu~~~"

Soon the water in the pot boiled, and because of the addition of tomatoes, the soup turned light red, and the pieces of meat inside rolled in the soup.

Sihera then put in the diced sweet potatoes, as well as easy-to-cook mushrooms and green vegetables.

During the cooking process, the girl looked at the other contestants. The pots in front of them were all steaming, full of various flavors.

She moved her nose and muttered: "It's quite fragrant, but it's probably not as delicious as what I made."

The girl was very confident, stirring the stew in the pot with a spoon, and began to add seasonings.

Shihra opened the bottle containing the seasonings, and scooped them up with a small spoon: "Salt, strange fruit juice, horse ear root..."

Qiwei juice is extracted from a fruit called Qiweiguo. It tastes spicy and slightly sour, and it is a good seasoning in the New World.

It's just that the price of kiwi fruit is extremely expensive, and only the royal family and nobles can afford it.

After being introduced and planted by the Xuanwu Kingdom, qiweiguo has become a seasoning that common people can afford in the Xuanwu Kingdom.

Horse ear root, also a new condiment introduced from the New World to the Xuanwu Kingdom, has the same taste as ginger.

"Gulu Gulu~~m"

Sihela scooped up the soup in the pot with a small spoon, poured it into a bowl and took a sip, her beautiful eyes lit up immediately.

She clicked her tongue and said, "Salty is just right."

At the judges' table.

Mino moved his nose and muttered, "It smells so good."

"The time is coming." Yue Qinlan glanced at the watch on her hand.

"Five minutes left." Li Yue nodded lightly.

For the first round, there was only an hour and a half of cooking time.

Five minutes passed quickly, and the staff rang the hammer.

"Boom boom boom~~~"

Yi Liyi stepped onto the stage and said coldly: "It's time, everyone put the food you made on the plate."

Sihela raised her chin slightly, and put the cooked Da Luan stew into five bowls respectively.

The staff stepped forward and brought the dishes made by the No. 1 contestant to the judges' seats. The food was divided into five small plates, and each judge had a portion. After tasting, they scored each.

Yue Qinlan looked at the fried meat on the plate, poked it up with a small fork, brought it to her mouth and took a bite.

Her complexion remained unchanged, she chewed carefully several times, swallowed it, and then picked up a pen to score on the paper.

"Xiao Nuo, try it too." Yue Qinlan handed the fried meat on the plate to her side.

Minuo took a bite, chewed a few times, frowned, and muttered softly: ""~ The meat is too dry, and it's been fried for too long. "

"So I give five points." Yue Qinlan smiled and nodded.

Liyue put down the pen in her hand, and she gave the first course four points.

Soon the dishes made by contestant No. 2 were brought to the table by the staff, this time it was stir-fried meat with green vegetables.

Yueqinlan commented after tasting: "The fried sweet potato leaves are too old, the meat is not tasty, four points.

"Is it delicious?" Yuffier nodded in agreement.

Yue didn't say a word, and Taiwan directly scored.

"Gulu Gulu~~~"

Yue Qinlan spit out the water she rinsed her mouth, and was about to taste the dishes made by contestant No. 3.

For the sake of fairness, the judges have to rinse their mouths every time they taste the dishes to wash away the taste in their mouths so as not to affect the taste of the next dish.

Dishes made by contestant No. 3, No. 4, and No. 5 were served on the table in turn.

Soon it was Sihela's turn to make a big mess, and the girl watched Liyue and the others nervously.

She is very confident in her cooking skills, but this (Li's) is a competition and it will inevitably make people a little nervous.

Yue Qinlan picked up the spoon, looked at the stew in the bowl and nodded, "It looks pretty good."

She scooped up a spoonful of soup, put it into her mouth, tasted it carefully, and tasted the meat and green vegetables in it in turn.

"Not poisonous." Yuffier whispered.

"It's quite delicious." Yue Qinlan frowned slightly, feeling a little surprised.

The stewed soup is spicy, and the meat inside is very tasty, but it is soft and rotten in the mouth.

Li Yue said softly, "I can give you eight points."

"I also give eight points." Yue Qinlan nodded gracefully, picked it up and scored it.

Mino agreed: "It's not as delicious as Xiaomi's, but it's still very good."

"Your evaluation is very high." Yue Qinlan said with a smile like a flower.

Mino proudly said: "Xiaomi and the others are still very good at cooking."

ps: [1 update]: The second update of the positive code. .

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