Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2316: Then Break The Leg And Tie It Back. (2 More)

Qin Yu stared at the future city below, and said calmly: "Aim at the virtual ghost and fire.

"Yes." The staff ran to convey the order.


Ten seconds later, the spirit weapon cannon on the transport spaceship started to operate, adjusted the direction of the muzzle, and aimed at the virtual ghosts around the future city.

After giving an order, the gunner activated the spirit weapon cannon.


Cannonballs and light beams shot out one by one, and landed precisely in the virtual ghost group, the roar was deafening, and the flames shot up into the sky.

The virtual ghosts roared, and fell down amidst shrill cries.

The shells contain a secret medicine that can weaken the strength of the virtual ghosts. After the explosion, the secret medicine dust flies up and adheres to the virtual ghosts, quickly weakening their strength, especially the body's self-healing speed is too slow.


Booms sounded one after another, and a large group of virtual ghosts fell down, reducing the pressure on the people in the future city.


With the sound of thunder, Qin Yu jumped down from the transport spaceship, surrounded by purple lightning, like a god descending from the sky, and smashed into the group of virtual ghosts.

The purple lightning jumped, and one after another ghost corpses fell down.

Qin Yu's attack is very domineering, controlling the lightning to interweave into a net, killing hundreds of virtual ghosts in a few breaths.

On the city wall, Elder Zhihai and Elder Fengyu were stunned. People from the Xuanwu Kingdom came to help?

"Zi La~~~"

Purple lightning flashed in front of the two, and Qin Yu stood on the city wall, watching them coldly.

She said coldly: "There are just such ghosts, can't you stop them?"

..." The corners of Zhi Hai and Feng Yu's eyes twitched, feeling offended.

Qin Yu flipped his wrist, and the purple lightning condensed out a whip, and said coldly: "Don't stand around stupidly, get rid of these ghosts as soon as possible, I have something to do with you.

She left a word, turned around and started fighting Xu Gui again.

"Huhahuha..." Feng Yu took a few deep breaths, not letting himself get angry, and jumped down from the city wall with a cold face.

Zhihai curled his lips, but he was pleasantly surprised. With the help of people from the Xuanwu Kingdom, it would be much easier to resist the ghosts.


The battle lasted for an hour before it ended, and all the virtual ghosts who besieged Future City were strangled.

The huge transport spacecraft began to land, and the air waves dispersed the smell of blood and burnt.

Zhihai swayed, the fight just now made him exhausted, and he almost fell to the ground.

Feng Yu's condition was also not good, and his whole body was wet with the surrounding blood.

Qin Yu took off the helmet of Thunder Armor, let her cyan hair hang down, and looked at Zhihai and Feng Yu coldly.

Feng Yu said in a hoarse voice, "Thank you for your action."

Zhi Hai leaned against the city wall and sat down, smiled wryly and said: "Without you, the city would be over.

Qin Yu stared at the two of them, the originally gray beard was stained black by Xu Gui's blood, looking a bit pitiful.

She said indifferently: "I came to see you this time because His Majesty has invited you to visit the Xuanwu Kingdom.

Zhihai and Fengyu were stunned, why did they suddenly want to go to the Xuanwu Kingdom?

"Because of what?" Feng Yu asked in a deep voice.

"It's confidential, there's no need to ask so many questions." Qin Yu said coldly.

Zhihai sneered, stood up and said, "Then there's nothing we can do, we won't go."

"At this time, the future city cannot do without us." Feng Yu looked at the woman coldly.

Qin Yu looked around and said coldly: "With or without you, the future city will be destroyed. It's only a matter of time."

Feng Yu and Zhi Hai fell silent, wanting to refute the woman's words, but they didn't know what to say.

Qin Yu continued: "Based on your current situation, it won't be long before a group of imaginary ghosts arrive, and the future city will be destroyed."


As if to verify Qin Yu's words, the huge skeleton not far away suddenly collapsed, and dust flew all over the sky, half of the entire future city collapsed.

Zhihai's complexion became even more ugly, without the protection of the skeletons of the beasts, it would be at least half as easy for Xu Gui to attack Future City.

"Look." Qin Yu frowned slightly.

Zhihai couldn't hold back, spat out a big mouthful of blood, and almost fainted from a black crystal in front of his eyes.

"How could this be..." Feng Yu's bowed waist seemed to be lower, and he aged ten years in an instant.

"This is probably retribution." Qin Yu said coldly.

Her eyes fell on those human-shaped spiritual artifacts, and those empty eyes were once full of fresh life.

The success of the Future City's plan to "humanize the human body as a spiritual instrument" is based on each living life, and behind the success is the death of tens of thousands of lives.

Qin Yu didn't like the two people in front of her, but since Mu Liang said it, she wanted to take them back.

0……… Ask for flowers…………………

As for the treatment they will face after returning to the Xuanwu Kingdom, she doesn't know.

Zhihai and Fengyu's expressions were ugly, and they knew what Qin Yu was talking about.

Feng Yu's heart moved, and he said: "No, there are still many people in the city in the future. If we leave, they will die."

"How many people are there?" Qin Yu asked indifferently.

"Less than ten thousand people." Feng Yu said hoarsely.

After the virtual ghost reappeared, many people living in the future city ran away to the safer Xuanwu main country and transit base.

After Xu Gui attacked the Future City, there were no wasteland merchants to send supplies, so more and more people chose to flee, because there was no water and food, and they knew that they might die if they stayed.

Qin Yu thought for a while, and said: "If there are ten thousand people, then they all need to be weighed.

"What?" Feng Yu's eyes widened.

Qin Yu calmly said: "Staying here is waiting to die, it is better to go to the Xuanwu Kingdom."

The Xuanwu Kingdom needs people, and many lands still need people to cultivate, let alone so many new ones.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

The sound of footsteps came, and Xin Xi stared at Feng Yu and the two, as if looking at two dead people.

"They don't want to go?" she asked casually.

"En." Qin Yu nodded.

"Then break the leg and tie it back." Xinxi said coldly.

Qin Yu nodded in agreement: "Well, good.

"Let me do it, be direct." Xin Xi took a step forward, and the coercion of the holy steps spread out, enveloping Xiang Fengyu and the others.


Feng Yu and Zhi Hai spurted blood, and their whole bodies trembled [Looking at Xin Xi with a horrified expression.

"Let's go, we're going to pack our things now." Zhi Hai said in a panic.

He also understands that the future city cannot be defended. Although he is unwilling in his heart, it is more important to live.

Feng Yu didn't object, and he also knew in his heart that after arriving in the Xuanwu Kingdom, his social status would plummet, and he might even become a prisoner.

Qin Yu calmly said: "Go, tell the people in the city by the way, those who want to leave can come outside the city, and they will leave after dark.

"Understood. Feng Yu replied wearily, then turned and walked towards the city.

ps: [2 update]: The third update of the positive code. .

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