Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2192: It's All For The Sake Of Life Safety. (3 More)

Within the Xihua Kingdom, in the wilderness one day away from the Xihua King City.

Mu Liang and An Qi sat on the ground, with a fluffy animal skin under their bodies, and pots and pans on it, the girl was preparing lunch.

"Muliang big brother, lunch will be ready soon." An Qi said softly.

"No rush, take your time. Mu Liang looked at the black charcoal-like food in the pot, and hesitated because of his heart.

He thought about whether to open the devouring space in his mouth later, and throw this charcoal-like food directly into the body-space.

An Qijiao said naively: "Muliang big brother, you must finish eating later, don't waste food.

.....……understood. "Mu Liang twitched the corner of his mouth.

He looked at the charred bottom of the pot and couldn't help reminding, "Do you want to add some water?"

"No, you can eat it after cooking it again." An Qi said softly.

"Okay, as long as you're happy." Mu Liang sighed resignedly.

An Qi turned the food in the pot and cooked for another four or five minutes before putting the food in the pot on a plate.

"Mu Liang big brother, eat." She looked at Mu Liang expectantly.

"Okay." Mu Liang took the chopsticks from the girl's hand, picked up a piece of charcoal-like meat, stuffed it into his mouth, and chewed it expressionlessly.

An Qi blinked her beautiful eyes and asked, "How is it?"

"It's delicious." Mu Liang's throat moved, opening up the swallowing space in his mouth, and devouring the food in his mouth.

He comforted himself in his heart that he did not eat for the sake of his life, because he did not waste food on purpose.

"Really, I'll try it." An Qi said, picked up the chopsticks, and was about to taste the dark dishes cooked by herself.

"Wait, you made these for me, so they are all mine." Mu Liang picked up the plate and put it all into his mouth in one go.

An Qi opened her mouth wide and said in astonishment, "Then...what shall I have for lunch?"

"Eat the star fruit, it will also fill your stomach." Mu Liang took out a star fruit and handed it to the girl.

"Okay." An Qi took the star fruit and gnawed it with her mouth open.

Mu Liang breathed a sigh of relief, closed the swallowing space in his mouth, took out a bottle of water and drank it to dilute the taste in his mouth.

"Muliang big brother, hurry up after eating." An Qi suggested.

She found the location of another ghost, in the south of the New World.

"Okay." Mu Liang responded.

An Qi swallowed the last piece of fruit, burped, and muttered: "I feel so full.

"Let's go, hurry up." Mu Liang stood up and put everything on the ground into the space inside his body.

He flew into the sky with the girl and headed south at a high speed.

There are still two virtual ghost kings, as long as they are dealt with, the remaining virtual ghosts will be easily dealt with.

An Qi asked in a low voice: "Muliang big brother, Xu Guihuang will wake up in half a year, can we win?"

"Try to know." Mu Liang looked forward, and his voice rang in the girl's ear.

He interrogated the Fourth Xu Wang, and only found out that the Xu Ghost Emperor will wake up in half a year, other than that, he couldn't ask any other information.

Because of the interrogation, Mu Liang touched the restraint in the body of the Fourth Xu Wang, and he was headshot to death by backlash. The sleeping position of Xu Guihuang has become a mystery.

An Qi blinked her eyes, she didn't know how strong Xu Guihuang was, and she didn't know the top combat power.

At this time, she only knew that Mu Liang was very strong, stronger than many kings.

"Muliang big brother, you will win." She said seriously.

Mu Liang said softly, "I think so too."

"Yeah." An Qi smiled.

"Hold tight, I'm going to speed up." Mu Liang reminded.

"Okay." An Qi tightened her hands and buried her head in Mu Liang's chest.

Mu Liang led the girl to fly forward at high speed, flying over many mountains and flowing water.

After three hours, the flight slowed down.

He lowered his head and asked, "There is a city ahead, do you want to take a rest?"

"No, I'm not tired." An Qi said weakly.

Mu Liang lightly nodded: "Then rest in the next city."

He was about to continue to accelerate with An Qi, but he never thought that a beam of light would shoot out from the city, heading towards the two of them with precision.

Mu Liang's face turned cold, and he raised his hand to grab it forward. The gravity of the black hole distorts the space, forming a black hole that distorts the incoming light beam.

The beam of light was swallowed and disappeared, Mu Liang stopped, staring at the city under his feet, his face was as cold as frost.

An Qi said weakly: "Muliang big brother."

"What are you doing, Your Excellency?" Mu Liang looked down at the ground under his feet.

"It's nothing, I just want to discuss with Your Excellency." A thick voice sounded.

Mu Liang stared at the man floating in the air, and said indifferently: "I don't know you well, if you attack me rashly, you will pay the price."

Huo Yuangang grinned, tilted his head and said, "What price?"

He is the lord of this big city. He is naturally warlike, and he can improve his strength through fighting. There are not many people who are stronger than him.

...asking for flowers...0

He has fought against all the strong men in the city, and without exception, he was defeated by his opponents.

The coldness on Mu Liang's face disappeared, and he raised his hand to grab it from the air, and invisible energy enveloped Huo Yuangang [Shadow spider silk bound him firmly.

"What?" Huo Yuangang's complexion changed, his body could not move, as if he was firmly bound by thousands of silk threads.

Mu Liang brought the girl to him, and said coldly, "Let me think about what price I want you to pay."

Huo Yuangang roared angrily: "Let me go, if you have the ability to fight normally."

Mu Liang said indifferently: "You can't break free from my shackles, how do you want to fight?"

"How do you know if you don't try?" Huo Yuangang glared at Mu Liang angrily.

Mu Liang looked down at him, and the terrifying coercion was released, covering Huo Yuangang's body.

His body trembled, and his face was filled with fear, as if he had seen some great horror.

"Are you sure you want to fight me?" Mu Liang stretched his neck, his black eyes flashed with murderous intent.

"No, I don't want it anymore." Huo Yuangang was trembling.

"Death, or compensation." Mu Liang said indifferently.

"I will compensate you, what do you want?" Yuan Gang trembled.

Mu Liang said indifferently: "Twenty eight-level magic beast crystals will buy your life."

At that time, if you use a little dark hand, you will die if you do it, it's just to keep you from dying now.

An Qi blinked her beautiful eyes, and took a deep breath in her heart. Can you really take out twenty eighth-order Warcraft crystals?

"Yes, I'll give it to you right away." Huo Yuangang said anxiously.

Mu Liang raised his hand and waved it, untying the shadow spider silk on his body.

He felt amused, how dare a person of supreme strength dare to yell at him.

Huo Yuangang said in a hoarse voice: "Your Excellency is waiting for me here, I will go back and get the Warcraft spar."

"Go ahead, I'll give you time for a bonfire." Mu Liang said indifferently.

He wasn't sure if the people here recognized the hours, minutes, and seconds used by the Xuanwu Kingdom, so he still used bonfires to describe the length of time.

"Okay." Huo Yuangang nodded quickly, and his body fell towards the big city on the ground.

"Mu Liang big brother, aren't you afraid that he will escape?" An Qi whispered.

Mu Liang chuckled lightly: "Don't be afraid, he can't escape.

In other words, I hope that the other party will escape.

 … .

ps: [3 more]: Please customize it. .

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