Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2325: Everything Is For Fame And Earning Crystals. (1 More)

In the palace, in the study.

Mu Liang was flipping through the documents when there was a knock on the study door.

"Come in." He responded casually.


Liyue pushed the door and entered, holding the helmet of the Holy Light Armor in her hand, her silver hair was hanging down, which was particularly eye-catching under the support of the golden armor.

Mu Liang stared at the silver-haired girl firmly, with the corners of his lips raised.

"What's wrong?" Li Yue blinked her silver-white eyes, and waved her hand in front of Mu Ye.

"It's okay." Mu Liang came back to his senses, his eyes lowered naturally.

He casually asked, "How is the preparation for the actual combat exercise?"

Liyue nodded and said: "It's all arranged, and it can be carried out on time tomorrow, and the location is outside the No. 8 Acropolis.

In order to improve the combat capability of the ghost special forces, Mu Liang ordered an actual combat drill.

Participating members include members of Ghost Special Assassin Team 1st, 2nd, 3rd, Highland Guard 1st, Highland Guard 2nd and 3rd.

Liyue, Elena and others will also participate. They are the captains, and they are also the ones who will fight against each other in the actual combat drill tomorrow.

"Well, that's good." Mu Liang nodded in satisfaction.

He raised his eyes and asked warmly, "By the way, what can I do for you?"

"It's nothing, I just told you about it." Li Yue shook her head lightly.

Mu Liang gestured to the seat beside him: "Well, sit down and rest for a while."

Li Yue obediently sat down, her attention fell on the paper in Mu Liang's hand.

She whispered: "National singer?"

Mu Liang nodded, and explained: "Well, the fox fairy said that he wants to create stars, and there is a shortage of people who can sing. He wants to select a group of people through competitions. In the future, he can hold concerts and so on, and earn crystals."

He mentioned the entertainment industry in his previous life to the fox-tailed woman, but she didn't expect her to be interested, so she wrote a plan overnight and asked Mu Liang to see if it would work.

Mu Liang has read the proposal written by the foxtail woman. If all goes well, he will indeed be able to create a singer belonging to the Xuanwu Kingdom. In the future, he will indeed be able to earn a lot of money in concerts. Yunwubao will become more famous.

He was considering whether to follow the plan written by the foxtail woman.

Li Yue took the proposal and looked at it for a while, her beautiful silver eyes gradually lit up.

She looked at Mu Liang, and said crisply: "It's good, if this plan is successful, it should be able to earn a lot of magic layer (bbb) crystals."

"Well, let's proceed according to the plan." Mu Liang chuckled lightly, and it was already decided.

Hu Immortal's plan was very comprehensive, he only revised a small part, and the matter was finalized.

Li Yue asked softly, "But don't we have too few songs?"

"It's a little..." Mu Liang nodded slowly.

There are only thirty-five songs made into sound stones for sale, all of which Mino learned first, and then taught the band members to sing.

Although there are thousands of songs in Mu Liang's mobile phone, they are all in Chinese and English, which is out of tune with this world, so he needs to translate them into the local language.

He smiled and said: "This is a problem, but we can also hold songwriting competitions and let the people play freely."

"Are you sure they can compose songs?" Liyue couldn't say a word.

Mu Liang warmly said: "Try to know that there are free courses to teach those who are interested in learning notes and composition, and the competition will be held in half a month."

"Well, this is also a way." Li Yue said thoughtfully.

Mu Liang finalized it: "The National Singer Competition and the Composition Competition are scheduled to take place in half a month, leaving time for the public to learn and create."

Li Yue asked softly: "Okay, will it be published in the newspaper tomorrow?"

"Of course, when Qin Lan comes back, let her arrange it." Mu Liang said softly.

"Alright." Li Yue's eyes flickered.

"We have to write down the rules of the composition competition." Mu Liang said as he pulled a blank piece of paper, picked up a pen and began to write the rules of the contest.

Li Yue sat quietly at the side, and after spending half an hour with Mu Liang, she got up and left. Tomorrow, she will conduct actual combat drills, and she will discuss battle strategies with her teammates.

After the silver-haired girl left, Mu Liang revised the rules of the composition competition, and finally sorted out 20 competition rules.

"Let's do it first."

Satisfied, he put down the paper in his hand, thought for a while, then took out the mobile phone from the portable space, turned on the music player inside, and began to sort out the songs inside.

In the singing competition, there must naturally be songs for the contestants to sing. As for the songs created in the composition competition, after a group of singers are selected, they will sing the new songs.

He needs to sort out some songs, so that interested people can practice in the next half month.

"Is it possible to get the KTV out?" Mu Liang paused while writing, thinking of another thing.

People lack a place to practice singing, so they can't howl at home every day, which is not conducive to the harmony of neighbors.

"Well, KTV has to be produced..." Mu Liang's eyes sparkled, and he already had an idea in his heart.

He took another piece of white paper and began to write and draw on it.

With KTV, there will be a new place for public leisure and entertainment in the future.

When Yue Qinlan came back to the palace, Jia Jia was no longer in the room.

She looked at Xiaomi with a questioning look in her eyes: "Where's Mu Liang?"

"Your Majesty went to the studio again." Xiaomi explained.

"Why are you in the studio again? What are you doing this time?" Qin Lan frowned slightly.

Xiaomi said crisply: "I heard His Majesty mentioned that it seems to be a magic weapon for KTV, but I don't know what it is."

"KTV's magic weapon?" Yue Qinlan imitated the awkward name and asked with her head full.

Xiao Mi said coquettishly: "Your Majesty said, don't wait for him for dinner, and come out tomorrow during the actual combat drill.

"Got it." Yue Qinlan waved her hand and walked into the study.

She saw the file on the desktop, casually picked it up and flipped through it.

"National singer, composition competition?" She slowly sat down and began to study the two proposals.

After a while, Yue Qinlan put down the two proposals, and picked up the rules of the composition competition to read them carefully.

"Two new competitions, they should be publicized in the newspaper tomorrow."

She whispered to herself, and saw the time of the competition from the plan, which was still half a month away.

When Liyue came back, Yue Qinlan confirmed the matter from her mouth, took the two proposals away, and went to the newspaper office in person.

After Hu Immortal came back and learned that Mu Liang had agreed to the plan, her beautiful eyes lit up.

"When the competition starts, I'm going to be a judge." She smiled charmingly.

"Mu Liang should agree." Li Yue said softly.

The rose red eyes of the fox fairy were shining, and she said in a charming voice: "Of course, before that, I have to arrange the work well."

Li Yue blinked her eyes, the fox fairy is very concerned about the 'National Singer' competition, but she doesn't know that the fox-tailed woman is very concerned about earning Warcraft crystals.

ps: [1 update]: The second update of the positive code. .

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