Palace, inside the main hall.

Li Yue looked towards the side hall where the studio was located, and asked, "Mu Liang hasn't come out yet?"

"No, it's been three days." Xiaomi shook her head.

Li Yue frowned slightly, and murmured: "I don't know what I'm busy with..."

Since Mu Liang left in the middle of the banquet, he entered the studio and hasn't come out until now, even when the kings came to visit the next day, he didn't come out.

When Mu Liang was away, the kings who were interviewed by Yue Qinlan and Hu Xian.

Although the several kings were dissatisfied, they couldn't say anything. After all, the fox fairy told them that Mu Liang was practicing in seclusion and must not be disturbed.

Xiaomi blinked her beautiful eyes and asked, "Miss Liyue, is there something urgent?"

Li Yue lightly shook her head and said, "It's the future city, but it's not a big deal."

Qin Yu wanted to take the people from Future City back to the Xuanwu Kingdom in "Qi Liu San". He should have asked Mu Liang for instructions on this matter, but he never came out, and finally settled the matter with Qin Lan's nod.

Except for the Future City incident, the court verdicts of Yaoxi and Liu Ersan came out.

Yaoxi was punished for several crimes, sentenced to ten years and six months in prison, and fined 300,000 yuan in Xuanwu coins. She was blacklisted and could never enter the Xuanwu Kingdom.

Not being able to enter the Xuanwu Kingdom means that she has no chance with another continent.

The safest way to go from the New Continent to the Old Continent is through the transport spaceship of the Xuanwu Kingdom.

After being blacklisted by the Xuanwu Kingdom, all projects related to the Xuanwu Kingdom will not be open for service in the future.

It includes the service of transporting spaceships, trains, logistics express, etc., as well as those in the New World.

Liu Er was sentenced to one year in prison and fined 10,000 basalt coins, and was also blacklisted.

Yaoxi's grandfather was also sentenced to one year in prison, fined 10,000 yuan in Xuanwu coins, and included in the blacklist of the Xuanwu Kingdom. At the same time, the related families were not allowed to provide various services of the Xuanwu Kingdom.

After the judgment came down, it was published in the newspaper the next day, and it was notified nationwide, and it was listed as a typical model.

After this result, the royal family and nobles in the Xuanwu Kingdom stopped, and began to really pay attention to the constitution of the Xuanwu Kingdom, lest one day break the law and be arrested and imprisoned, and a national notification would be required, which would be really embarrassing.

When the court pronounced the verdict, Yaoxi collapsed to the ground on the trial seat, crying into tears.

Li Yue glanced at the door of the studio, and said crisply: "When Mu Liang comes out, remember to notify me.

"Okay." Xiaomi nodded obediently.

Not long after Liyue left, Yue Qinyi walked into the palace.

Xiaomi's beautiful eyes lit up, and she asked curiously, "Why did Mr. Zhi come back today?"

"Why, I can't come back?" Yue Qinyi asked jokingly.

Xiaomi shook her head hastily and said, "Of course not."

A smile flashed across Yue Qinyi's eyes, and she asked, "Are you kidding me, is Lan here?"

Xiaomi breathed a sigh of relief, shook her head and said, "Master Qinlan went to the main city administration and will come back at night.

"Well, it's also very busy." Yue Qinyi shrugged and sat down on the soft sofa.

She asked again: "Crimson face isn't there either?"

Xiaomi nodded and said: "Miss Yue Feiyan has gone to the air force base, and she will only come back at night.

Yue Qinyi pursed her red lips and said with a smile, "Okay, pour me a glass of juice."

"Okay." Xiaomi nodded obediently, turned around and entered the kitchen.

After a while, she handed the freshly squeezed juice to the woman.

"Gulu Gulu~~~"

Yue Qinyi raised her head slightly and drank the whole glass of juice with a satisfied look on her face.

When she was filming a TV series at the film and television base, she rarely drank water a day, let alone juice. When she was busy, she might even forget to eat. There was a record of eating only one meal a day for three consecutive days.

Xiaomi took the empty cup and asked in a crisp voice: "Master Qinyi, do you want to have dinner in the palace tonight?"

Yue Qinyi nodded and said, "Well, I've been resting for the past two days and I'm staying in the palace."

She may only rest for one or two days a month, and she will come back to the highland to rest, and stay at the film and television base on weekdays as a director.

Xiaomi's beautiful eyes lit up, and she asked: "Great, let's have spicy hotpot tonight, is that okay?"

"I can do it." Yue Qinyi waved her hand indifferently.

The script in hand is almost finished shooting, she came back this time to get a new script, and at the same time take a break to care about her daughter's living conditions.

"I'm going to prepare the ingredients." Xiaomi said charmingly.

Yue Qinyi shouted: "Wait a minute, is the improvement in the study?"

Xiaomi shook her head and said: "Your Majesty is not in the study, he is busy in the studio, he has been in for three days, don't let anyone disturb you."

Yue Qinyi frowned lightly, and said in surprise: "Stay in the studio for three days, and what novel spiritual weapon are you studying?"

Every time Mu Liang doesn't come out of the studio, he must be researching novel things, besides spirit weapons and magic tools, he may also be studying magic circles..

"Not sure. Xiaomi said truthfully.

"Well, go get busy." Yue Qinyi pouted her chin.

"Yes." Xiaomi nodded obediently, then turned and went to the kitchen.

Yue Qinyi sat in the main hall for a while, but seeing no acquaintances came back, she got up and went to Mu Liang's study to see if there was a good script.


She pushed open the door of the study and walked in. An Qi was cleaning the study, when she turned her head and saw Yue Qinyi coming in, she left immediately.

An Qi's beautiful eyes widened, and she asked in surprise, "Master Qinlan, why did you cut your hair short?"

Yue Qinyi frowned slightly, and said with a smile: "I'm her sister, you've got the wrong person."

An Qi was stunned, and then remembered that the little maids had said that Qi Lan had a twin sister.

She blushed and saluted: "Master Qinyi?"

"Well, you can do your work." Yue Qinyi smiled gracefully, and walked to the dragon chair to sit down.

An Qi blushed, secretly looked at Yue Qinyi, and was amazed in her heart, it turned out that there were really two people who looked exactly alike.

Yue Qinyi glanced at the girl, and asked amusedly, "Why, do I have flowers on my face?"

"No, no." An Qi's pretty face flushed, she quickly lowered her head, and continued to clean the study room.

Yue Qinyi shook her head amusedly, picked up the files on the desktop and flipped through them.

An Qi hesitated for a moment, but still reminded: "Lord Qin Yi, Your Majesty hasn't read these documents yet."

Yue Qinyi paused for a while, raised her eyebrows lightly to look at the girl, and said with a smile: "It's okay, we can see these, otherwise they will all be locked."

If it is about confidential documents, or large policy plans, etc., it will be locked in the security vault, and only a few people can read it.

An Qi's pretty face flushed again, she quickly lowered her head, not daring to speak anymore.

The smile in Yue Qinyi's eyes grew stronger, and she was not angry in her heart. She continued to look through the document, which was a report on the development of No. 6 Acropolis.

She just turned two pages and was not interested, and looked for the script again after putting it down.

ps: [3 more]: Please customize. .

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