Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2191: But I Just Look Better Than You. (2 More)


Yuffier couldn't help belching, put down the spoon in her hand, just finished tasting the dishes of contestant No. 65, and she was a bit full.

Yue Qinlan glanced at her sideways, her beautiful water blue eyes said with a smile, "You don't need to eat all of it."

"It's the last dish, don't waste it." Yuffier wiped her mouth with a piece of paper.

She picked up a pen and scored on the paper: "I will give this dish six points."

"Seven points can be given." Li Yue said softly.

Mino whispered: "I'm a bit full too."

You Fei'er said delicately: "Fortunately, the second round of the competition didn't start until the afternoon, otherwise I wouldn't be able to eat."

"Calculate the total score and announce the eliminated ones." Yue Qinlan looked at Yi Liyi.

"Okay." Yi Liyi stepped forward and led the staff to start counting the total scores of the players.

The staff took the abacus and added up all the scores scored by the judges on the paper. After five minutes, all the scores were counted.

After Yi Liyi got the total score, she checked it carefully, and handed it to Yue Qinlan after confirming that there was no problem.

Liyue and You Feier looked sideways, after the first round of competition, the first place was contestant No. 6.

"It's that orc." Mino blinked his blue eyes.

Yue Qinlan said gracefully: "No surprise, the food she cooks is indeed better than other people's."

Liyue nodded in agreement: "Then announce the result."

"Here." Yue Qinlan handed the list back to Yi Liyi.

The woman returned to the high platform with the list and cleared her throat: "The results of the first round are out, and we will announce who can enter the second round.

Sihela and the others all stared wide-eyed, staring nervously at Yiliyi, looking around to hear their name and editorial from her mouth.

Yi Liyi announced loudly: "The first place is No. 6 contestant Shihela, the second place is No. 18 contestant Guogang..."

Sihela was stunned when she heard the name, and opened her mouth: "I'm really number one......"

"I knew I was number one."

She slowed down a bit, her beautiful eyes gradually brightened.

When the woman finishes reading the thirty names, some people are happy, some are disappointed, and some people's faces are full of dissatisfaction.

Yi Liyi said loudly: "Those whose names are read above, will participate in the second match on time at two o'clock in the afternoon, and being late will be regarded as giving up Bi Rang.

She glanced at the contestants with different colors, and turned to leave.

The eliminated contestants were dissatisfied: "I cook such delicious food, why can't I make it into the top 30?"

Yue Qinlan stood up gracefully, and said calmly: "You can taste the rest."

Tasting is a point for each judge, and it is impossible to get all points, so it must not be exhausted.

Li Yue glanced at that person, followed Yue Qinlan and the others to leave the competition scene.

With a curious heart, Sihela tasted the food made by those eliminated contestants, and her pretty face suddenly wrinkled.

She couldn't help complaining: "I'm curious, how did you make such an unpalatable thing?"

"..." The corners of the eliminated contestants' eyes twitched, but after tasting the messy stew made by the girls, they were all convinced.

"It's all the same ingredients and seasonings, how can there be such a big difference in the food?" someone wondered.

The friend compared: "This is a technical problem, just like you and I are both human, with two eyes and one mouth, but I am prettier than you."

...Thank you for your reassurance, but I really want to beat you up. "The man had black lines all over his head.

After Sihela tasted the food of other contestants, she turned and left the high platform, planning to find a place to rest and wait for the afternoon competition to start.

"Where should I go?" She walked on the main city square and walked to the street not far away.

The girl with horns is not familiar with the main city of the Xuanwu Kingdom, so she can only walk around by feeling.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

"The things they make are too unpalatable, and so many good ingredients are wasted."

Shihela was speechless, her mouth was full of sour, bitter and salty taste.

She came to the street, looked at the shops along the street and muttered: "I have to find something to eat" (cebi)

There are still four hours until two o'clock in the afternoon. As a chef, I can't let myself be hungry.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

The girl with horns paused, and saw the sausage noodle shop not far away, and there were already people queuing at the door.

"It's so lively, what delicious food is it selling?" Sihela blinked her gray eyes, and walked forward involuntarily.

It was only when she came close that she could smell those alluring fragrances.

Her beautiful eyes lit up: "It smells so good, what kind of food is this?"

"Intestine powder." The city dweller in front of the line responded casually.

"Intestine powder, is it delicious?" Sihela asked subconsciously.

The city residents were full of confidence and said: "Of course, you will know that there are so many people queuing up, you will try it later, you will definitely want to eat it every day.

Sihela showed suspicion, thought for a while and nodded: "Then I will taste it."

She was very curious, what kind of delicacy is rice noodle roll that can make the person in front of her boast such words.

The croissant girl lined up, and there was no seat in the store until ten minutes later. When she entered the store, the taste of the rice noodle soup became stronger.

She imitated the city residents in front and ordered two different rice rolls. After paying the money, she sat down with a number plate and waited for the rice rolls to be ready and served on the table.

"It's delicious, if I don't have money, I want to eat it every day."

"Me too.

Listening to the conversations of other diners, Sihela became more curious about the taste of rice rolls.

When the rice rolls were served on the table, she couldn't help swallowing, picked up the chopsticks and began to taste.


She was chewing rice rolls, her beautiful eyes sparkled, as if she had discovered some new continent.

"How could it be so delicious?" Sihela exclaimed in astonishment, and the speed of chewing rice rolls couldn't help but speed up.

In less than ten minutes, she finished the two plates of rice rolls, and even drank the soup without a drop.


The girl with horns hiccupped, felt her slightly distended belly, and decided to come here for dinner as well.

She stood up and poked her head to see the back kitchen, wanting to know how rice rolls are made, but unfortunately her sight was blocked and she couldn't see what was going on inside the back kitchen.

"I can't see it." Sihela sighed regretfully, and walked away from the sausage noodle shop.

When she left, there were still many people queuing up at the door, which shows how popular rice rolls are with the city residents.

Sihela looked determined, and said to herself: "No, I have to prepare. I want to win the game in the afternoon."

She walked towards the main city square, and found that many contestants hadn't left, and were eating dry food and waiting for the afternoon competition to start.

The girl with horns also sat down, guessing in her mind what the game will be in the afternoon, and whether it will be the same as the game in the morning.

Sihela muttered: "It should be impossible. If so, one round of competition is enough. As long as the top ten are ranked, the rest will be eliminated."

ps: [2 update]: The third update of the positive code. .

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