Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2327: The Service Is Very Comfortable. (3 More)

Between Acropolis No. 8 and Acropolis No. 7, there is a wilderness with a radius of five kilometers.

The vegetation there is lush, weeds are overgrown, the trees block out the sky, and the tallest weeds are a bit taller than adults.

The ghost special forces are divided into three teams, the members of the ghost team 3 and the highland guard team 3 act as hostages, the ghost team 1 and the highland guard team 1 play the gangsters, and the ghost team 2 and the highland guard team 2 play rescuers.

People from the third team and the first team have gone deep into the jungle and hid Fang Yin at the place selected in advance, which is unknown to the second team.

At this time, the members of the second team were still outside the jungle, waiting for Mu Liang and others to arrive, announcing the start of the exercise.

There are thirty-two people in the second team, eight of them are members of the ghost special assassination team, and the remaining twenty-four are highland guards.

"Now, check your equipment again." Hu Xi said with a serious face.

In the second team, "Three Seven Seven" Huxi, Kaina, Si Shali, and Angela are in the first team.

"Yes." Everyone responded in unison, checking their equipment again.

They wear ghost armor and ghost cloak shields, and carry crossbows with them, but they are the most common crossbows, and the arrows used are also made of rubber, which will not cause damage to teammates

The arrows of the crossbow arrows are made of highly viscous spider silk, which will stick to the opponent's body after being shot out. As long as the arrows hit the vital points without falling off, it means that they have been killed.

Of course, if the location of the shot is not fatal, the opponent can still live and can continue to participate in the exercise.

There are several fatal points, namely the head, heart and throat

Crossbows and crossbow arrows are not the only weapons, there is also a short knife, as long as it hits the vital points of the opponent, it can also be eliminated.

A small transport spaceship descended from the sky, appeared outside the jungle, and slowly landed in front of Huxi and the others.

The cabin door opened, and Mu Liang and the others stepped out.

"Your Majesty, Wan An." Everyone saluted quickly.

Mu Liang asked calmly, "Well, are you ready?"

"Ready." Huxi and the others shouted in unison.

Mu Liang nodded slowly, and continued to ask: "Very good, are the tasks clear?"

Hu Xi said word by word: "Rescue the hostages, capture the enemy, if the situation does not permit, kill the enemy immediately.

Mu Liang said seriously: "Very well, you only have one day, and you must complete the task before tomorrow."

"Yes, I promise to complete the task." Huxi and others saluted again.

"Then let's go." Mu Liang nodded in satisfaction.

"Yes." Everyone saluted again, and went straight to the jungle with their equipment.

"Follow them. Mu Liang stretched out his hand and released several small flying spirit weapons, with a live broadcast spirit weapon fixed on them.

The small flying spirit weapon flew out with the live broadcast spirit weapon, and the seven-color light flashed past, and the flying spirit weapon and the live broadcast spirit weapon disappeared together.

Mu Liang installed nine-colored lizard scales on the two spiritual weapons, which can make them invisible, and can live broadcast the performance of the three teams without affecting their exercises.

Not only the people from the second team have the live broadcast spirit weapon to follow, but the third team and the first team have already arranged for it.

Liyue took out three TVs and connected them to the live streaming device, and soon the screen of each TV was divided into six parts, and different screens could be seen.

Six of the pictures are the members of the three teams who just left.

The pictures of the other two cameras are of the members of the third team and the first team respectively.

The three teams were tied up and hidden in the underground cave, and the first team was gathering together to discuss the plan.

Mu Liang turned his head and asked, "Who do you think will win?"

Liyue thought for a while, and said, "It's hard to say, but the possibility of the first team winning is relatively high. After all, they are veteran members, and the overall strength will be stronger."

The silver-haired girl did not participate in this exercise, and Elina, Yan Bing and others were enough.

Mu Liang said calmly: "For Huxi and the others, this exercise is very difficult, one in the open and the other in the dark. 11

Liyue said crisply: "This is the time to test their strength. Usually, if they learn reconnaissance and counter-reconnaissance well, the problem will not be too big."

"It's still early, let's make some tea. Mu Liang took out some tables and chairs, and the old god sat down.

The people of the second team entered from the outskirts of the jungle, and it would take two hours to reach the location of the members of the first and third teams under caution, unless the people of the soldier team charged violently.

Both the third team and the first team are hidden, and it is not easy for the second team to find them.

In the video, the members of the third team are very bored, chatting in the cave.

The people in the first team on the ground had a lively discussion, Yan Bing nodded his head from time to time, Elena and Nijisha talked a lot

The accompanying maid thoughtfully helped to make and serve tea, took out cut fruits and placed them on the table, making Mu Liang very comfortable to serve.

Elena and Yue Feiyan stared at the TV, expecting the three teams to encounter each other.

Xiaomi said crisply: "Miss Crimson Yan, Miss Xi Beiqi, drink tea.

"Okay." Yue Feiyan turned around, took a cup of tea and continued to stare at the TV.

Li Yue remembered what happened in the morning, and asked softly: "Mu Liang, what are you researching in the studio?"

Mu Liang said softly: "Research on the spiritual weapon of song-ordering and singing, but it has not been completed yet, and you will talk about it when it is done.

"Well, I'm looking forward to it." Li Yue said softly.

"I will definitely not disappoint you." Mu Liang smiled.

The corners of Li Yue's lips curled up slightly, and she nodded slowly.

"Hey, Huxi and the others have slowed down." Yue Feiyan said in surprise.

Huxi, Charlotte and others have already completed the delivery mission in the Old Continent and returned a few days ago.

"It should have been discovered." Mu Liang said indifferently.

The small flying spirit weapon flew forward with the live broadcast spirit weapon, approaching Huxi and the others.

Huxi had stopped and was checking the fallen bushes nearby.

Angela frowned slightly, and whispered: "They passed by here."

Hu Xi said with a serious face: "There is a possibility of 4.4, but it is more likely to be just a trap, or to confuse us."

Si Shali nodded in agreement: "That's right, Alina and the others are very strong, and they are very good at anti-reconnaissance, so they shouldn't make such low-level mistakes.

Angela slapped her head, stood up and said, "That's right, I almost forgot about this, Captain Ice and the others won't make such a mistake."

Hu Xi said seriously: "Well, so it is very likely that this place is used to confuse us and lead us to other places."

Several people discussed in low voices and decided on the next move.

Angela ordered: "Groups of two or two, spread out, search the surrounding area of ​​500 meters, look for other traces, come back and gather within half an hour."

"Yes." The highland guards responded and dispersed in groups of two and two.

ps: [3 more]: Please customize. .

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