Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2326: It Was Broken By Playing. (2 More)

"Boom boom boom~~~"

The bell was melodious, and when the Xuanwu Bell was rung, the huge tree of life slowly lit up, bringing the Xuanwu Kingdom into daylight.

In the palace, Xibeqi and others have woken up, all dressed up, and are going to watch the actual combat drill of the ghost special forces together.

"I'm ready." Elena walked into the main hall wearing ghost armor.

Yan Bing, Nijisha, Mia, and Liyue were all ready, their faces were full of seriousness, and they were very concerned about today's actual combat drill.

"Where's Mu Liang, haven't you come out of the studio yet?" Li Yue asked softly.

"No, but Master Qinlan went to call." Xiao Da said crisply.

Nijisha looked towards the direction of the studio and sighed: "Mu Liang has been busy for another day."

"He is always the busiest." Yan ~ Bing said seriously.

Alina stretched out her hand and clenched her fist and waved it: "Today's actual combat drill must perform well, and don't let Mu Shi down.

"I won't show mercy." Yan Bing said word by word.

Elena widened her pink eyes, pretending to be vicious and said: "Hmph, I'm the one who won't show mercy, just wait, I'm going to beat the shit out of you.

Mia didn't take it seriously, and asked with interest: "How is your adventure travel and girl's love diary going?"

Alina said crisply: "Hee hee, the new adventure travel diary is almost finished, and the 'Girl's Love Diary' is still a few days away. I'm too busy these days, so I don't have time to write it."

Yan Bing exposed it mercilessly: "Are you busy, what time did you watch TV last night before going to bed?"

"It's three o'clock." Alina replied subconsciously.

Mia blinked her crimson eyes, and asked amusedly, "Watching TV until three o'clock, saying you don't have time to write a book?"

Elena's eyes wandered for a moment, and she said confidently: "That... people should relax a bit, it's all for today's actual combat drill."

Liyue put her arms around the pink-haired girl's shoulders, and asked, "So, after the actual combat drill is over, you can write a book with peace of mind." Won't you watch TV dramas until midnight?"

"It should be......... It shouldn't be a problem to take a break once in a while." Alina said in a softer voice.

Nijisha hugged her arms in front of her, shook her head and said in a tone of hatred: "Tsk, your book is selling well, you can earn a lot of Warcraft crystals, and you can get a share, you don't care about it. "

Elina said with a serious face, "Mu Liang said that people should combine work and rest, otherwise they will be broken.

"Are you going to break?" Yan Bing raised his eyebrows lightly.

"Yes, it will break if you don't rest." Alina said seriously.

With a smile in her eyes, Nijisha joked, "I've only heard of being ruined by being played, but I haven't heard that writing can ruin myself."

Alina was stunned for a moment, her pretty face blushed immediately, she glared at the blue-haired girl angrily and said, "Don't talk dirty.

They also learned the word "open yellow accent" from the script written by Mu Liang.


Nijisha had a great laugh, and she couldn't get enough of everyone teasing Alina.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

Footsteps came, Yue Qinlan came back from the direction of the studio, and there was no one behind her.

"Hey, where's Mu Liang?" Yue Feiyan asked in surprise.

Yue Qinlan said helplessly: "He still needs to be busy for a while, so the departure time should be delayed by an hour."

She had just knocked on the door of the studio, and wanted to call Mu Liang out, but what she got was that she would not be busy for an hour.

"Okay, then postpone it for an hour." Li Yue nodded lightly, then turned to send a message to the highland guards and the ghost special assassination team.

"Let's have breakfast first," Yue Qinlan said gracefully.

Alina and others answered with a long voice: "Okay~~..."

Everyone entered the dining room, and the little maids had already prepared breakfast.

Today's breakfast is very rich, with a wide variety of seven or eight kinds, such as soup noodles, dumplings, steamed buns, rice rolls and so on.

"How do you have so much breakfast today?" Mino asked delicately.

Qingwu explained: "Today everyone is very well prepared, and the tastes are different, so I made a little more breakfast.

Except for An Qi, all the other maids know how to make various breakfasts. Everyone has a clear division of labor, and it is not difficult for one person to make one kind of breakfast.

"You don't have to do so much next time, it's too troublesome." Yue Qinlan said gracefully.

Xiaomi then said: "It's no trouble, one person can make one kind of breakfast, and these are all ready within half an hour.

The dough is kneaded in advance, and the meat fillings of rice rolls, dumplings and steamed buns are the same, which saves a lot of work.

"Okay." Yue Qinlan said gracefully.

The girls ate very happily, until Mu Liang came out, and all the breakfasts on the table were cleaned up.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

...ask for flowers...

Mu Liang walked into the restaurant, only to see a table of empty bowls and plates.

"Your Majesty has come out." All the maids exclaimed in surprise.

Alina looked dumbfounded, looked at the dishes on the table and said, "Hey, but I've finished breakfast, there's nothing left."

Yue Qinlan covered her mouth and smiled lightly: "If you come out a little later, the dishes may have been cleaned.

Mu Liang didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but he came out more than half an hour late and didn't leave any breakfast.

Xiao Zi respectfully asked: "Your Majesty, I will make whatever you want to eat now."

Mu Liang flipped his hand, took out the star fruit and said: "No need, I'll just eat some star fruit, pack up and go.

If a person is full, one serving is enough to solve the problem.

Li Yue said softly: "It won't waste a lot of time to cook a bowl of noodles."

"I'm fine if I don't eat for a few days, don't worry about it." Mu Liang waved his hand, took a bite of the star fruit, and walked to the study, ready to change his clothes before setting off.

Liyue glanced at the time, stood up and said, "Everyone get ready to leave in twenty minutes."

"Okay." Alina and the others responded, and they all got up and left the kitchen. They were going to meet up with the ghost special forces, and then set off to the No. 8 Acropolis together.

Twenty minutes later, Mu Liang came out fully dressed. He was wearing a black and gold dress with dark embroidered patterns on it.

"Where are Elina and the others?" He looked at the silver-haired girl who was waiting for him.

Li Yue explained softly: "They set off first, and they have to prepare in advance."

"Yeah, that's fine." Mu Liang nodded and walked out.

Yue Feiyan and Xi Beiqi followed and went to the local portal together.

Yue Qinlan was going to the main city administration, so she didn't go to watch the actual combat drill with her this time.


In Acropolis No. 8, where the teleportation gate is located, the vortex inside the gate spun, and Kai and others stepped out.


"Your Majesty, Wan An." The soldiers on duty hurriedly saluted.

"En." Mu Liang lightly nodded.

He stepped out of the portal, boarded the transport spaceship prepared outside with Liyue and others, and headed for the No. 8 Acropolis.

The location of this actual combat exercise is in the wilderness between the No. 8 Acropolis and the No. 7 Acropolis.

ps: [2 update]: The third update of the positive code. .

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