Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2318: The Spiritual Tool For Making Live Broadcasts. (1 More)

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

In the palace, Hu Xian and Yue Qinlan walked into the main hall together.

Yue Qinlan said gracefully, "I don't know if Mu Liang has finished his work."

Both of them had just returned from work, met outside the highland gate, chatted and returned to the palace.

Hu Xianmei said: "I don't know, he often disappears for several days when he is busy.

Yue Qinlan wanted to say something, when she saw Xiaomi in the main hall, she asked, "Xiaomi, has Mu Liang come out?"

"Lord Qinlan, Your Majesty is still in the studio." Xiao Da shook his head.

"Not finished yet?" Yue Qinlan sighed helplessly.

Hu Xianmei smiled and said: "The Xuanwu Kingdom is nothing serious right now, so let's be busy.

Yue Qinlan shrugged with a smile, and walked towards the study.

Fox Immortal moved his nose, smelled the fragrance wafting from the kitchen, and walked towards the kitchen step by step.

In the kitchen, Qing Wu and the others are preparing to cook dinner, and the ingredients for the spicy hot pot have been prepared.

Xiao Zi turned around feeling a little bit, and said coquettishly, "Master Hu Immortal."

"Spicy hotpot tonight?" Hu Immortal frowned slightly.

"Yeah, Master Qinyi is back, so 07 will eat spicy hot pot tonight." Xiao Zi smiled.

Hu Immortal raised his eyebrows lightly and said: "Qin Yi is back, I happened to talk to her about the image ambassador.

Yue Qinyi has always been the image ambassador of the Xuanwu Kingdom, and every once in a while she will take pictures to promote it.

"Master Qin Yi is still in the study." An Qi said weakly.

"Understood, you guys." Hu Immortal turned and left the kitchen.

When she came to the study, Yue Qinyi was chatting and laughing with Yue Qinlan, talking about the new and strange things that happened during this period.

"What are you talking about, so happy?" The fox fairy pushed the door and entered, flicked the fox tail lightly, and the door closed again.

Yue Qinyi said crisply: "Just chatting, I heard from Qin Lan that the auction was very successful and earned a lot of Warcraft crystals.

"It's a lot of money, but it's not enough for Little Xuanwu to evolve again." Hu Immortal said regretfully.

Yue Qinlan reassured: "There is no rush for this kind of thing, Mu Liang will arrange it."

"Yeah." The fox fairy smiled and sat down.

Yue Qinyi sized up the fox-tailed woman, and joked, "I haven't seen you for a while, but she's pretty again."

"No, it's still the same." There was light in the pink eyes of the fox fairy.

"Really, the skin is better than before." Yue Qinyi praised.

"Hehehe, being praised so much by you, I don't even have to eat dinner." The fox fairy said with a smile like a flower.

The three of them talked and laughed, and mentioned the matter of the image spokesperson in the middle, and spent half an hour finalizing various matters.

"Tap T T T ~ ~ ~"

There were footsteps and there was a knock on the study door.

Yao'er said in a crisp voice: "Lord Qinlan, Lord Huxian, Your Majesty has come out."

The beautiful eyes of the three women lit up at the same time when they heard the words, and they got up at the same time and wanted to leave.

"I'm so anxious, is there something urgent that I need to deal with?" A clear voice sounded, and Mu Liang walked into the main hall, meeting the eyes of the girls.

Yue Qinlan reproached, "There's nothing urgent, I'm just worried that you're too tired to faint in the studio."

"That's impossible." Mu Liang smiled.

He has been very busy these days, busy making live video artifacts, preparing for the online Holy Land meeting.

Hu Immortal looked at Mu Liang, and said charmingly: "Look at the ashes on your body, go wash up."

"Well, I'll go wash it." Mu Liang smiled and nodded.

He has to deal with a lot of materials from ferocious beasts and magical beasts to make spiritual tools, which will inevitably produce a lot of dust and debris.

After Mu Liang washed up and changed his clothes, he came out, and dinner was just on the table.

"Your Majesty, dinner is ready." The little maids said.

Mu Liang nodded, sat down and asked, "How many days have I been busy?"

He has immersed himself in the study of spiritual weapons and magic circles for the past few days, and has not paid attention to the change of time at all.

An Qi said obediently: "Today is the third day."

Mu Liang frowned slightly, and asked sideways, "Three days, have those kings been here?"

Yue Qinlan said gracefully: "I've been here, I and Hu Immortal received you."

"What did they say?" Mu Liang said as he picked up his chopsticks and began to enjoy his dinner.

He hasn't eaten for three days, but fortunately his body is strong enough, and he will be fine if he doesn't eat for a month.

Yue Qinlan said crisply: "Let's talk about this later, I have already written a report and put it in the study."

"Well, good." Mu Liangcha nodded.

"Mu Liang, what are you doing in the studio?" Mino asked curiously, tilting his head.

"Study the new spiritual weapon." Mu Liang responded casually.

Mino blinked his beautiful blue eyes, and asked curiously, "What kind of new ghost?"

"Live spiritual weapon." Mu Liang smiled.

"What can it be used for?" Alina also asked curiously.

Mu Liang briefly introduced: "Of course it is used for live broadcasting, and the antennas installed on the TV can be borrowed to achieve low-latency video transmission.

In order to promote television, Mu Liang set up antennas in the old and new continents, which can shorten the transmission distance of the signal.

The live broadcast tool he made this time borrowed these antennas to achieve low-latency video live broadcast.

How low this low delay is, still needs to be known through actual calculations, but what is certain is that it is much lower than the delay of the sound transmission of the resonator.

"Hey, it's the same as the previous live broadcast." Alina blinked her beautiful eyes and said.

At the time of the founding ceremony, a live broadcast was carried out, so that the transfer bases far away in the old continent could see the scene.

"Well, the functions are the same, but the previous live broadcasts were too complicated and required the use of TVs and video cameras. These two magical devices are too big and the stability is not good enough." Mu Liang explained.

Alina guessed: "So you made a new spiritual weapon, smaller and more stable?"

"It's about the same." Mu Liang reached out and took out a flat spiritual weapon, which was very similar to the old desktop computer on the earth, except that the one in his hand was flatter.

The Live Spirit Tool is forty centimeters long and thirty centimeters wide. The front is a piece of smooth colored glass, and the back is inlaid with six warcraft crystals.

Careful observation can also find that there is a magic circle in the Warcraft spar, and there is more than one.

"This is the live streaming tool, it looks so small." Mino looked at it curiously.

Mu Liang said softly: "Don't look at it as small, there are twelve magic circles inside, including three eighth-level magic circles.

Elina took a breath and said: "Hiss, then only you can make such a spiritual weapon.

Mu Liang smiled wryly and said: "Let Lanxi help me, I have to produce a batch as soon as possible and send them to various kingdoms and big cities.

"We must hurry up." Yue Qinlan nodded.

Yue Feiyan said with a stern face: "No, then these spirit weapons are cheaper than those city lords."

The fox fairy said without hesitation: "That's impossible. After the Holy Land meeting is over, all these spirit artifacts will be recovered. If they want them, they will have to pay for them."

"Yes." Mu Liang looked at the fox-tailed woman with admiring eyes.

ps: [1 update]: Please customize. .

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